Our Beloved Monkey is Sick!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ura-Ki, Jan 11, 2019.

  1. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    More than 30 years ago I had a discussion with my Dad and he told me to seek out a government job when I got older because that's going to be the only good source of employment. I remember arguing that government that size isn't sustainable. Turns out, I was right.

    Just like this forum, life is what we make of it. If we become dependent upon "government" for our survival, we will have to accept the consequences. This place is not sick, people are. Make of it what you will, it's a forum of your own making.
  2. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Merkun "The question remains, does the monkey have to be just another place to read up on it?"
    I do not do any other sites, none. This is it. This is home and pretty much has everything I need/want so why would I (or anyone) go somewhere else? As I said, this is my only forum and there is a very good reason for that...

    @VisuTrac Great post! You might want to consider running for office... :) (Please don't throw anything at me! LOL!)

    Reading these posts it seems to me that perhaps people feel the Tree is losing its way and it has turned into more of Ranting House or Political Rag than a Survival Forum. Maybe I am wrong but I think that is the gist of the concern.

    For me, the Tree fulfills all my needs technically, socially and, in truth, about everything else...it is much, much more than a simple Survival Forum. For example, this week alone I spoke to members about topics ranging from Sawmills to Kindle Fire tablets plus I learned about a huge number of social and political topics which I honestly didn't know anything about. Last week, I learned about knife steel and it helped me with a decision to purchase an expensive item.

    And, if someone deems that they want/should post something reference to 'whatever' (flying pigs?) then I will, more than likely, at the very least look at it. I might not read it entirely but normally I will at least glance at it, much like reading a newspaper or magazine and decide if it interests me enough to read more.

    So, IMHO, we have something very, very good here and I think we should be very, very careful about changing anything...
    Ganado, Gator 45/70, oldawg and 4 others like this.
  3. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I say leave as it is. I post goofy nonsense at times because I’m not nearly as knowledgeable as some folks. Also posted a tad bit about myself for entertainment value. I’m holding the details back from the Million Dollar Da$h though. You’ll have to buy the book. :cool:
  4. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Well I guess a lot of the post is aimed at me. I am afraid that the present political situation and the rapidly raising temp of the pot I was contentedly swimming in has got to me. I am 80 years old, spent 4 + years in the USAF and part of it was maintaining nukes, I have seen them go off and it ain't nothing like the video's and if it does happen, there will be no follow up news at 10 PM. I have a Master's degree in Political Science and it turned me off until I went back to mechanic and machinist and have been doing that since 1975. My great grand mother was Lakota and talking to the cousins on the reservation as a child convinced me that being forbidden to own weapons, living locked up on a reservation, depending on the state for your food and shelter, was probably not a good idea. I am a turned off Christian as most of the churches have become either major industries or feel good institutes and while it seems to satisfy most people, I go back to my Bible based roots and ignore most of modern sects. I study history and while it doesn't repeat, it sure seems to rhyme, and we seem to be entering a period of perfect storm.
    My life, no matter how much I wish it wasn't is totally dependent on others. Modern medicine kept me alive at age 6, again at age 71, and numerous other times with vaccines, antibiotics, etc, my wife has had cervical cancer, 20 years ago, tripple heart bypass, 8 years ago, and likewise a lot of other saves we don't even know about. My pension depends on the continued "full faith and credit" of the US as without my savings and Social Security I can not pay my taxes, medical bills, insurances, buy food and other things. I have a greenhouse, guns, garden, heat with wood, have stored food, etc, but if everything falls apart ty chance of being alive at 80 and my wife's chance at 78, borders on 0. I am afraid that fact tends to influence my reading and my opinions.
    GOG, Homer Simpson, Zimmy and 6 others like this.
  5. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Ura-ki , I've noticed the absence of some members on the forum here . It very well could be in part due to the political views . I am just totally disgusted at the direction some of our politicians are trying to steer our country to . There are members here and elsewhere that have far more knowledge about the political process in this country . And a lot of times I just have to throw in my beliefs on the subject , even tho I really shouldn't say anything at all , because it won't make a difference anywhere . I am trying to contain my comments and disgust for what is going on . and you may be right , these political discussions may be turning some members away from the forum . So , I am going to try and refrain from adding to these discussions , for the sake of the forum , and my blood pressure and sanity .
    Back in my teenage drinking days , one of buddies always said there's 3 things that should never be discussed when your drunk . Those he said are , Politics , Sex, and Religion . Those 3 things usually ended in an argument by someone most of the time.
    Zimmy, Bandit99, Yard Dart and 3 others like this.
  6. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Well if nothing else, this has turned out to be a great discussion. It's good to get the laundry well aired from time to time.
    Motomom34, Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  7. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow


    Excuse Me Folks !!



