Boulder Bans AR-15's

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by Motomom34, May 24, 2018.

  1. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    There's no such a thing as a legal sporting rifle ? it is not defined by the second amendment or anywhere except by antigun activists who say they don't want your "sporting arms" that is pure B.S. they are chipping away using the logic lie, it sounds logical so people buy into it. in 1776 America in their day there were multiple barrel multiple shot firearms cannon that fired ball shot or buck & ball and all guns sabers swords and knives were and could be used in war or killing. In that line of thought then any knife or style of a a bayonet would be a weapon of war and so ab le to be outlawed for private ownership. How about web gear ? it is used in war or to give an advantage to a person to readily carry their weapons and ammo so lets illegalize that too OH night vision or even binoculars over a certain power. MRE meals because if you have a source of food you could evade buying and being found. Once you give in your done, the left has successfully divided gun owners by making one side sporting and the other kill happy war mongers or Rambo types. All arms are sporting it depends on the sport you don't skeet shoot with a deer rifle you don't use a rifle on pistol matches. The more your divided the more they can pick apart your rights. Sports what is that exactly as pertaining to firearms ? Blood sport where you hunt and kill well now they are going to divide you again between skeet shooter and fowl hunters they have already made lead a issue although it's mined with silver gold uranium and copper you can't avoid it it's like rain it's everywhere. so now are we going to open up toxic waste and nuclear dump sites to dump all our lead ? YOU HAVE BEEN SCAMMED LIED TO AND PUT AGAINST EACH OTHER ! Wake up stand together or loose everything because of your silly sensitivities.

    There are numerous rifles and pistols that originally were invented with magazine capacities of over 10 rounds a slight adaption of shells and tube make a tube shotgun hold over 10 so now pump and semiauto shotguns would be on the melt and destroy list.

    The people behind gun laws and confiscation are socialists the same type that took over Russia in 1917 and once in power they proceeded to murder anyone that believed in God anyone that did not lock stock and barrel turn in anyone even parents or children that were against communism and the end result was 20 million minimum dead they could have exiled the Czar and family but in true commie fashion they murdered them including their children now is that not so caring and sweet ?

    All the children you see murdered !

    that is why our forefathers put the 2nd amendment it was not a matter of the firepower it was to have the equal force man to man to throw off a corrupt or totalitarian government. that is why the words for the people and by the people as well as individual rights rights are important. To a crowd are of no use if a government that uses the taxes of millions to attack and place them in jail or in the courts any that they see as instigators.

    There are thousands of pictures of Germans executing Jews Pols Czechs, Free French, Swedes, Danish, and not all were Jews they protested Nazi rule and died. like any invader they took homes and other property businesses and shops confiscated food and fuel and left the people to go hungry and freeze in the winter people includes children, My father in law was a survivor and not a jew his parents were worked to death he was on his own as a young child and ate out of trash cans to survive first Nazi and then allied troop trash cans. The Japanese did not treat their prisoners well at all women were turned into sex slaves older not as pretty were just slaves they starved the soldiers that were prisoners to death any moron watching the liberation of prison camps Jew or soldier could see that if they were not so blinded by Jewish hatred. The wars were all real some people need to travel and go see the thousands of graveyards that go on as far as they eye can see.

    Euthanasia was a science in Germany your value was only the work you could do most of the silly fools that think socialism communism or some new hybrid will save the world but first they have to take the guns and kill of anyone that does not accept their reality their politics and their rule.

    I guess that all the glasses and shoes were left because the Germans gave them new ones.


    All history records people that fail to keep freedom die, those unwilling to fight for what they have will be fleeced and murdered if war is not proof look at any major city all the murders from gangs In Mexico the deaths number over 4,000 a year in 14 years in Iraq and Afghanistan we only lost 10,000 it sickens me to know people are so ignorant that they think nothing will change or that change will be smooth and easy or they will not be effected.

    Same guy on left 2 victims see next pic
    The Japanese hated to waste bullets

    If you were unlucky your were a guinea pig hey but that,s where all your fine doctors learned how to transplant limbs and organs, the even tried swapping heads that didn't work well, but they kept trying !

