I've got a legal question

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by SB21, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    We've got a 2 year investigation into Russian collusion based on a bought and paid for , unverified document , on the Trump administration . That has so far , has shown no proof of collusion.

    On the other side , since 2008 , under Odumbo , we've got Fast and Furious , Benghazi , millions given to Iran , the Clintons : pay to play , Benghazi , theft from the Haiti hurricane , Email fiasco , Uranium one , Huma abedin , Wasserman Schultz and the Imwan Awan IT leaks , And countless other crimes , or extremely negligent instances that borders criminal .

    Why is it that , almost instantly , at the moment the Russian Dossier was mentioned , there's an FBI investigation ?

    But the Dumbo / Clinton / Holder / Lynch etc , crowd is only going thru Congressional oversight , where there is no repurcussions for lying , supeona's that they do not have to adhere to .
    Why have these people not been thrust into investigations right away ?

    And now , the Dems are taking the house in January , and are already talking of launching all kinds of investigations into the Trump administration , further taking the spotlight off of the Dems corruption , scandals and crimes .

    Why are there no formal legally binding investigations into these criminal behaviors , while the Republicans have held the power for the last 2 years ??
  2. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

  3. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Obama was a charismatic figurehead that was likable. Trump is a hard nosed businessman who doggedly works towards his objectives. He's also an ass, but his job is to operationalize the laws that Congress passes and not to be loved.

    The government is an organization and the first rule of a successful organization is to protect itself. One of Trump's objectives is a smaller government per the intent of the Constitution so that makes him an enemy of the state. The only permanent weapon that the state has are organizations like the FBI, the DOJ, and the CIA.

    Unlike Trump, Obama, Clinton, et al, are friends of the state and get the protection of those agencies.
  4. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    So , what's the recourse for the citizens wanting to see justice ? Sitting twiddling our thumps isn't working . And I can't afford to not work , and camp out in some dems or republicans office screaming for justice . Why can't Trump or someone else up there start these investigations ??,
    techsar, Seepalaces, 3M-TA3 and 4 others like this.
  5. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Two years of Russian collusion investigations and nothing has been proven to ether confirm or deny any thing, the only crap coming out of these Investigations is minor hand slapping stuff, nothing that lives up to the hype they sure seem to love spreading!
    2 years of skirtin around stuff instead of going after the real crooks like the Klintons who actually have broken major laws and are guilty of numerous major felonies, including murder, and yet nothing is happening because they are the protected elite!
  6. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    It's not actually a legal question...it is actually a political question, begging for a political answer. The problem is that few of the possible feasible replies are palatable to the MAGA Zombie brigade.

    Taking out Herr Drumpf is like engaging in a siege, unlikely to be taken by a litigation coup de main, or some other kind of Democrat magic bullet (like impeachment)...but over time, sapping their way from initial encirclement on multiple fronts to The White House. The delicious part of that process, is that Donald has facilitated it during his tenure so far as 'El Presidente'. Instead of employing the best people, he has employed. so it would seem, a whole bunch of crooks and grifters who individually are cutting deals with prosecutors, and collectively bringing him undone. Resigning the Presidency won't make the litigation go away, but he avoids the humiliation of impeachment. Probably makes a life as the American equivalent of Emperor of Elba (or perhaps Mar A Largo) an attractive option.

  7. BenP

    BenP Monkey+++

    The FBI has willingly given up their dignity and respect in trade for being a political tool. They should be abolished and defunded as an organization.
    Gator 45/70, 3cyl, techsar and 4 others like this.
  8. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Well , as far as I can tell so far , from the posted responses is . No one knows why there's no action on the Dems to amount to anything other than their elite and political status and coverups. And 1 , " who cares about them as long as Trump goes down " response . Don't worry Chell , this is not an attack on you , I respect your opinions , wether I like them or not . :D
    But there has got to be something that can be done . I'm going to keep checking around , wish me luck.
    Gator 45/70, techsar, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  9. Airtime

    Airtime Monkey+++

    SB, I think you can find your answer by following the money.

    Consider that the senior level management at the three letter agencies live in the nice suburbs of DC. Look up the zip codes for those. Then look at the political spending by zip code (various websites have the data) and you’ll see that most of those communities donate very heavily to democrats.

    Bottom line, the people who actually run the government, not the lawmakers, but those who decide what the worker bees actually go do, are disproportionately democrats. Furthermore they promote their ilk into the manager and upper manager roles and those folks backfill the top positions when the leaders retire and/or move into the private sector (where the big bucks are if you have a top security clearance.) It is a self perpetuating political dominance of the government. While many are still law abiding, they tend to look the otherway and not rock the boat for fear of not getting their next promotion and a nicer house in the next more swanky suburb. It all centers around greed for money, power and control often with a healthy dose of arrogance spread on top.
  10. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    I just re-read Clancy's Executive Decision and I'm reminded that Clancy is remarkably prescient.
  11. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    There I a lot of Data floating around concerning Russian impacts on our past election... if the intelligence is correct, the Russian propaganda machine chose to back Trump believing him to be easier to manipulate than Hillary... Time will tell... It just goes to show that social media and the internet can and will be manipulated by anyone interested.... Take everything on the web with a grain of salt...

