“Having a Dialogue with Islam is Impossible”

Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by OldDude49, Dec 5, 2018.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    I rarely use other people’s work on my site, but this is an exception. Mario Alexis Portella is a priest of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, Italy and a Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Florence. He has published a book Islam: Religion of Peace? The Violation of Natural Rights and Western Cover-Up.

    I find it extraordinary to see fact-based reasoning about Islam coming from any Christian leadership. Finally, a religious leader who is not willfully blind. Below is the interview.


    Florence, The Chancellor of the Curia: “Islam is not a religion of peace. Dialogue is useless unless the Quran changes.”

    Interview with Mario Alexis Portella printed by the Italian newspaper La Verità on November 22, 2018

    “I Have Seen the Massacres in Iraq and I Say: Having a Dialogue with Islam is Impossible”

    The American priest speaks after having published a book Islam: Religion of Peace? The Violation of Natural Rights and Western Cover-Up on the “falsity” of the “religion of peace.” He says: “The violence is to be found in the pages of the Quran. There is no single authority who speaks for them, this facilitates the extremists.”

    Interviewer Marcello Mancini

    What type of dialogue can one have with those who want a woman, such as Asia Bibi dead — her crime offering a cup of water to other Muslim women?

    It is not a dialogue with the religion but with those who speak for the religion. Ever since Ataturk eliminated the caliphate in 1924 many Islamists have taking advantage of the political vacuum to represent Islam in their own manner. Here is speak about heads of state, and above all the imams. Since there is no central authority representing Islam altogether, it is difficult to individualize an interlocutor.

    Islam is not a religion of peace, as sustained by many Muslims. How can it be that they command ferocious “holy wars” of conquest and terrorism that upholds “holy martrydom?” And yet, there is a “Western cover-up,” which you speak of in our book?

    The cover-ups are for financial reasons simply because be so-called petrodollars take priority. Here one must see the profits to be gained from natural resources, such as gas. The Western reasoning is according to the real politik; the governments limit their rapport to that between states by which human rights are sacrificed. For example, Donald Trump criticizes Islamic religion that has generated terrorism but at the same time he sells arms to Saudi Arabia and Nigeria; these are two countries that systematically violate human rights not only against Christians but against their own peoples.

    Fr. Portella, you’re an American and have been to Iraq. You have seen how much Christians are persecuted and churches reduced to nothing. What expectations to Christians have of us in the West?

    From their side there’s a great disillusion because after the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003 and the American invasion, the West has left them in political state of anarchy. In diverse villages and cities where Christians still live, the Shi‘te and Kurdish militias—many of them sustained by Iran—are officially in charge of security but in reality do not provide it. Hence, Christins live in fear because they are harassed by Muslims who now occupy the posts vacated after ISIS. In fact, many priests are unable to dedicate themselves to their pastoral ministry because they are in a continual struggle with local government officials to defend the Christians.

    We have set that Islam is a religion engaged in a holy war against the infidels. We are all infidels and we are in danger. And yet many apologists continue to justify Islam and provide false stories.

    Only one has to look at the original Islamic texts that speak the truth; those texts however are ignored by scholars and activists who maintain that they are being misinterpreted by those who terrorism and the Islamization of the world. It is simply not true.

    Father Portella, can you provide an example?

    It suffices to read the content of along in the fifth verse of the named sura (the last fundamental chapter of the Quran) which indicates how Muslims are supposed to behave with Christians, Jews, and other non-Muslims: And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give alms, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

    You have said that it has been the weakness of the West is to have essentially stripped our rights of freedom of speech end of religion, categorizing anyone who questions Islamists’ intentions as an Islamaphobe.

    Here it is necessary to distinguish a Muslim from an Islamist. The former is he who submits to the religion of the prophet Muhammed, while the latter is an intellectual, such as an imam who takes upon himself to speak for Islam. In practical terms, Islamists have infiltrated government posts and lobbyists, such as the United Nations, and from that strategic position they have been able to convince the heads of state through the soft law, to criminalize any sort of criticism against Islam. In this manner they can embed themselves in society even more.

    Pope Francis has been accused by his critics for having betrayed the Church with Islam? What are your thoughts on that?

    The pope has done very well to bring the gospel of Christ to the Islamic world, as his predecessors Benedict XVI and John Paul II. Christianity, however, is based on the peace and love of God, while Islam justifies killing and war in its sacred texts. This makes it difficult individualize a constructive path with Muslims. It is more of a political problem than a religious one.

    Francis, nevertheless, has invoked dialogue via a reciprocal understanding between Muslims and Christians. How can we then dialogue with those who do not speak the same language of peace?

    The problem is with their representatives. When the Holy Father meets with certain individuals, such as Imam Ahmed el-Tayeb, the Rector-Emeritus of al-Azhar University—the most prestigious university in the Sunni world—he cannot rely on what he says; he speaks of peace with him, but when el-Tayeb goes back to Egypt he says something else. President el-Sisi himself tried to convince el-Tayeb and the religious body of the Islamic world in 2014 to see and interpret the Quran in a historical context because Muslims cannot continue the path where they justify violence from the verses. But he was blocked by el-Tayeb.