    No Sir , If I read YOUR post of thoughts , AND don't agree , then that's info in my cap about your VIEW ,, THATS ALL !!

    I pulled my post on Money , )wasted time( and a few others from Canada's problems !!
    Wasn't trying to add to USA , but let know , Canuks have the same problem .

    As FOR IGNORE, works , They canned the Squirrel toting sword dude for the constant (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) .

    I try to read all who post , this lets me into YOUR life /AREA / AO..

    This is just for my knowledge & i balance it with where I am in AO .

    "hope there are some wiccans .. that would be awesome!"

    They seem to be all babes

    Google Image Result for https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/XPyl8lgxtm3Pql-5SqfngVfAhE8=/768x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/woodland-lady-143920211-5893ab355f9b5874ee21e5c4.jpg

    That will not work out well for kids ,, ;) :)
    Joking , I needed to look that up ,, Had No Idea , as with most religions .
    Curbing & cutting leads to PC , so why even post ?
    Rude , I have had a warning , (I like that knife edge) so retract & clean up (Bums & Boobs) folks.

    Forums can DIE or live ,,BALANCE and NO Rude or Troll (Ignore works) .

    I like to read REAL posts , of type , then you know the passion of post.

  8. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    We do have wiccan members, but they've not posted recently. "An ye harm no one, do as ye will." Or words to that effect. Sounds like the golden rule to me.
    mysterymet likes this.
  9. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    I will look into this deeper , Never heard of this . , but as a gear / electron head , ya mis lots .
    Thanks @Merkun
  10. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    Nope. Not touching that. Too many sisters.
    Zimmy and Gator 45/70 like this.
  11. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Me thinks you're making a problem where there isn't one. There is a ton of useful info posted each week, along with the expected mess from Chell, and the passionate posts from Duane. I have no one on ignore, but simply don't bother reading that which does not interest me. I have the freedom to choose. The OP really scared me with the beginning post. I thought for a minute that the current level of non-acceptance championed by the liberals and democrats had crept into my beloved Monkey. We have the freedom to choose and I'm sure there have been many over the lifetime of this forum that have chosen not to return for whatever reason, as there have been many that have chosen to stay. We are well known and even loved for being off topic at times, but most of the time even our off topic posts reflect real world events that could trigger other events that would be on topic for sure. Please don't allow this great forum to suffer censorship because a few in power don't like some content (Sound Familiar?). Now, the elephant in the room: These posts which seem to make the OP think the Monkey is sick would only be one post topics that fall off the radar if not for forum members adding to them. So we have to ask ourselves, is the Monkey really sick, or are a very small minority of the members just feeling ill?
    oldman11, GOG, Mountainman and 2 others like this.
  12. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    What the Hell???
    Yall not giving Ol'Chell credit for his deep sense of humor and I do mean deep too!!!

    Still waiting on the picture of Chell parading down main street with peacock feathers sticking out his arse!!!
    oldman11, oldawg, Meat and 1 other person like this.
  13. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    and. that imfamous Feather Boa...
    oldman11, Gator 45/70 and oldawg like this.
  14. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    The Monkey family seems healthy to me. No family gets along all the time. Every family has members that can't spend an extra minute with other members due to different opinions and/or unsociable tendencies. (Using Ignore saved my enjoyment of the site.)

    Keep shaking the tree, Monkeys.
    Gator 45/70 and Cruisin Sloth like this.
  15. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    I'm not in favor of restricting what the members of the tree discuss so long as we all treat each other with respect and especially avoid ad-homonym attacks and trolling.Even though I've been on this forum for a few years I'm still a bare beginner compared to the wealth of knowledge presented by so many other members. Because of that I read FAR more than I post on the core topics. I do interact and ask questions but that's the majority of my participation - somewhat limited due to my lack of expertise.

