I think part of that lack of participation is the very real stigma and stereo type that gets laid on Preppers door steps and is pretty much self inflicted by the louder and more extremist preppers. The older you get the less F's you have to give what anyone else thinks about you
I had my 4 year old grand daughter convinced yesterday that I was 27, until grandma told her I was actually 72. Didn't make much difference to GD, she still thought that was pretty old. Truth is, I think most folks on the forums anymore are usually older, the younger folks are hanging out on faceplant or other social media sites.
The youngsters can keep Farcebook and Tweeter. I'll use the forums. A more knowledgeable group of folks here.
I'm 48 years young! I grew up a sort of prepper, we didn't want for much, but we were far from well off! Most things were second hand, and we raised or grew a lot of our own food. It was simply easier, cheaper, and better quality! Mom was a school teacher and Dad was a Naval officer so the family income wasn't what would be considered great, but we didn't know any different! To us, life was a lot simpler, and we had many fun activities that would be considered prepping or at least self sufficient. Things like trolling the local wrecking yards to fix things that needed fixed or to get parts that the parts houses didn't carry or couldn't get any longer! We made Bows and Arrows and sling shots, we hunted dang near constantly ( Didn't even know you needed a licence and a tag until I was well into my tens) and we fished until we filled a big cooler to over full! It was simply a part of life! Life for us was different then a lot of other areas of the country, there were mainly two professions a young man had available, the Timber industry or Farming! If you left for one of the cities like Albany or Salem, there was the lumber mills or "city" type jobs like the tire shops or the diesel shops, or you were extra lucky and got hired on with Union Pacific or Shaver Towing and Salvage or you could work the fishing boats if you lived near the coast! That's about it! The big city was Portland, about 89 miles north west of where I grew up, and was a full weekend if you went there for any thing! OryGun was a vastly different place back then, the radio stations didn't play very much of that new Rock Music, it was considered distasteful and the station owners ( like much of the state) were very conservative Christian.
I think I was raised as one without anyone talking about it. We always had plenty of extra food.my dad didn't want any guns but didn't have a problem with me having several. I would guess most preppers are in their fifties or older. Most younger folks seem overly concerned with their cell phones to grow up any. Not all of them, But most I run into. I also run into many people who think they will just kill people and take their stuff. These folks concern me.
47 here, and've been living the life far back as I can remember. Our kids will someday say the same thing.
About 60 give or take a couple here. Latched onto the prepper or survivalist (before that term was redefined to something evil) mindset when maybe 11-12 reading My Side Of The Mountain, Robinson Cruso and Swiss Family Robinson. Loved those books then loved everything Alistair MacLean wrote which carried some aspects further.
What age am I? I am a day older than yesterday and a day younger than tomorrow, and on any given day, I am the age that I am. My chronological age is often at variance with my biological age...sometimes higher....sometimes lower....i sometimes surprise others with my age, and occasionally, I surprise myself.
Those types concern me also. If they are thinking that evil when society is stable, imagine how bad they will be if there is a collapse. I met a guy in his 60's who said he doesn't want to live through a collapse/shtf. He knows preppers but just doesn't want to prepare. He said he would rather end it then live through it. That has always stuck with me. There are people that prep and one that do not but there are also others that know life, know human nature and do not want to experience somethings
@Motomom34 Those who plan to just take what they need won't last long. Fighting everyday for your substance will get you killed quickly. And as far as people not wanting to survive SHTF; that will not happen. We are all born with a survivor instinct. They will change their mind very quickly but too late.
something to consider... the do gooders... there will be some in every community... they will CLAIM it's for everyones good... you know the type... they will call on everyone to SHARE... may even send out parties of supporters to COLLECT from you... your fair share... of food, ammo, firearms, medicine... etc... they will claim that they will redistribute stuff... later... kinda to each as they need thing? thing is who watch's them? just how many of their followers will get a little extra... to insure they remain... followers? I'm old... but like to think I'm NOT a fool... although sometimes I have been foolish... <hmm can I blame someone else for those times?>
The vermin that need to be ghosted while they are a small problem and not allowed to grow into a big problem.
I'm 42, though at times it feels like 82. At age 25 my mind woke up from the usual Young & Dumb phase males go thru after turning 18. At age 31, my sense of responsibility woke up.