Media ratings...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bandit99, Jan 3, 2019.

  1. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Someone recently posted something about the Media ratings (II think DKR) which I found interesting because I think one can make a direct connection to what a person watches to how and what they think. Here are a couple of articles with just a few highlights but I include links if one wishes to read entire thing. It seems people's attitudes are changing... It was disheartening to see that the 'The Rachel Maddow Show' is the #2 News anyone could consider that news is beyond me. It's more like 'The Rachel Mad Cow Propaganda Show' but to each their own... Lots of New Programs I never even heard of but...that's not surprising.

    May. 30, 2018
    May 2018 Ratings: Fox News Is Most-Watched Cable News Network for 197 Straight Months

    Fox News remained the most-watched basic cable network in May among total day viewers, defeating the competition for the 23rd consecutive month, per Nielsen data.

    But FNC was not the No. 1 basic cable network for May in prime time. That title went to TNT, which won the month in all relevant measurement thanks to stellar ratings for its NBA playoffs coverage.

    Fox News has been the most-watched cable news channel in total day and prime time for 197 consecutive months, and it also defeated its cable news competition among younger news viewers, including adults 25-54 and even 18-49.

    May 2018 Ratings: Fox News Is Most-Watched Cable News Network for 197 Straight Months

    Oct. 2, 2018
    Q3 2018 Ratings: Fox News Marks 67 Straight Quarters as No. 1 Cable News Network; Hannity Becomes No. 1 Basic Cable Series

    FNC, which will celebrate its 22nd anniversary this weekend, marked 67 consecutive quarters as the No. 1 cable news network in total viewers across total day and prime time in Q3 2018, according to Nielsen live-plus-same-day data.

    Compared with its Q3 2017 ratings, Fox News was +14 percent in total viewers, +3 percent in the prime time demo, +3 percent in total day viewers.

    But FNC was actually -9 percent among adults 25-54 across the 24-hour day, meaning not everything was peachy on the ratings front.

    The ratings for Q3, 2018 (Nielsen Live + Same Day data):
    • Prime time (Mon-Sun): 2,457,000 total viewers / 450,000 A25-54
    • Total Day (Mon-Sun): 1,401,000 total viewers /270,000 A25-54

    Here’s a look at the top 10 cable news programs for the third quarter, sorted by total viewers:
    1. Hannity / 3,340,000 / 55 telecasts
    2. The Rachel Maddow Show / 2,947,000 / 62 telecasts
    3. Tucker Carlson Tonight / 2,775,000 / 61 telecasts
    4. The Ingraham Angle / 2,672,000 / 58 telecasts
    5. The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell / 2,307,000 / 61 telecasts
    6. The Five / 2,304,000 / 62 telecasts
    7. Special Report with Bret Baier / 2,172,000 / 64 telecasts
    8. The Story with Martha MacCallum / 2,019,000 / 64 telecasts
    9. All In with Chris Hayes / 1,864,000 / 63 telecasts
    10. 11th Hour with Brian Williams / 1,700,000 / 63 telecasts

    Q3 2018 Ratings: Fox News Marks 67 Straight Quarters as No. 1 Cable News Network; Hannity Becomes No. 1 Basic Cable Series
    Motomom34 likes this.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Looks to me as tho' those top ten news programs are more in the nature of editorials than reportage. YMMV.
  3. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    Opinions are like well you know
    techsar, sec_monkey, Bandit99 and 3 others like this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yes, I personally wouldn't call them 'news programs' either and agree that a better term would be 'editorials' but I didn't write the article but cannot even imagine how they consider them a news program... I did find it interesting that Fox viewer base continued to grow by +14% from previous quarter...I think the previous quarter increase was +6%.
    techsar and Gator 45/70 like this.
  5. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    My point was that the strident (screeching) Leftist adverts have all but killed Talk Radio here locally. One of the top hosts, a real conservative that had a good show, recently quit and went to work for fish and game. On his final broadcast he made the comment - "I can see the handwriting on the wall" .

    I would hate to see AM radio disappear, it is one of the few media outlets to reach a wide area and can be listened to with minimal equipment (crystal radio) .

    For example KSL, Salt Lake City is often heard in Fl and Canada....

    As for the other - OAN news is news and not opinion mascaraing as news, we watch the channel on occasion.
    techsar and Bandit99 like this.
  6. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    I like OAN. It reminds me of the BBC back when the BBC told the news and not opinions.
    techsar, Alf60 and Bandit99 like this.
  7. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yes, I use to like the BBC also but haven't listened to it for years. Sad to hear they have also dumps news reporting in favor of propaganda tripe.

    @DKR "My point was that the strident (screeching) Leftist adverts have all but killed Talk Radio here locally"
    Yes, I know but some of the data you presented got me thinking about this. I have just recently found a few Talk Radio programs but they aren't local, namely Hannity. I would like to find a few local ones but no-joy so far...maybe I will google again while I got a few minutes.

    EDIT: I have never heard/seen of OAN (One America News) until now and will check into it...…..No, looks like I can't get it as on TV. I will look to see if it is rebroadcasted on AM radio some place.
    Tully Mars likes this.
  8. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    The AM Christian radio stations seem to have branched out into more local conservative talk shows and news instead of the 24/7 you are going to burn in hell programming.
  9. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    KSL is one of seven 100Kw, Clear Channel National Radio Stations licensed by the FCC in the USA.... These Stations are granted exclusive useage of the Frequency, at the Maximum Power granted, in the USA... KFI in San Francisco is another...
    Tully Mars likes this.
  10. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    "Handwriting on the wall" = no local talent, only a remote feed and maybe one "news" person (likely part time or even an unpaid 'intern' to provide broadcast content.

    As it is, the "fill in guy" lives in New Orleans and is utterly clueless on local issues. I'll listen to Rush once and a while, but I know if I listen for 10 min, I can come back an hour later and he is still on the same topic.

    Since Hannity is all about Hannity - no thanks. I would say AM radio - as it exists today, is nearly DOA.

    Now then, Digital AM may come to fill in some of the spectrum, but that is a way off given the very poor reception (acceptance) of the demonstrably execrable Biquity, "HD Radio" - new tech may offer an answer. Test broadcasts (over a decade ago) of digital AM radio have shown much better quality and range that is better that current Amplitude Modulation, where much of the carrier power is wasted.
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