Gun control?

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by oldman11, Nov 7, 2018.

  1. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    Now that the democrats have won the house what will happen to gun control? Will there be a run on ammo like before? A lot of questions that need to be answered.
    sec_monkey and tacmotusn like this.
  2. marlas1too

    marlas1too Monkey+++

    lost all my guns and ammo to a sinkhole
    sec_monkey, Lancer and oldawg like this.
  3. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    What does it matter. You are a prepper or you are not. Plan for the worst, pray for the best. Live your life as your last day on earth could be tomorrow. Do what you do for family and friends. Enjoy life. Look for bargains on items useful to a possible primitive lifestyle. Practise simple basic lifestyle skills and tasks.
    100,000 rounds 22lr ammo can be obtained for under $4000. Properly stored will still work just fine 75 years or more from now. Weapons and ammo is relatively cheap right now. One could easily obtain 10 AR15s for $4000 right now today. What do you want your legacy to be? Who do you want to have it when you are gone.
    So many questions! So few answers you can be really sure of. Good Luck with all your decisions.
  4. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I wouldn't be too concerned. For one thing the house is now going to be tied up for the next two years trying to get the goods on Trump, ignoring all else. This will be the communist party's downfall in '20.

    For another thing, even if they do pass gun ban legislation, it'll never get past the senate.
    STGThndr, Alf60, Gator 45/70 and 5 others like this.
  5. Lancer

    Lancer TANSTAFL! Site Supporter+++

    Not to mention that POTUS Trump will almost certainly nominate at least one more strict constitutionalist for the SCOTUS.
    STGThndr, Alf60, Gator 45/70 and 6 others like this.
  6. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    The only people who put a run on guns and ammo failed civics class.
    SB21, Gator 45/70, sec_monkey and 3 others like this.
  7. BenP

    BenP Monkey+++

    I doubt much will change, they will struggle to get anything past the senate and president.
  8. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Yeah the Senate picked up at least 2 seats for republicans.
    The loosers were "moderate democrats" in red states who voted against Kavanagh.
  9. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    In my opinion, Those who do not own enough guns and ammo to arm at least 6 more persons than their self, are poorly prepared for an always uncertain future, and have thus failed history classes.
    Alf60, Gator 45/70, Radishman and 7 others like this.
  10. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Well I tried to collect enough to do that. But a disastrous home fire put a sudden end to my plans.
  11. Lancer

    Lancer TANSTAFL! Site Supporter+++

    The wife will be PO'ed when i tell her i need components for three more AR class weapons..
    That will have to be after my current project: Suppressed .22LR AR SBR.
    Or do handguns count?
  12. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Seriously who on here doesn't already?
  13. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Let me check the Dog's stash, he may be holding out on me and the cats.
    sec_monkey, oldawg and tacmotusn like this.
  14. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Last edited: Nov 7, 2018
  15. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    Six people, eh?

    Keep in mind two is one, one is none ;)
  16. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    I obtain stuff, I hide stuff and I never speak to anyone about the details of that stuff and it does not matter to me if that stuff is legal or not.
    Zimmy, Alf60, tacmotusn and 4 others like this.
  17. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    You have said too much already.
    Navyair, john316, Alf60 and 5 others like this.
  18. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I feel sorry for our Washington State Monkeys... Having to put up with the passage of the MOST Restrictive Gun control initiative in the county.... All because of the BIG city Demoncrats and the Billionaires that funded the campaign.....
    Navyair, ghrit, Yard Dart and 4 others like this.
  19. Bishop

    Bishop Monkey+++

    Have slingshot will travel
    Alf60, tacmotusn, Gator 45/70 and 2 others like this.
  20. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    I went to 3 gun shops today.
    Basically my day off call to prayer.

    All ammo cases stuffed.
    One place was out of you know who 60 grain sub sonic 22LR.
    All spaces where the guns are displayed all full.
    Except walmart. The shotgun rack had a few empties. But it is bird season here in NM.
    The wall mart ammo case was stuffed. I probably haven't seen a walmart ammo case this full since George W.

    While my 30-30 was briefly stolen I looked at AR10s. Everyone was out of stock, everything had to be ordered in. If you looked everywhere you could find 1 or 2 for a ridiculous price.
    My friend who is an AR10 nazi always complains about this.
    I think the AR10s hit market over saturation during obama worse than the AR15 and just never picked back up.
    So an AR10 being out of stock is normal as far as I'm concerned.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2018
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