I am convinced there are very few younger preppers these days. Perhaps it is only something you see the need for with maturity. I am 68 and I have been preparing for only 8 years, two years into the Obama Presidency when his true colors began to show. I would think that starting at any age the internet and groups such as the Monkey would be a natural draw, so our ages should be typical.
When we had to occupy all the family homes during and after the hurricane I was pleased to see #1 Son park his car on high ground, and arrive with his BOB, sidearm, rifle, and food/water for the duration. He's in the under 30 bracket, but like me, he's always planned ahead like this.
I believe that SM draws a more mature crowd that signs up and participates. Younger folks may read but daily participation is an older crowd. I have seen Monkey threads linked on Pinterest and Twitter, our content is being shared, just not commented on.
I must be a prepper. Either that or somebody hid a lot of cool stuff in my house. Or, maybe I'm in the wrong house...
I must have read too much Heinlein as a kid. I think I could have been identified as a survivalist by the time I was 15.
A bunch of old folks around here according to the poll....guess us young ones will have to pick up the slack.
The poll seems to accurately represent those that realized the importance of the cold war, and had parents that experienced wartime shortages and/or the Great Depression.
As far back as I can remember , to at least 4 years old, I would listen to the old men's tales in my grand fathers pasture in the summer. Most of them would have had to get permission in theory to leave the reservation to go there until 1924 and this was less then 20 years later. In 1837. they had been a nation with their own rights, 30 years later they were captives in that days version of a FEMA camp and were punished if they left without permission. . I guess that has made me a prepper from almost birth. It can not only happen here, it already did! Now I am watching PBS rewrite the American Indian story again, and it doesn't match the stories i read in school or those I I heard as a kid, but it fits in with the lefts program change things to what they wish.
61 years old here. Been on the fringes of the Prepper lifestyle all my life. I get more serious at times, then slack up a bit. Can't stay fully up on it at all times. Other aspects of life intrude. But my preps got me through the recent hurricane in good shape. The younger folks I know remain clueless. Even older buddies who should know better listen to my advice, then go on as before, no preps.
this does not surprise me at all.... part of my family came out of Texas... they did not advertise our heritage... seems there were still folks around that remembered the Comanche's and things that were done...