Please post your guesses, but not your work or explanation. 3B71A055-AD75-46EC-997A-F646767F1312 by Hanzo posted Nov 11, 2018 at 12:40
why is the newspaper in what appears to be russian? n why does it say rudder or somethin? google did the translatin
I get 15. Remember that according to the precedence of operators in the last line you multiply before you add: Order of operations - Wikipedia From the examples I get: Single shoe = 5 Man = 5 Ice cream = 2 Who ate my other three ice cream cones??? That's what I want to freaking know and is that what happened to the other guy from the second equation? Did he know the transgression would be at minimum a wedgie? NEVER mess with a fat guy when it comes to ice cream, especially one who restricts himself to keto in real life. Stealing my fantasy ice cream is SERIOUS shite.
close yall .. got 28 without ( )s methinks the answer is 28 unless we missed somethin agin which is possible we aint supposed to splain it till @Hanzo weighs in ..
Still missing (and pissed about missing) ice cream* but the answer is 39. * on close inspection it wasn't even ice cream which makes it even worse and SOMEBODY STILL OWES ME ICE CREAM regardless.
there are implied ( )s in there with the implied ( )s the answer we get is 43 without the implied ( )s the answer is 26