  12. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    You may be more right then you know with that thought!
    I would further say this; Russia chose Trump not so much because he can be manipulated, but because he wouldn't step in the middle of a fight some where in the world, instead he would be focused on his wall and trying to fix things here at home! This would allow Russia to do what Russia wants with very little push back!
    Same with China! Play the long game, and they all avoid 4 years at the least of hard core Democratic Overwatch!
    They made a calculated choice here, help get Trump in office, or deal with Killory in the most likely way, major sanctions and war! The dems would have backed the arabs and other oil rich nations, went in and cleaned out south america, and south africa, blockaided the south china sea, and other nasty not nice things. Democrats love to play with our military, they love to send us out to free the shit out of folks so we can spread our special kind of democracy elsewhere in the world! Stuff they could never get away with here at home!
  13. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Sweet Jesus....the FBI had been used as a political tool at times since J Edgar was crossdressing his way to the top....only that The FBI were mostly favouring the conservative side of the political divide...i don't hear much complaint about that. :rolleyes:
  14. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I do believe over the years they've turned tail ,,,
    Seepalaces likes this.
  15. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    As has the Republican Party. It has gone from the party that had championed the emancipation of slaves and suffrage for women, to the party that polices toilet usage, persecutes transgender folk andLGBIQ generally, and undermines resources that would actually reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancy / abortion such as freely accessible contraception and comprehensive sex education.

    I can understand that some here would claim that the FBI is not as 'conservative' as it once was...but that may just be sour grapes that the FBI cannot be axiomatically counted as a tool of the 'conservative' camp. Let the 'conservative' conspiracy theorists cry into their Info Wars tissues. :cry:
    snake6264 likes this.
  16. Airtime

    Airtime Monkey+++

    You guys are misreading the Russian influence. If they wanted a president that they could buy or manipulate then Hillary was clearly the better choice, she already had an established track record of being buyable with Rosatom and numerous other pay to plays.

    They likely just wanted to create mischief and backing whoever was lagging in the polls would be a probable choice to do that. The more infighting they can create between Republicans and Democrats the less the US people would pay attention to what Russia is doing in the Ukraine, in Canada exporting uranium to Asia, in Latvia, etc. Get the Americans preoccupied with internal BS then they could potentially get away with damn near anything, especially if the new president was remotely as feckless as Obama in the foreign policy arena.

    Google says the Russians only spent $4700 on internet ads which is absolutely nothing compared to Hillary’s spending. They had a social media troll farm but again compared to the Democrat Underground and the thousands of self-appointed democrat trolls, they were way out gunned. The actual Russian election influence was almost nonexistent.

    On the flip side, their influence helping compose the fictional DNC/Steele dossier and the consequential disfunctionality from all the investigation crap going both ways has been remarkably successful stirring up a smoke screen to their behavior.

  17. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    As I read through all your thinking on this I have come to the conclusion that the Russians disinformation and work to divide us Americans to fight amongst ourselves has worked pretty well.
    I do have a message though I will stand by ANY American and fight I may not like your politics but I will fight to the death any invader to our way of life period
    SB21 and Grandpa Patch like this.
  18. BenP

    BenP Monkey+++

    Interesting troll attempt to turn this into a LB***Whatever is popular today debate. They make up less than 1% of the population and I for one could not care less what they do.

    The FBI has undermined their own credibility and nobody is crying about it, far from it.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2018
    GrayGhost, Seepalaces and SB21 like this.
  19. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    That's part of my point BenP . I'm not saying Trump is innocent , I don't think he's guilty , but time will tell . But I try to catch up on the news , be informed , and all I hear about is Trump and Russia and all of his corrupt cabinet members . But I hear very little about the Pakistani IT guys stealing computers and stuff , and the whole damned family on the payroll while only one of them works . Fast and Furious , where a Border agent was shot with one of those weapons . Clinton , and all of their crimes , I believe would be the longest political corruption , crime filled novel ever written , and it would probably all be true . And the FBI seems to be covering it all up. It's a smoke and mirrors act if I've ever seen one . I do not trust the alphabet agencies of the government anymore , far less now than what I used to anyway . I'm just disgusted at what our country has become , or maybe it's been this way all along . Now , Trump wants a wall , which I do as well , he wants 5 billion for a wall to vet who comes into our country , yesterday , I hear we're giving 10.6 billion to mexico , but nothing to the wall . Our government was not meant for us to be their pocketbook , they weren't meant to be able to just take our money and disperse it all over the world when our own need food and housing and can't get it , Hell , I'm just ranting here , might just turn off the news and quit listening and worrying about it .
  20. BenP

    BenP Monkey+++

    Sounds like someone has slipped you the red pill. It is stressful, turn off the TV, focus on things that are within your control.
    Seepalaces and SB21 like this.
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