I can tell you as someone who runs a SNAP terminal there is no shortage of people that ask you to run a bogus transaction and pay them .25 cents to .35 cents on the dollar
That kind of benefit abuse requires two complicit parties...free market entrepreneurs also, who are competing with other fraudsters to offer the best rate of exchange are an essential element of that scam. Capitalism in action! The Facts About Food Stamp Fraud Food Stamp and SNAP Fraud - Fraud Guides https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R45147.pdf
I think you are confused again Chel Capitalist does not equate to criminal. Particularly given the fact the vast majority of those cashing out or as it is called in polite company *Trafficking* are of a more leftist communist bent. The more important thing here though is.......... the people shopping around to Cash their SNAP/EBT out must not need the food to start with if they are shopping around for the best rates of exchange.
They just need things that SNAP will NOT Buy, more than what it will buy.... and are willing to take a big discount to accomplish that... and feel that the rest of us Taxpayers, should fund their lifestyle... because they are Entitled...
In days gone by there was no snap. The government passed out commodity’s every month. Canned beef,canned vegetables,cheese,flour,lard and other things. No money for other things like rent or telephones. People were poor but most older farms and livestock for food. When the older folks died out the younger folk sold the farm and moved to town to work. Now most people have no place to fall back to leaving them in a bad shape when something happens. I remember whole family’s with out cars and the other things we spend money on now. Plus nobody went to town except on Saturday and then it was to get something they had to have. The other days they worked on the farm and just stayed home. Look at today,new cars,$250,000.00 homes on a 1/4 acre,$25,000.00 boats,telephones with no money left for emergencies. The next war,shtf will cause a die off like none before because of this. Everybody thinks it will happen to somebody else and not them,very few will survive.
As long as there are programs helping people there will be people abusing them. The more we have on state assistance the more who will perish when it is turned off. Signing up for any of those hand outs makes you a slave. That is how it is done. There is no wonder they abuse the system. Wouldn't you resent someone who made you a slave? Have you ever seen what they put people through to "qualify" for it? I would rather starve to death than take anything the state has to offer, and yes, I have backed those words up.
Signing up doesn't make you a "Slave" ... However depending on those Supplies to live DOES make you a Slave, to their Agenda.. Which you may or may NOT actually believe in...
we have 'give me' programs in here as well but we also have some great non profits like this one The 3000 Club | they get excess food and items and for $10 you can get 60lbs of fresh food. They do alot more than fresh food. Blankets, computers etc. The guy that runs the one in my area is very dedicated to helping people. the $10 donation is so that its not free, which, in my opinion is a good way to go. I make up recipes to hand out with the food. Most people to day don't know how to make soup out of squash or even how to cook it. Education goes along way to helping people use fresh produce.
That is something I find scary! The sheer numbers of the younger generations that just don't know how to cook period . Not even the basics
Guilty. When I was in my late 20s I didn't know how to cook without a grill or a smokehouse. Someone else always did the inside cooking. Family women were replaced by mess halls. I learned a lot by asking ladies a simple question. "Do you know how to cook spaghetti (or whatever)? If so, why don't I buy all the ingredients and a couple of bottles of wine and you come to my place show me? That way I'll know if I have all the equipment I need." Not only did I learn about 30 kinds of spaghetti but I learned other dishes and ways of doing things I didn't expect. Ignorance is great when you're young.