And I still had to fill out a 4473 for it. Well the NFA stamped it on October 1 so that's not bad. The other one is hopefully in the mail.
If you don't have suppressed firearms, you need to get suppressed firearms. Nothing says you at the wrong house like a pistol with a can on it.
I used to hate Remington subsonics. Now I love them. The gemtech mist barrel on the other form 4 should be short enough to render standard supersonic ammo at least transsonic.
Wednesday, I took my niece to the local nfa dealer to fill out the paperwork on her second suppressor. Her first was a Black Aces Tactical 556 can. It was kinda unbalanced on her AR, so we did a form 1 sbr on another AR for her. Her new suppressor is an AAC Aviator. When I've had people ask me "why I need a silencer", I tell them that if someone breaks into my house at 2 in the morning, I'll use it so I don't wake the neighbors. I'm considerate like that. I also tell people who comment that "I'm coming over to your house if the SHTF" that they had better be invited or they'll never hear it coming.
I tell em' I need a 10K deposit so that I can buy extra provisions, I'm always met with silence and a dumb deer in the headlights stare?
Alright my other can a GM22 has found its home. A ruger 22/45 tatical. I think it will make a good under the seat gun.
I bought a little cheapie alliance 556 can made out of stainless and aluminum. It's not full auto rated but only weighs 6oz. It's fine as long as you don't mag dump through it. Now I start the ridiculous process all over again. This will be my 556 starter can. It's probably not an ideal piss bottle to work with direct gas impingement but have to start with something. Later on I will probably pick up a better can built for direct gas impingement. A 20 ounce stainless and inconell club that could survive having a tactical nuke dropped on it. I have a dream where almost every gun has a can on it.
not worth the trouble anymore. I actually bought a AKS with the intent of converting it back when that countdown was running, but couldn't be bothered to come up with the money. Wish I had. I see NFA as a 'slow motion' ban on FA. Most people with the platform to put the word out already think they're banned. And they don't care if you don't like that they're wrong.
The count down is still running. If I ever assumed power the only things left on the NFA would be explosive DD and machine guns. New machine guns would be available for registering, no more pre-1986 bs, flashbang grenades would no longer be DD, probably put most energetic munitions 40mm and under on a permit but other wise sold as a regular firearm. Probably require some basic UXO disposal training for what the person uses.
Just watched the Brian Terry story on Fox Nation, gives one a lot of trust in our elected officials. Holder and Zero should be in prison. NFA 34 should be repealed - period
We could have free access to machine guns of the mentally ill were locked up, boarders secure, illegals deported, criminals locked up. Have to clean up the streets before allowing access to machine guns and stuff like rpg7. Then states could still ban them.
That would mean Congress would have to do the job they were sent to DC to do instead of screwing us and enriching themselves.
you just have different limits from other people in power. Either you understand the meaning of "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED", or you don't, there is no scale involved.
Got the gem tech sfn. Well really the dealer will have it for about the next year. A recoil boosted can for the FN fiveseven pistol. Original msrp $800 to $1,000. Now they hit market saturation, no one cares and they are half that new.