Nope, It is in Seattle, at AlaskaChick’s folks place... She is driving right now while she is there till Wed...
What do old folks do in the Alaska out back do when they get sick or old and cannot go anymore,say about 90yr old.
They Sell Out to some of the younger Folks... Just like the couple we bought our new Place from... They winter in Aridzona, and decided to consolidate their Holdings, down there as they are getting to the time they just can't maintain both places... Our deal states that they are MORE THAN Welcome, to use the Lower Cabin, each summer, for as long as they want, and we will learn from them how to open up, close down, and operate, the New Place, for the next few years, from them.... They spent 40 years building this place, and they need to be reassured that we are keeping it well cared for... That is our Goal, as well as keeping them in our lives and Friendship...