I found and joined survivalmonkey in the middle of October. Nothing against the board or the great members here, but I felt a bit 'out of place' as I am not a hard-core preparations expert, as many of you are. I felt that I had little or nothing to contribute. As most of you have been together here at survivalmonkey.com for a long time. So I set off across the internet in search of a “home base” for information resources and sharing that applied more to me, such as EDC and shorter term preparations. I joined a message board and found out that the admins/moderators were not active and that I had to wait for my membership to be approved. In the meantime I joined a different board and started to think that I might like it there. That came to a grinding halt when I posted a rant regarding their double standards towards posts from certain members and the anti-gun, pro-slingshot perspectives that swarmed with stink twisted by other countries laws that took priority over US law based posts. I.E.: a post about a slingshot from an American was considered “General Topic” in the Discussion forum, but a slingshot post from the UK was considered “General Tools” in the Tools forum. I commented on American slingshots must not count as a tool, because we have firearms. The UK members needed their slingshots as ‘survival tools’ because they didn’t have access to firearms. Of course, I provided links (from that same message board) to the things I was ranting about. That did not go over well and everyone got their ‘panties in a bunch’. So off in search for another board, but I got banned within 24 hours because one of the members was also a member on the first board and had given the admins a heads up about me possibly ‘stirring the turd’. Then I was accepted for membership into the first board which was just a repeat of members from the board I had posted my rant. So, I have come back to survivalmonkey and it is just the same as when I wandered off, but this time it feels different. I understand simple english is tough for many of the younger generations, but the layers of ‘political correctness’ that are piled on top of every post was tiring. Survivalmonkey is not politically correct, doesn’t sugar coat anything and gives it to you as straight information. Take it or leave it. Simple, straightforward information, without the b.s., political corrections or whichever sensitivity training system the younger generations are raised with. I have come to realize that I do actually fit in here more than I do on the other boards and that the information and knowledge here really do apply to me in some way, shape or form. I fit in with the age bracket, the attitudes, and overall ‘give it to me straight’ perspectives here. We may not all agree on everything, maybe we do. That would depend on the situation and topic, but at least here there is discussion. Discussion is what all those other boards are missing. They all have the cookie cutter attitudes and if you don’t fit the mold then you are outed. So once again, I must say Hello to all you monkeys and climb back to the limb I was hanging out on before and enjoy the atmosphere. BTW: I have learned a lot from the resources here and have used some of the information to help me explain to my wife why, what and how of the things that I do want to have preparations for. She was very receptive during this recent conversation, agreed with most of the points I was trying to make and even added a few considerations of her own. This is a huge leap forward from where she was just a month or two ago.
@Grandpa Patch This is a pretty cool place, isn't it? You can pretty much kick back and read more than a decade of posts, or participate at your leisure with no worries of being ostracized for having an opinion, as long as you're civil. We even have a private cigar club, so if you're interested, please let me know.
The tree has anything about anything in it's collective knowledge base. If you can't find something just ask and one or many monkeys will tell you or tell you where it is. While the tree probably isn't for the overly thin skinned most of us enjoy the free(even the free-for-all) exchanges here. I sometimes have to examine posts that I don't agree with to understand why I don't agree. So welcome back.
Welcome back to our Monkey Tree... As you have found out, this place is open to any and all opinions, as long as they are presented in civil discourse... Many of us share common traits, and beliefs, but there just as many who believe differently, and are free to express their opinions and beliefs as they choose... We have a broad cross section of Monkeys hanging out on this tree... and a double bunch of information and resources for folks to brows and enjoy...
Well said @Grandpa Patch !! It is very hard to find another board like this one, with the resources and the membership of the Monkey.
...And the great thing about this board is that all arguments are optional! If you disagree with someone, you can post your view and debate the issue, or just move on along to something else without any feather-ruffling or drama--which just saves tons of time and prevents Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I've been on the Board for years and am almost entire Syndrome-free. Well--mostly.