    What I do have experience in are my opinions (which by the are subject to change as I grow and learn). Since late fall I've been trying to make a conscious effort to spend most of my time and thoughts here on the core areas that define SM apart from other forums. Sometimes I get sucked back in (sigh), and more often than not lately I'm catching myself before I hit "send". I get @Ura-Ki 's thoughts here and the potential loss this community has by drifting from it's charter. I do feel badly about members who have left due to politics and bickering, perceived or not, but nobody is forced to read outside the core subjects id they don't want to.

    Politics are relevant as political upheaval has been and will eventually be a trigger for the conditions where we are forced to practice the things we learn here.This if course is in addition to natural and man made disasters, biological threats, economy, etc.., so there is relevance.So long as it is not obsessive or other ill intent it is OK by me.

    Thanks @Ura-Ki for pointing out that we are driving fast and there is a sharp curve ahead, so it might be good to slow down a bit and pay more attention to the road.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2019
    oldman11, mysterymet, Ura-Ki and 3 others like this.
  16. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    oldman11, Ura-Ki and Gator 45/70 like this.
  17. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    All the talk about the grand solar minimum stuff has me looking at trying to build a small green house. So, some “doom and gloom” topics can be motivating too.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  18. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    I for one have backed off of this forum and I do not see alot survival posts any more. I for one came to this site for survival info.

    I did NOT come to the monkey for politics, religion or sexual pictures. There are lots of other sites that than info is on, let those sites post that nonsense.

    I came here for survival posts. Preserving, preparing, storing, rotating, defense etc.

    90% of the posts are not about how to improve, preserve or defend etc it's about religion politics or some other nonsense

    as a result the prepping gets lost in the BS.

    I am interested in New ways to look at prepping/survival, new ways to think about how to survive, band together and the principles you operate on.

    I DID NOT come here to see politics. Politics change daily and there are lots of lies out there. I think some discussion on this is necessary but we dont need 12 posts a day on politics with the title some version of 'the world is going to hell in a hand basket' that is an old man type of thinking that has a person dwell only on what they don't like in today's society. There are tons of great things happening but on this site we have gotten into the habit of looking only with what we don't like.

    The Survival info gets lost because of too many political posts.

    just my 2 cents, limit yourself to one doom and gloom thread a week or if you post a doom and gloom counter balance it with an interesting discussion or something you are doing for prepping. I am not proposing rules, I am proposing each individual think about their own contribution to this site. And post something you do that works. Let's keep the main thing the main thing. This site was orginally set up as a location to collect survival/prepper info. (if I'm wrong let me know) but in the sprint of the original reason this site was formed. Please try to regulate yourself with regard to posting useful info.
    Gray Wolf, chelloveck, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  19. Salted Weapon

    Salted Weapon Monkey+++

    I returned from some time off, which I took due to just overwhelming political stuff from every venue I was involved in.
    I actually stepped back and began writing and enjoying photography.

    Point: far be it for me to say a direction here, what I can say is I have lost many people that were friends and those that I knew would have my six. Even Taku who is long since gone at any place I am at, was once a close and trusted friend even helped mod for a site I had, and political points tore it to pieces. At another gun forum, I have tried to rekindle some old friendships with politically like minded people. Which brings me to the point of contention, we are all different. Even a die hard conservative will vary in their views.

    What we are seeing in our society is painful and difficult to watch, as we our selves are victimized for simply wanting to retain a civil right we have. But even though we share that pain, we often have different views on the cause. Again dividing brothers and sisters whom should be in unity. I was jaded badly since around 2007, and took having a grandchild to wake me up and give me a shake.
    I have had difficulty in life like many have, but now we all share a difficult time, and it comes down to it, do we want peace, or do we want those who have our six? If its the later then we must be constructive in how we share political items, to think before we type.
    I once wrote a letter to my boss, after a night of some whiskey, dump it in the mail box and forgot about it. I was pissed off and mad at somethings and just shot off my mouth, I still had my job, but we never got along the same until I left. Point is what we do not only structures us, but those in our lives.

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