My issues with Taurus and Rossi for older folks is poor triggers.... trigger pull seems to start around 10 lbs.... on the newer models... YMMV
M&P Shield EZ .380 for an easy racking pistol. My SIL has bad arthritis in her hands and she can rack/shoot this one. Might consider a Kel-Tec PMR and CMR 30 as well for a nice light recoil combo. Also concur with the .357 rifle/pistol combo if the elder could handle a bit more recoil.
The .45acp recoil has yet to hurt but for older hands try the .41 mag or .44 special in revolvers and the .45-70 405 grain loaded with blackpowder. I can shoot the 45-70 with blackpowder without pain when the .243 or .308 hurts for a while. Black has more of a shove than a sharp recoil.
That is due to the Burn Rate of the Powder... Single and double Based Powders burn Very Fast, where Black Powder Burns very SLOW.... The same principle is used in Blasting... If you want to MOVE Dirt you used a SLOW Detonation Velocity Energetic Material.... Where if your intent is to shatter the Rock into small pieces, you use a very FAST Detonation Velocity Energetic Material...
I've found that the Ruger GP100 in .357 Mag shooting .38spcl really doesn't buck much. it's a pretty heavy large framed revolver plus single action pull is negligible and DA is easily doable. My 8 yo niece managed both with ease and had a perma-grin after she turned a pumpkin into little tiny bits with a half box of 38spcl +p's
well back to aging and guns. I broke down and got my Dad a very nice gun cleaning kit and got some decent oil for cleaning for him. He is happy asa clam cleaning all the guns including his new automatic whatever that he had to have lol I'm a fan of a revolver rather than something with a slide.... or a shotgun with a youth stock on it as with age some body parts shrink
Being an old Air Force vet of 75 years my go to hand gun and EDC is a XDM, 4.5, 9mm Springfield. My backup boot gun is a Rossi 38, 5 shot special. My go to rifle is a AK 47, 7.62x39 made in Romania, Scope mounted because I can't see that far. The recoil is relatively light for my old bones.The price of the rifle is cheap ($450. Back in 2014), the ammo is cheap also allowing lots of target practice and fun plinkin. The rifle is easily stripped down for cleaning. Just an old mans choices.