    Last edited: May 25, 2018
    Grandpa Patch and Gator 45/70 like this.
  2. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    NAZI = National Socialist German Workers' Party
    Grandpa Patch and ochit like this.
  3. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Today is the deadline for Boulder residents to certify their AR-15's with the local police.Some have complied but I wonder how many said it is no ones business.

    Boulder's AR-15 Certification Ordinance Sure Sounds Like A Test Run For A Gun Registry
    Remember when Boulder, Colorado banned the ownership of AR-15 rifles? They also banned high-capacity magazines and bump stocks, giving gun owners with such magazines until July 15, 2018 to either sell them or dispose of them—whatever that means. Most likely, you’ll have to turn them over to the authorities. Now, there is a grandfather clause allowing residents who already owned AR-15s to keep them as long as they get a certificate by the local sheriff’s office. Well, that date is rapidly approaching. AR-15 owners have until December 27 to certify their weapons. If owners fail to do this, they won’t be allowed to own their rifles within city limits. So far, only 85 rifles have been certified (via Denver Post):

    Boulder police have certified 85 assault weapons to residents with less than a month to go before all such firearms will need to be verified or removed from the city.
    Boulder's AR-15 Certification Ordinance Sure Sounds Like A Test Run For A Gun Registry
  4. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    The world has gone MAD
    Grandpa Patch and Motomom34 like this.
  5. AndyinEverson

    AndyinEverson Black Powder Monkey

    So I am not in favor of :
    Registering firearms of any type...
    The requiring of a certificate to exercise a right...
    Or magazine capacity restrictions...

    I just wanted to say :
    Be careful of the phrase : "Standard Capacity Magazine".
    The 1969-1978 Gun Digest and Shooters Bible catalogs that I have all list the Colt AR15 Rifle coming with a 5 round magazine from the factory.

    Just what is a "Standard Capacity Magazine" for a AR15 ...?
    To me its a 20-30 round magazine . because that is what I used or saw used with issued M16A1's , A2's etc...while in the Army.

    But if someone wanted to , they might make a argument that when the AR15 first hit the market it was sold with a 5 round magazine as "Standard".
    ( Yes I know the AR15 first went to the commercial market in 1964 , I just don't have a catalog from then. , to see what magazine it was listed as coming with. )

    Again I am not in favor of restricting magazine capacities...Just wanted to point out a potential issue with the use of a phrase.
  6. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    Roads in Colorado still go both ways?

    If this isn't something that the majority will fight, then it may be time to relocate. If enough of the tax base leaves the state they'll be left with something that looks more and more like California... with seasons.
  7. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    This is taking place in Boulder. Boulder is a special place and I do not go there unless I really have to. Boulder is a feel good city.
  8. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    So an AR-15 is an Armalite Rifle. So Rugers AR556 and S&W M&P15 are not AR-15's.
  9. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Boulder is much worse then that! It's that magical place in the land of Oz, that special place they have been promising us since the 50s UTOPIA! Except when the smoke clears, and the ashes wash away, you'll find it was nothing but a false dream based on broken promises made by very rich people with no real skin in the game, and a bunch of feel gooders who wanted it but felt it below their station to take part in it! Instead you have a bunch of chiefs to run it, but not enough willing Indians to make it work like they promised! When Yellowstone blows it's guts out, I hope Bolder gets burried under 10 feet of lava!
  10. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    EXCELLENT POINT @AndyinEverson
    I know for a fact back in the time period you mentioned up to mid 80's Colt Sp1's AR/CAR-15's came with a magazine that would only hold 5 rounds as shipped. It was a 20 round mag with a wooden dowel inside blocking anything more than 5 rounds. When I bought my 1st SP1 the gun shop owner and good friend took the two mags, looked at me and said, "I'm gonna save myself from getting a phone call from a pissed off kid in about an hour". Proceeded to remove the base plates then the wooden dowel sections from both mags then put the mags back together. I stood there dumbfounded as he was grinning. Last Colt AR I bought new was in the mid 80's (Colt Delta H-Bar) and it was the same way.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2018
  11. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    Boulder, Peoples Republik of, is a Granola eatin' hershey highway lover's paradise and was back when I lived in the state. Since then the state's poltiks have gone full retard so I can only imagine how it is there now. Do they still walk their pet geese on a leash through the parks?
    Really is a shame there used to be a kickass gun shop on the corner of Main St. in Boulder. Did a lot of business there and he was a big supporter of the Patriot News station out of Johnstown.
  12. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    I see a couple of choices...
    1. Vote the idjuts out (didn't work here)
    2. Leave and take your property taxes and purchases elsewhere (Note: Gunbarrel, CO is about 5 miles NE of Boulder)
    3. Sprinkle old AR parts on the lawns of City Council members and anonymously report them.
  13. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    @3M-TA3 ... I like #3. Better yet, just turn in the stripped lower.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2019
    Grandpa Patch, Ura-Ki, 3M-TA3 and 2 others like this.
  14. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Made from an 80% lower - so it's the dreaded ghost gun...
  15. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Buy one of those Israeli bolt action uppers and "loose" the semi auto upper.
    Problem solved.
    I bet the ban covers semi auto rifles, not bolt action.

