The Junk Yard

Discussion in 'Bushcraft' started by Motomom34, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    Harvesting is a good word. Caution is too.
    KIMG2749. Here's a side airbag for size and shape reference.
    SB21 and Motomom34 like this.
  2. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    The junk yard may be able to point out dozens of cars with deployed bags all ready for harvesting.
    SB21 and Motomom34 like this.
  3. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Pictures Please.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  4. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Yes sir! I may even ask the kid to take pictures so you can see me salvaging stuff hands-on. :D
    SB21 and HK_User like this.
  5. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson Monkey+++

    I seem to remember an episode of survivorman where Les cannibalized the interior of a car to make some gear, might be some good inspiration.
  6. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    The guys on Mythbusters did that too.
    SB21, Motomom34 and HK_User like this.
  7. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Thank you Homer & Seawolf I will look for those shows. It will be interesting to see what gear and stuff they used.
    SB21, Homer Simpson and HK_User like this.
  8. Question? what are the fan blade for? Wind power?
    Motomom34 likes this.
  9. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Yes. One of those stupid ideas I want to try. I have a few old bed frames and was thinking about what I could build with them. Then I thought,why not learn how to build a small windmill. I do not think I will get a fan big enough at the junk yard. Just one of those projects we want to try and learn how to do.
  10. I uploaded complete construction plans of 1 type of windmill. blade construction is part of it. I all so have plans for windmills that use what are known as Sail blades, and several other types. let me know if you want me to upload those too.
    Zimmy and Motomom34 like this.
  11. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Not too sure how big you are looking for, but you won't find the really large ones in the auto yards. Check with the local heavy equipment joints, Caterpiller, Komatsu and the like. Some of those mining and construction fans are, um, LARGE. That said, they are shaped to move air, not be moved by it.
  12. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    I always buy bed frames when I go to the scrap yard.
  13. Cheep angle iron, You cant go
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  14. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    What do you use them for?
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  15. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    We don’t have a junk yard no more,but I remember them when I was a kid. I miss them a lot.
    oldawg and Gator 45/70 like this.
  16. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Sometimes those scrap metal recycling places will sell you some metal at scrap prices.
    Zimmy, Gator 45/70 and oldman11 like this.
  17. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I try to avoid going there ,there is magnetic attraction I have a problem with .
    Ganado, Gator 45/70 and Motomom34 like this.
  18. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Bed frames are the tinker toys of adults that build things .
    Go carts ,tables, bearing press, shelving, extended handles, scraper, pry bar, towel holder ,
    construction brackets, strait edge, gusset , ad nauseum .
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  19. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    If among my materials for barter bed frames are among them .
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  20. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    I have used bed frames from every thing from concrete rebar, to makes carts, shelves, area denial sculptures, fence and lots of other stuff.

    Only bad thing about it is no good for any kind of repeat high stress application if it's being welded. The bed frames are are very high carbon steel and possibly heat treated. Any time you weld it and the structure deforms a little it's always going to crack at the edge of the weld.
    DuxDawg, Ganado, Gator 45/70 and 2 others like this.
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