lol you also have an Avatar that says 'pull my finger' I'm not falling for that dodgy internet info. I'm sticking with hot air. Can I borrow some of yours?
Be my guest !!! When that bad boy is bearing down on you and your out of prayers....Break out the 12 gauge and give it a shot !!!
I’d say it was divine intervention but my daughter doesn’t pray. She got that from her grandpa, The Finlander.
Here’s one pic of the damage. I’m shocked nobody was hurt or killed. I know small potatoes for folks used to tornadoes but this is Western Wa. Crazy.
Im Lucky also , I have now a plan to "Trim " (100-200' ) off the bottom of trees close to structures . The rest will be planted for wind breaks & to move the wind gusts to alleys out . This is my 4th bad storm up here , 1972-8 1996,06 ,18 that I can remember . Built house in 1993 to live out my days ,72 is when i bought a green stand of trees , in the middle of nowhere !! Then .
Glad nobody was hurt. Used to live in Oak Harbor on Whidbey Island WA.. When the girl friend (now wife of 32 yrs) came to visit, I told her that it never snowed on the island...storms always dropped a few flakes then stalled out over the mountains to drop their load. Of course, having said that, it snowed 26" the next night. We laugh about that every time it snows. I should have gotten a job as a weather forecaster...get paid to be wrong!