    Mine is going to be an SBR. Forceful turn in of a title 2 weapon equals unlawful transfer, aka theft.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2018
  16. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    The gun shop is still there and a friend of the radio station. The station just got bought by All American Gold/ Patriot Trading group. Joe is buying the station and mentioned meeting the owner of a gun shop in Boulder.
  17. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    If the same guy still owns it he's a good guy to deal with. Used to deal in a lot of high end stuff, but had the everyday firearms too. Bought an original Street Sweeper from him back before the Bat Fags changed the rules on them. Can't remember the guy's name but he was a short little Jewish guy.
  18. Oddcaliber

    Oddcaliber Monkey+++

    This is going the same way as California, New York and others. Mass noncompliance! Can't take what's not registered. They have gone full retard.
  19. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    When Mrs. 3M and I are finally able to relocate one of the advantages is that none of my BGC's will have been done in our new state. Oregon, by Executive Order, violated the Oregon Constitution's ban on a gun registry by requiring OSP to maintain BGC information indefinitely for "police investigations". Just remember that it's not a registry even though it contains exactly the same information as a registry. As you can expect Oregon's AG is right on top of this Constitutional violation :rolleyes:
  20. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Boulder, Colorado ‘assault weapons’ ban met with mass noncompliance

    "BOULDER, Colorado — Boulder’s newly enacted “assault weapons” ban is meeting with stiff resistance from its “gun-toting hippies,” staunch liberals who also happen to be devoted firearms owners.

    Only 342 “assault weapons,” or semiautomatic rifles, were certified by Boulder police before the Dec. 31 deadline, meaning there could be thousands of residents in the scenic university town of 107,000 in violation of the sweeping gun-control ordinance.

    “I would say the majority of people I’ve talked to just aren’t complying because most people see this as a registry,” said Lesley Hollywood, executive director of the Colorado Second Amendment group Rally for Our Rights. “Boulder actually has a very strong firearms community.”

    The ordinance, approved by the city council unanimously, banned the possession and sale of “assault weapons,” defined as semiautomatic rifles with a pistol grip, folding stock, or ability to accept a detachable magazine. Semiautomatic pistols and shotguns are also included.

    Current owners were given until the end of the year to choose one of two options: Get rid of their semiautomatics by moving them out of town, disabling them, or turning them over to police — or apply for a certificate with the Boulder Police Department, a process that includes a firearm inspection, background check and $20 fee. ..." More at link​
  1. fl4848
  2. BTPost
  3. BTPost
  4. Dunerunner
  5. OldDude49
  6. oldman11
  7. Ura-Ki
  8. OldDude49
  9. OldDude49
  10. Dunerunner
  11. T. Riley
  12. enloopious
  13. Motomom34
  14. Yard Dart
  15. Gator 45/70
  16. Motomom34
  17. Motomom34
  18. Bandit99
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