If you pay taxes, you are supporting programs that you did not select as appropriate. Your elected representative made that choice for you. More's the pity, but I can see how things would bog down if every program had to pass a referendum. Your rep is subject to your approval before he takes a dump in your wallet, and subject to recall for egregious blunders. Recall should happen WAY more often than it does, but the sheep have their hooves on the scale.
It has always seemed to me that non-government organizations, like churches, should be in charge of charity and the government and taxes should have no part of it...but I suppose if you tried to kill it now that would definitely be the cause of Civil War, or at the very least, riots in the streets, which wouldn't stop until they got bread. I think if one looked deeply at the problem, you would find that this so-called charity, is right at the root of the problem. God, what a mess. It won't go away and it won't get better...mainly because they don't want it to.
Quite true, and the longer it continues, the more I am getting the feeling it's yet another staged performance.
It certainly is possible - I mean - the greatest piece of evidence is holding both houses and not passing any important piece of legislation. That doesn't compute. Okay, he has killed or change a lot of regulation, pulled us out of the Iran nuke deal and rewrote NAFTA but one can make the argument that they wanted it done anyway but were afraid it would hurt their base for reelection so they let the outsider, the rogue do it. Don't know, but possible... Hell, who knows if any of these politicians these days are real, most aren't.
If you think about it, all of this "controversy" exists purely inside the media/political realm, and what we're seeing is essentially a scripted performance. It is quite possible there's room for independently inspired actions, but much of this can be predicted based on the usual party politics and scheming which is typically found in Washington. The part I'd like to focus on is how all of these scandals represent the means to effectively nullify the operations of actual rule and sense of justice, and it's replaced by the televised, circus show we all see every day. The late night "comedians" are all Zionists, they aren't pushing freedom of speech and promoting liberty or revealing actual truths, they have a clear agenda to create the news. So, what is the underlying motive, here? It's difficult for many people to look past what is happening and see where this is all going. With each crazy antic uncovered by the media, with every outburst or response of any kind by the Potus, we're given incessant comedy and a 180 degree slant on "reality", and it's pretty obvious how the two party system manages to radicalize and Balkanize people even further. It could be nothing more than the leftists attempting to capitalize on the situation, or it could be reminiscent of a more grand scheme. Either way, it spells tough times ahead as we move toward future elections and "change" in the making, with even more of the same surely to come in the future. If there's a leftist in the White House, the media will find an enemy to focus on instead, while commending the actions taken by the Executive. If there's a Conservative in the Oval Office, then it's back to the comedic shenanigans and beating of the war drums, making up stories of collusion and conspiracy, using fear and racism to garner support for protest. People are identifying as belonging to ONE side, or the OTHER, and nothing in between. All of it boils down to making people believe "this is just how it is", to live in a "democratic society", bringing information to you in full surround sound and streaming live across every platform, 24/7. And while every single citizen is saturated with sensationalism and Zionist rhetoric, working at jobs they hate so they can buy a ton of crap to fill their homes with junk they don't need, the globalists are hard at work conspiring to keep you in this perpetual state of irrelevance so they can plot and scheme. More people are tuned in to media and social media now than ever before, and they carry around nifty tracking devices, linked to the hive mind of the collective everywhere they go. It won't be long until we see artificial intelligence systems telling us what to think, feel, and do. Chances are, you won't even know it's happening, either.
MSM reporters do it now. They are artificial in body (plastic enhancements) and mind (graduated from one or another psychoanalysis program) how intelligent is a different question entirely.
Whats to say we are not being told what to think now?? That is following the party line. Take in all the information that is spooned or shoveled into us and out pops the computer predicted responses. We are all told what to think and how to respond to each and every bit of news. And if there is an outlier response it is ignored. Not worthy of mention.. Just stick to the predicted party line and shovel faster!