It could happen quickly............ pandemic

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Motomom34, Sep 5, 2018.

  1. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Seepalaces, Motomom34 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  2. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    Not too much put back for bio...some full-face masks with P100 filters, nitrile gloves, tyvek suits and some stuff to put together a whole house positive pressure system run off of solar.
    Seepalaces, Motomom34 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  3. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    There are volumes of information on preparing for pandemic, the list is endless and training should be at the top of the list.
    Personal awareness and handling potentially contaminated things others touch should be a consideration .
    Use the sanitary wipes provided at the store before handing the basket and other things other people handle .
    I would not be so concerned in areas that show no issues, however it pays to pay attention to people your around sneezing coughing and such, especially those careless with them selves.
    People carelessly sneezing and coughing in public with out using any caution, need to considered a threat , seriously . I am not normally paranoid , but I do care about the health of others, because there IS a chain reaction for neglect .
    I take a friend to a hospital ,but I don't hang around the waiting room, I find some where else to go till my friend has issues are settled. I insist she wear a mask and do so till she is in a room or on the way home.
    There have been flu pandemics from time to time and at her age and diabetic, taking precaution is a must . When she goes for dialysis the room is filled with older folk and it has happened that more than one dies of the flu during the out brake . the crew often wear masks and encourage the patients to , but your can't make them.
    I am not a pill pusher nor a hypochondriac but I believe I exercise proper caution related to public heath .
    By the way I drive wearing harbor freight work gloves; on the motorcycle, and in the car, and trucks, because in the event of an accident ,which you cannot prepare for unless your causing it, wearing gloves gives one a margin of protection dealing with broken glass, torn sheet metal, getting off the hot asphalt ,fires and handling others and their blood.
    When your done the gloves can be thrown away regardless of cost . the potential cost is your own safety .
    BTW harbor freight has some excellent latex and nitryl work gloves cheap ,well worth the investment for medical purposes post SHTF . Like any thing else they need to be stored somewhere that does not get real hot.
    So far as facial protection they have face masks and glasses good for this as well . If you notice the medical community uses full face masks not safety glasses .A nd they use the better masks, not the one little band sold as a placebo.
    if the area around your nose bridge is not sealed the mask is doing nothing.
    In a true pandemic event or fire, like it or not, I'd have to shave so the more sophisticated mask can seal around my face .
    One's beard is not a filter .
    Doing fiber glass body work the dust really gives away where the mask is failing ,and to ignore it, it is potentially fatal.
    Part of my plan for my home is to dedicate a room with positive pressure capability for medical emergencies and assessing bacterial issues . Hey if I had the money I'd have a spectrum analyzer and learn how to use it .
    There is literally tons of equipment available to be able to learn how to deal with disease ,and we live in a day and age diseases are being invented and getting immune to antibiotics that are available.
    Choosing ignorance is for the liberal .
    Mountainman, SB21, Dunerunner and 3 others like this.
  4. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    I have biological, chemical and radiation gear.
    But I plan on staying the hell away from people and not needing any of that, for that reason.
  5. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    Excellent topic Moto, thanks! We have some baby pools for a wash down room and tons of gloves/duct tape. We never made hazmat suits because a basic is so easy to cobble together. We have a bug out location that is very isolated and are pretty well stocked for food, etc... We even home school, so the kids would be ahead of the curve in terms of exposure. I still feel like we haven't done nearly enough.
  6. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    HOLD THE PHONE. The article said Vanilla Ice was on the plane with them. Are we certain they are sick, or did he just break out in song and they all said they feel sick? I mean, I often feel sick when he sings.
  7. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I feel the same way. I have food, water (not enough), plastics and tape for sealing the house. I have gloves, masks (N95- not the hazmat ones). I have sanitation covered and a plan to have the garage as a holding area until someone is declared free of illness. We are armed, have medicines etc.. I know that I am ahead of half + of the population in preparing for this event but it still feels like it is not enough. After yesterday and having two planes that had people removed due to illness, it makes me feel I should step things up in epidemic/pandemic preparedness.

    Here is a very well written article. Are You Pandemic Prepared? How to Prepare for Pandemic and Survive, Too
  8. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Isolation and hope it is not carried by birds or other wildlife is my defense. As it is now every time I walk into a walmart I feel like I should be wearing a hazmat suit and pressurized respirator.
    Gator 45/70, Motomom34 and Seepalaces like this.
  9. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    ....and just like that, all mention of this disappears from the main news pages of Fox and CNN. Got more important stuff to talk about! SCOTUS hearings! Trump slams! More Trump slams!! :eek::rolleyes:

    Evidently, there wasn't enough story there, to distract people for too long a period of time. ;)
  10. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Question is ,
    how many can your save with out jeopardizing your own family ?
    Also the same protocols are important for nuclear dust and volcanic dust .
    Having an expendable jumpsuit you can burn /throw away is necessary because you don't want to be bringing that material inside .
    I save several I wore working/building medical implants , some suits were thrown away after every break some after every shift. I asked the boss's permission to save mine and he said," save all you want."
    Granted they are paper/Tyvek but better then wasting regular clothing .
    Another option is full body rain suit . at least it can be wiped down and cleaned for another use but that's not going to last indefinitely. They are good but not cheap.

    I cook and heating with wood and only revert to gas when it's too hot already.
    On filters I believe that an optimum system is the swamp cooler drawing the out side air through a wall of water as a pre-filter and humidifying the atmosphere making it easier for the hepa filter to capture the finer particles . Running that air through refrigeration/freezing will remove the moisture and capture some of the bacteria as well. the chamber this is performed in needs to be lined with something that is expendable seeing it is hazmat.
    Water for washing this bacteria should not put in the ground ( spreading contamination) but in a solar distillery, not for water recovery but to insure the bacteria is dead. A large diameter shallow water proof glassed box will do. UVs sunlight in this instance is your friend.
    To know what your doing means something it might be valuable to own a microscope capable of identifying bacteria not only for the air but for the water you are filtering, and identifying the disease in the blood . besides scopes are fun to pay with . Mine unfortunately are not powerful enough . talk about a fascinating world only a few knew to venture .
  11. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Two more flights today. The CDC is responding very quickly. CDC Investigating After Multiple Passengers Fall Ill On Separate International Flights Coming Into Philadelphia International Airport I think the reason these sick overseas passengers are being met when they land is because the CDC is on alert. The ebola outbreak is getting worse. EBOLA CRISIS: 'NO ONE should sleep well around WORLD' warns official after city outbreak Some many think I am being paranoid but we live in a society were people can travel easily from country to country then state to state. If an out break of something serious did happen, how soon before the officials actually declared an emergency? I believe by the time officials recommended sheltering in place it would be too late.

    If you are not prepping for pandemic, at least have a flu kit ready because these sick people are coming in from overseas and the flu that was going around Mecca is reportedly really bad.
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