Miseducated or Stupid?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OldDude49, Dec 6, 2018.

  1. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I took my daughter out of public school in 9th grade , and home schooled her . And I believe she is better for it , just in that short period of time .
    Around 7th grade , my daughter was having to do a class project with a few other girls . They had to make up an African dance . I asked my daughter a few American history questions , 1 being , What is Pearl Harbor ? Her answer was , its a movie . I told her to ask her teacher when they were going to teach some American history . The teachers response to my question was ,,, " There's white people in Africa to . " So I guess I was perceived as a racist for wanting my daughter to learn some American history .
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2018
    Cruisin Sloth, Zimmy, duane and 3 others like this.
  2. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe




    Socialism works just fine - until the food runs out and the riots begin.....
  3. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    The problem with young people is their knowledge for the most part is hearsay not fact or experience .
    The difference for some of us is that our parents went through the tough times of the past and fought the wars of the past and we learned on their knee what life was like for them. (those of us that took the time to learn from them.)
    School teachers are bound to teach what they are programed to and their paycheck is reflective of this fact.
    They vote liberal and promote the vote liberal to fatten their own accounts .not what is right for the country.
    Liberals re write history to suit them selves and their own agendas , like anthropologists that build a whole dinosaur out of one little bone fragment , Kids are pressured to accept their speculation and there are no honest facts to prove it. .
    Your grade is on the line if you have evidence to the contrary .
  4. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I've always heard that the real American history has not been taught since 1947, I suspect that's true statement.
    Alf60, Cruisin Sloth, Zimmy and 4 others like this.
  5. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I wasn’t a good student in school. I had ADHD before it was even heard of. But I learned more of history after I left school than while I was in school .
    I guess the good part about my learning disabilities was , they couldn’t get into my head to pervert what my parents and grandparents taught me. [LMAO]
    Gator 45/70, oldman11 and Dont like this.
  6. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    If they print money to pay for all those programs and me with hemorrhoids, I hope that they use a proper grade of paper to make it a useful product as sure as h**l won't buy anything. Everyone who has done so has said "This time it will be different!" and the results have always been the same/ Problem is they do not want equality, or an equal chance at things, they want to be in charge and to be given all sorts of rights, because their ancestors were slaves, etc.
    SB21, Gator 45/70 and oldman11 like this.
  7. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    Most millennials have watched 2 parents and 2 step-parents work stressful unsatisfying jobs trying to make the bills. Often these jobs kept a parent or two from academic and athletic extracurricular activities. Work or related exhaustion also kept these same busy parents out of church and other traditional community building activities.

    Society rewards the fame and fortune to extravagant gay entertainers, drug boosted athletes who cheat, immoral corrupt politicians, corporate criminals in Golden parachutes, and other bizzare circus performers that fill the news. Mom and dad and new mom and new dad look to have futile pitiful wasted lives by comparison. Who would listen to these well meaning drones who are none-the-less obviously losers because of outdated morals and weak watered down dreams?

    My folks and generations past really made a difference in the quality of the life of the next generation. I raised millennials and I can't say I did other than they have debt free 4 year degrees or trade certificates my wife and I don't. Was it worth the 15,000 hours of overtime or thousand of night working on the road while they were growing up?.....I don't know. They're still buying used cars and saddles or cheer outfits or braces and working to make the payments and keep the lights on like we did.

    We raised our kids in our image. Other kids were raised by liberal teachers and the internet. I don't really blame these kids for wanting to break the cycle.

    The fact they admire communism is mere naivete of human nature and ignorance of history.
    Bandit99, SB21 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  8. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Wow! Well said, my friend, very well said... EDIT: Damn, Zimmy! I have now read this 5-6 times and it continues to grow in meaning. It truly says it all and in a way that even the stubborn, ignorant or naïve can understand.

    Monarchy has proven to be a roll of the dice or, perhaps better said, a game of genetics which, learning the hard way, no people want to play.

    I did a paper on Communism once when I was at University and I can tell you that it truly looks wonderful 'on paper'; however, as was proven over time, it flat out doesn't work in reality. The word 'time' is the key here.

    I have never taken the time to truly dig into Socialism but from what I have read it does appear to have some good and bad points and it probably is too early to truly tell but Hitler's form of Socialism had tremendous economic success, something never seen before or since, and won him the complete admiration and loyalty of his people and most European countries have taken a bit of his playbook to form a sort of mixed of Capitalism and Socialism. They seem to be doing okay, better than most Americans, even though we Americans find it difficult to stomach never mine believe such a thing, but I can state that through first hand experience.

    Another point to make is in many, many ways Capitalism hasn't proved to be so great either, except for the few and, it makes one wonder, as you pointed out, since one can no longer make a "difference in the quality of the life of the next generation" if indeed it is coming to its end and we are back to "Let them eat cake."
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2018
    Zimmy and Gator 45/70 like this.
  9. TinyDreams

    TinyDreams Monkey++

    I'm a lot younger then majority of people on here. I'm 24 going to be 25 next year. While I was going to school (college) I had a lovely English 2 teacher that was into feminism/liberalism/black lives matter. I thought it was a good idea to write my essays against what she always lectured us on.

    I failed the class twice. No matter how well I wrote my essay she'd always find faults with it and it was really discouraging since she was the only English 2 teacher on campus.

    So I discovered if I agreed with her that I would get an A on my essay. Without having to even edit it. As in I would just type the thing up, put some quotes from Huffington Post and psychology today in it and she'd give me an A.(y)

    Shortly after that I started working at a fast-food chain and found I didn't like the idea of giving my hard earned money to someone else just because I made a little more then they did. And that majority of what I had been taught in schools as the right thing to do wouldn't hold up in real life.

    So now I've been against liberalism and socialism now for several years and I know at least two of my friends are the same.

    I'm actually glad Trump got elected and that our economy is doing better (this was the #1 thing I was worried about), I also love how opposed the media is to him. If he runs again I'll vote for him.
    Not sure if Hilary could've done the same but I'm glad Bernie didn't make it as looking back at it I think Bernie is kind of a socialist. :whistle:
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    You are apparently a prime example of mis-education overcome by the ability to think. You'll do to ride the river with.
  11. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    + 10,000 Trust me the last thing you want or need is socialism in any form Hilderbeast included
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