We keep eggs here, like they do in Oz, outside the refrigerator. I do love our farm fresh eggs, for sure. I eat them almost daily, for breaky. By "You", you mean Chan, right? LOL Trust me, the LAST place you ever want me inside a home, is in the kitchen. That is, unless the fire department is adjacent to where I am attempting to cook. I don't shop and I don't cook - ever. With that said, I know you can buy a bread making machine to make fresh loaves daily. That would be sweet, for sure. In fact, you may be on to something there. I would just have to get the Boss on board with this idea - considering it would be something else to add to HER list of daily to-do's.
@Gator 45/70 had a gud idea, ya could bake yer own bread they have them new high-tech bread makers now, aint never tried one .. .. jus dont burn the place down
I buy potato bread. Not much more expensive than wheat bread, and lasts much longer before getting moldy. Important as I live alone. Wheat bread gets fuzzy green before I finish a loaf.
One good thing here is, I can purchase appliances from Australia, which will plug right into the power points here. Well, a power strip is often required. But, I never need any voltage converters to run them here, like I would if I brought appliances from the US. Never heard of such an animal. I will have to ask Green Mango if they offer other types of bread. I have become accustomed to the whole grain they offer, especially. I really like it, and love the large slices she cuts from each loaf.
For long term bread storage, wrap in cheese cloth first before storing back in its plastic wrap/bag! When you pull from the freezer, pull off the outer plastic and let the loaf sit at room temp, will prevent the sticky/yucky wet bread! We make a lot of our own bread, and it seems to keep longer then store bought, prolly because we know what is in it, and no preservative. We do mainly ether sourdough or Russian Blackbread, both keep well, but will go bad like the others! An old school trick was to soak the cheese cloth in butter/honey mix before wrapping, just make sure to mix in lightly, otherwise it makes a mess when it thaws out! A dedicated bread board helps as well! We use deal, it helps draw off moisture well!
For eggs, we use waxed cupcake inserts for the muffin trays, crack an egg into the the wrapper placed in the tray and pop it in the freezer. Once frozen, pop them out of the trays and wrap in waxed paper tubes and a plastic bag. Keeps them from sticking to each other and you can pull just the number you need when ever! We do ours in rubes of six, makes it easy to deal with!
You can make bread out of just about anything with a little added sugar and yeast, around the latest tree hugger bread is mesquite beans made into flour, they do have a sweet taste to them if you get them soon enough before the bugs bore into them and lay their eggs/larvae. I've used ice cube trays, blend the eggs first (no shells), let rest overnight so the foam goes away, pour and freeze, pop out and store. Rancher
My old shooting buddy is gluten sensitive, so his wife learned to make bread from potato flour, rice flour and garbanzo bean flour. I buy my tater bread though.
when working in Usinsk in 1995, the old Soviet 'bread factory' in town was still the only game in town. Nasty bread unless you were lucky enough to be there when (if) they delivered. Wasn't wrapped, came n a bin.
i have had very good results freezing fresh bread ,pastry, cakes. after the bread is cooked, let it cool to room temp, wrap it in an air tight wrap, keep it in a chest freezer at 0 degrees F. i freeze lot of bread we buy on sale wrapped in 2 plastic bags
Bread machine and grinder. No need to buy the high dollar machine mix. Just your choice of grain or other "flour" makins, yeast, and any special flavorings and fresh bread of about any type when you want it. Seems costly to get started but once you amortize it out it is cheaper by far.
Bread machine is the way to go. Bread that costs $4 a loaf in the store I can bake in the machine for 30 cents. I use unbleached flour, and no added chemicals or preservatives. It needs to be eaten quickly, 3 days at most, but that's not a problem in my house!
Freezing is fine, as stayed above. I also use a bread machine. You could knead your own dough but I can't stand the messy fingers. 3 3/4 cups all purpose flour 3 tbsp sugar 3 tbsp butter 1 1/2 tsp salt 1 1/2 tsp yeast 1 cup lukewarm water 1/3 cup milk. That's my base recipe. Play with it all you want. Honey instead of sugar, different flours, addition of things like raisens or olives or mustard or bacon bits.... almost anything works. Flour without gluten doesn't rise as well. Don't be disappointed if you get a dense loaf.
you MUST thaw the whole container of milk, then mix it up...a quart will thaw over night in the frig. a half gallon might take a day, l gallon takes 1 or 2 days, so you try to drink some early and it is very thick, then when the center thaws it is very THIN, you must let it all thaw and mix it up . if you freeze it in a chest freezer at 0 degrees F,thaw it completely, mix it up, it will taste as good as it ever did i think it would last years i know it will last 6 months i buy eggnog at Christmas and freeze it and drink it all year
Nongluten bread is rather more crumbly than wheat bread, same with other baked goods. Oat bread is nongluten, IF it was processed on machinery NOT used with gluten flour. Otherwise it can get contaminated. My buddy's wife makes some killer nongluten brownies!
Thanks for the recipe. I will try to find a bread machine here, or, possibly from Australia. I never heard of people even having Celiac disease, until years after moving to SEA. I'm 52 and am relieved that I don't. Never known anyone in my family who did, either.