The Monkey Tree isn't as bad as certain other boards regarding PC attitudes, double standards, etc. Not perfect, but better here. I have had to "ban" a few boards from my computer when they got too uppity for a good honest Southern Cracker to put up with.
LOL .... Grandpa Patch, Welcome back! Your experiences with the other sites match mine very closely. Just before coming here I was banned from anther site forever. I was banned from that site for sending a private message to the site owner and simply asking a question about a new policy that was being instituted, and suggesting that the new rule be modified and suggested why they might want to do that. There was no answer forthcoming merely a ban for life. It was really a good thing for me! I love these folks!
Not all here are hard-core preps experts....many people here are on different stages of that journey, with varying levels and breadth of expertise. Even newbies are able to contribute to the total sum of knowledge here by simply asking thoughtful questions. Everybody has something to contribute....the operative word is contribute. Knowledge kept solely to oneself, no matter how inconsequential it may seem to the possessor, is lost to the collective. We all, including the founders, were once newbies to the site, if not necessarily newbies to prepping...the fact that some have been here for a long time should not, of itself, be overly impressive. Sharing, supporting, and contributing is what actually counts, more so than the length of one's stay: the statues on Easter Island have stood where they are for a very long time, but say nothing themselves. Some here are happy to lurk and soak up all the valuable information that is to be found here...others prefer a more active involvement...each gain value from their simply watching, or actively participating.
Why would you go anyplace else? What will get you banned is. A barkless chichewa (Chihuahua) Pocket 9mm Tactical wheelbarrow You get the picture.
I actually had a member from one of the other boards ask "Is America so dangerous that you feel you need to carry a pistol?" Obviously the LA Riots, the shit that went on in Ferguson, Missouri, natural weather events that occur annually that cause stupidity to happen, etc. hasn't taught many people anything. The unruly people that are caught on film taking TV's from stores with broken front windows. A case of water or some food I could understand. If they went back and made it right with the store owner after the crisis even better. Stealing a TV during a natural or man made crisis/situation is just flat out theft, criminal behavior. AND, that doesn't even start to touch the RTKBA, Constitutional issues that are forever being nickel and dimed away from us. Yeah, America is that dangerous! We have so many stupid politicians that we need to protect ourselves from. Mention carrying a 12" bowie knife or the latest multitool (which includes a knife blade) with every gizmo imaginable on it and everything is great. Mention carrying a pocket pistol.....oh how dare you threaten public safety.
@Grandpa Patch "Ask questions." Asking questions not only help you but might help the poor bugger that is too prideful or bashful/shy or whatever to ask. Or, maybe they just never thought of it. Sometimes I ask a question just to see if the answers I get corresponds with what I think is correct...but there is no such thing as a dumb/stupid question and that is true for a lot of smart reasons. Everyone on here is learning. And, honestly, if someone thinks they know it all (and we get them sometimes) and there is nothing left for them to learn - well - then they are definitely too immature and shouldn't be here, and more sooner than later they will be ran off. I like to think this is a forum for adults... I am not saying sometimes tempers won't get stroked but this forum works using discussion so one needs something besides emotions to back up their opinion or, most definitely, they'll be handed their backside. I can honestly say this forum has change my opinion on a couple of major topics and done it via discussion...as well as handed my butt. LOL! Prepping is a life-long thing road. It takes time to acquire the knowledge, skills and the materials. It doesn't happened overnight... And, sometimes it is the 'chicken and the egg' thing, sometimes it is simply a matter of priorities or time or money... I've only been doing it a few years, since I got back, and I think I have made a huge leap in being prepared but I am not even close to where I want to be. But, it takes time and I will get there eventually. Also understand, while this forum's main theme is about prepping/survival almost no subject is taboo. I also have got help here on too many oddball things to list: bark beetles, propane leaky stove...Just about anything and everything. As far as other forums... Why? My time is limited so I want answers or conversation without bullshit. This is the only forum I am on, it serves me well, so why muck about some other place? So, I don't.