Here is the new proposed Assault Weapons ban of 2019 Text - H.R.1263 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): National Firearms Amendments Act of 2019 As written, if this if becomes law, it will not grandfather currently owned weapon that would be effected. You would have 120 days to register your weapons or become instant felons. (b) Applicability.—Any person who, on the date of the enactment of this Act, lawfully owns or possesses a semiautomatic rifle or shotgun (as defined in section 5845(a) of such Code, as amended by this Act) that has the capacity to accept a detachable ammunition feeding device (as defined in such section) shall, not later than 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act, register the semiautomatic rifle or shotgun in accordance with section 5841 of such Code. Such registration shall become a part of the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record required to be maintained by such section. The prohibition on possession of an unregistered firearm under section 5861 of such Code shall not apply to possession of such a semiautomatic rifle or shotgun that has the capacity to accept such a detachable ammunition feeding device on any date that is 120 days or less after the enactment of this Act.
I would expect the Senate to stop it and if not then it is 'game on' and the streets will runs red. I just hope those spineless parasites in the House that voted for this law are the first to go but they will expect someone else to die for always.
ooo insta criminals of about 100 million people. This is going to be interesting. Wouldn't that be making the largest standing army the world had and probably ever will see? Just guessing enforcement is going to be difficult at best.
I suspect that a whole bunch of Demoncrates would run for the hills, come next election cycle, if such a Statute was passed, and signed into Law... as well as making Trump a one term President... Most Repubs would run on a “Repeal of the Act” Platform and corral every FireArms owners vote...
National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record..... Last I heard there was NO such thing. They can f.o.a.d. ETA: The National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record deals with NFA weapons...learned something new
Did I ever mention the pirogue.s I flipped while hunting? Lost a lot of things and you know,Those guns won't float !!!
Is it bad of me to hope it passes and trump signs it? It would cause the issue to be settled once and for all. Albeit .. it could be quite messy before the final resolution. And hopefully the UN would stay out of it. We won't need any target practice.
I am glad that I am not the only one that thinks this way. I don’t want to fight this as an old as the hills geezer. So as Pink once sang, “let’s get this party started”
They can't even keep track of what's on the NFA registry now. Think of the push-back on voter ID laws. Remember all those arguments? How can the same arguments NOT apply to a semi-auto registration scheme? LOL! There's one thing that the gun folk I hang out with have in common. With an amazing level of acceptance that goes beyond politics, pigmentation, and every other personal preference, they're all going to "cling" to their guns. As an interesting side note, there are some really interesting pieces that have been removed from the NFA registry because they're old, funky and considered obsolete. These lists are not all-inclusive, since once removed the firearm was apparently forgotten. Enjoy!
It seems like a law like this would cause someone somewhere to be building a list of the anti American perpetrators of this kind of attack on our American constitutional civil liberties. Just a guess here.
First, it wont pass. Second, Yawn........ no one would do anything. Circa 1995 no one did nothing when they had that asshat rifle ban. Third, I get tired not point at anyone here, just in general. All these will not comply folks. They will not rebel oh maybe they will sock them away for a revolution that will never come. Everyone loves their retirement pensions, their boats and cars, and paycheck. All would stop if a revolution occurred. People you know and love would most likely die. The level needed would be historical in nature, just based on all those people that are armed. If 1/2 stood, at least 1/2 of those would fall. Words are great, but no where in history have they solved this level we are talking. I am not saying revolt, I am not saying civil war should be. I am saying it is much more then many can even fathom the toll it would take. If it ever does, I would have their six........ to old to care and still young enough to cause damage. But I think it will go like it has been, the no comply people did in California, Did in Oregon and WA state
I will be making a few phone calls just to let my thoughts on this bill be known. I am sure they are getting calls to from people hoping it will pass. Please note there are a few other ills that need watching: MAJOR Gun Control Bills Move To U.S House Floor For A Vote ~VIDEO
People thought Trump would veto the bump stock ban. Please go to this link, scroll down to the Gun Regulation section. Political positions of Donald Trump - Wikipedia IMO he could go either way.