The last time hundreds of thousands of Americans told the government to get bent is now referred to as the American war of northern aggression.
^^^ That's right,The southern states said I've had enough of your high taxes ,Took their marbles and went home ,Then the northern states said,Wait you can't do that and we want your marbles too,We want it all......That's why the war started
What the hell does the war between the states, regardless of partisan nomenclature, have to do with Boulder's assinine approach?
It's what the federals wanted to do to us and TRIED to do to us after General Lee threw in the towel that's most pertinent. Texas has only in the last decade or two begun to rescind the carpet bagging gun laws and we're STILL not a constitutional carry state! Give the federals power and they'll take more power until they have all the power.
I has nothing to do with guns, it has everything to do with power. Unless of course you are just totally stupid and think that you can legislate morality.