    Is there any type of credible outlook?

    In order to have a reciprocal dialogue, it is necessary for the imams who sustain the words in the Quran in a fundamentalist manner to revise their book. Above all, they must correct the hadiths (the sayings and acts of the Prophet) which justify violence.

    From what you have explained, I understand why the discourse of Pope Benedict XVI at Regensburg shook-up certain people. Ratzinger mentioned that Muhammad, early in his preaching of having allowed the freedom of choice. Once, however, he gained power, he used the sword to convert others. He was right.

    The reaction to his discourse demonstrates that Islam does not tolerate any critical analysis.

    Father Portella, what future do Christians have in Iraq?

    The United States can still influence the political issues of the central government in such way that Christians can have the same rights as Muslims and Kurds. Having said this, even if Iraqi Christians do not trust the American government, they maintain great hope in their hearts. The decision of Trump to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal instituted by President Obama can be a way to constrain the Iranian regime. Pressure them even economically to the point that the militias they sustain lose their influence and stop persecuting Christians.

    Catholic priest: “Islam is not a religion of peace. Dialogue is useless unless the Quran changes.”
    apache235 and BenP like this.
  2. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    OMG not another copy and pasted "Islam is not a religion of peace" piece to bash Muslims with...and garner "huzzars" from the rest of the tribe who are inclined to join in with some Muslim bashing....and relying on some random papist apologist no less (a subversive agent of Opus Dei perhaps?)

    When the Catholic Church cleans up its act with regards to kiddy fiddling clergy and laiety, it may begin to justify criticising other god bothering religions for not being religions of peace that it apparently now claims itself to be.

    Both Catholicism and Islam are blights upon the people who are their believers and non believers alike.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2018
    snake6264 likes this.
  3. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    How about you actually READ the Koran???


    is that possible?

    can you actually take some time and try READING what is there....

    or do you have a problem... and well... actually knowing something about the subject isn't it worth your time?

    betting you have never read it... IMHO your comments say you know NOTHING about the TRUTH of said religion...

    Oh n if ya did what did you use? Please explain...

    how about just looking really closely at Sharia Law?

    things like....

    are you required to wear certain cloths... are you required to feed and house moose-lims if they drop by?

    or like... is there a tax? who pays that tax? how much is that tax?

    or like... a woman is raped and reports it... so what happens to her?

    it helps create a dialog if you can speak about the issue... although a dialog may prove unsuitable to you comments???

    rather then throw out what looks like condescending aspersions and group think comments...

    Oh... I'm not Catholic...
    Capt. Tyree and oldman11 like this.
  4. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    .............Hmmm .30 cal. cures most everything if applied in ample amounts
    oldman11, techsar, Lancer and 2 others like this.
  5. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    I'm sure we will have a dialog in bullets.
    oldman11 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  6. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    155mm works well also ;)
    oldman11 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  7. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    In Islam if a woman get gets raped?
    Trust me you don't want to know.
    It's barbaric by mid evil standards.
    oldman11 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  8. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    600 years before Mohamed ,"Jesus said Satan is a liar and the father of it." God of heaven doesn't to over look lies there are an offense.
    Allah on the other hand approves of lies particularly to the infidel .
    Allah is not the God of heaven. big difference.
    Capt. Tyree, oldman11 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  9. BenP

    BenP Monkey++

    Yes, it's called the truth.
    oldman11 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  10. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I must agree with Father Portella because there is a difference between Muslims and Islamists and most of the Muslims I have known want nothing more than what Christians do: peace, raise their children, better living conditions, etc.. It is definitely their leaders, their clergy and/or political leaders driven on by their clergy, that are the problem. Also, it is pure, good old fashion religious hate, coming from what is happening due to the continuing conflict between Israel and its neighbors, which in my opinion, will NEVER be settled, until one of them is ground to dust and ground is salted.

    Having said this, I believe Chello is correct, to a point. The Catholic church has been extremely slow to do anything about pedophiles until it became totally obvious that public opinion turned against them. Perhaps one shouldn't throw stones in glass houses or better stated in terms more appropriate for the topic, "“He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her.” Personally, I believe the interview would have shown balance if Father Portella was asked the question why the Church is reluctant to act against these pedophiles; however, let's be clear, the interview wasn't about the Catholic Church and its failings.

    So, let's be fair, this interview was not about the Catholic Church and their shortcomings, problems or sins. It was about a Catholic Priest that wrote a book based on his opinions and findings on Islam which seems to differ greatly from the Catholic Church's standard party line and, taken in that regard, at least in my opinion, it is perfectly fine for him to be critical and give his opinion as it would for a Islamist to do the same about the Catholic religion.

    And understand, Chello hates all religion...at least that is how I perceive him, which is okay, as long as he doesn't persecute, taunt, or make rude gestures against those that do believe. To each their own...
    oldman11, Gator 45/70 and chelloveck like this.
  11. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    So does HE and willy pete from altitude.
    oldman11 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  12. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Man, I remember the days when the Priest had the nuns,

    All for him and nun for us.....[lolol][ROFL][woot][woot]
    chelloveck and oldman11 like this.
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