Not getting rain things dry out , getting rain things grow. After the fire is gone and it rains the mud slides . may be , just may be, one shouldn't live there . do ya think !!
In a wide-area disaster, some see heart break and misery Others see...opportunity CAMP FIRE: 2 arrested in suspected evacuation zone looting CAMP FIRE: 2 arrested in suspected evacuation zone looting
It will probably be hard and difficult for good folk.....It will be like the Battle of the Atlantic:Battle of the Atlantic - Wikipedia Allied shipping losses were heavy in the initial stages until the allies got their act together and started a convoy system, and other measures (long endurance aerial reconnaissance and surveillance) and technological innovation (ASDIC / RADAR / ULTRA) helped overcome the wolfpacks of U Boats... And so it will be in a TEOTWAWKI environment....there will be a circling of the waggons...the creation of MAGs / militias...and the dispensation of local justice.
News outlets are reporting that 300K people have displaced in evacuations. When you look at lists of evacuation shelters, all I see now is "Full" in shelter after shelter....
The fires and smoke from those hills are truly apocalyptic looking. Many of those new refugees will be moving east permanently. Hopefully when they do, they won't turn Red states Purple, and then Blue like what is gradually happening in Arizona and Texas.
TBM Avengers were among the first warbirds converted to tankers for firefighting duties. the Borate Bombers got bigger and bigger... now they are using cargo plane modified for dropping fire retardant. and still, the countryside burns
From the type of senators that Arizona has sent to Washington D.C. in recent years (the likes of RINOs McCain and Flake), the Californication of Arizona is well on its way. Now with the seemingly endless amount of "found" ballots after the legal end of the recent election, Dem Sinema has replaced Repub McSally as the likely winner in the race to replace retiring RINO Sen. Flake. It looks like a lot of Hollywood types have lost their homes in recent California fires. A favorite area for wandering Hollywood folks to buy up real estate is around Austin, TX. Best guess is that Texas is about 10 years behind Arizona in being Californicated.
I've been hit buy fire retardant on a fire line . left the orange on my helmet for the duration of my stay. It got washed off fighting a flood .
Now if you live in one of these fire zones and like it appears to be the entire state of Cali. How do you go about fire proofing your BOV. Tires? Breathing apparatus in BOV? GO!!!
I do not think there is a way to fire proof your vehicle. New vehicles seem to melt. Here is another image, and the caption was scary: The blaze was so hot that wheels, handles and rubber between the windows of vehicles melted, making it impossible for some people to drive as they fled for their lives Not only where these people in traffic jams, their vehicles were melting.