the small parish I live in the sheriff dept had 31 arrest for everything from murder to drunk driving. Kidnapping,armed robbery,aggravated robbery and murder plus the rest being drug arrests. All of this in a small parish with one little town of about 3000 with a black mayor,who’s police dept made 2 arrest. The parish is run by a sheriff dept that made the 31 arrests is run by a white sheriff. There’s maybe 4000 that live out in the parish. I’m 75 and grew up in this parish. What’s going to happen When times turn bad? I own 200 acres and try to stay close to home except for doc visits and grocery runs.I keep a loaded gun with me 24-7,my house looks like a fortress with a gun at every door. How do we older law abiding people live when crime is all around us? I’m too old to move,what is the answer? My house has double locks on every door but my weak spot is my patio sliding doors that I’m working on now. By the way last month my granddaughter was arrested for a drug offense who I think is still in jail. I will not bail anyone out of jail for any offense,like my mother said (you made your bed now lay in it).This great country is not going to last very long like this unless we do something. I blame all this on parents and our schools. All of this happened in just one week.
Well, who is black and who is white is probably not relevant to the conversation but if you are alone and not well hidden you should probably recruit some help. It seems like you have plenty of room, I would try to find some like-minded family or friends to move out to the farm with you. There is strength in numbers.
gr8 suggestions @BenP plus @Asia-Off-Grid sadly ya cannot even trust family or friends dogs plus cameras, lots of cameras we can help with the cameras, dogs not so much
I was going to mention a dog or dogs as well. Peter the Lab has done amazing things around my compound.
Some Charolais bulls are not friendly to strangers...well anybody actually and they only eat grass. You could use one of them to patrol a portion of your property.
A good dog probably doesn't eat as much as 10 relatives, and in a pinch one could eat a dog...the neighbourhood might take a dim view of cannibalising one's relatives.
Well, omarosacka is a dog, stands to reason hesheit has dogs for relatives. Pretty sure she would eat her own kids.
But, you can choose your friends. Most friends I have had over the years, I would say - have been good ones. Of course, I am pretty selective when I use the word "friend". They don't know my relatives. In my case, I bet they would approve. Besides, I never had a pet screw me over. I can't say the same about relatives.
@Asia-Off-Grid guard dogs might eat each other or their owner or that bull when the dog food runs out .. cameras plus robots do not need to be fed but they require energy plus maintenance
The problem is you have relatives, and post SHTF they all know what you have and where you live, and will exploit that asset when the time comes . The people that have heavily invested in their survival now are most likely to be more reliable than those coming to you post SHTF . It takes time to get to know people and even neighbors that you've known for years can have secret agendas . You have a life boat that holds 10 people but the are hundreds floundering in the water from a sinking ship ,you will all die if you let them swamp the life boat .What disciplines can be afforded in this event? Your little heaven will have to make determinations for what is and isn't acceptable. and every one aboard must uphold the same disciplines . There must be some determination for the health of individuals that are a liability ,obviously medicines are going to be a big issue. I support the people I believe in, and am willing to give my life for them if/when required . I only hope to pass on to them what I've learned before I pass on .
You know there are several of us in Louisiana that would be interested in a fall back place due to hurricanes.At least 3 members live next to I10, I have a fall back place to the west by the state line Others on here may be looking for a spot to pull back to, Just say'n.
Well, that is according to Citizen Trump...but only because he's miffed that she bit the hand that fed her...he has been a little tetchy lately...
Dogs. I've looked into trying to improve my security (my house is a sieve due to all the big glass windows and sits back into the woods, truly hopeless) and dollar for dollar a dog is the best security system one can buy. I say that but still don't own one but I am certain I will some day. Currently, crime around here is - well - there isn't any. People are armed and they are very leery of strangers, so it is not like some scumbags can come down our private road without someone seeing them, watching them. Anyway...get a dog but I do like @BenP idea of 'Charolais bulls' - now that is thinking out of the box! LOL!
I never had any experience with aggressive animals. But a bull and a couple or three heifers (they will make him more "aware"). Asia off grid mentioned Brahmin cattle in one of his posts. I think you would need good fences, but he would be a deterrent.
Please keep in mind that geese are better than dogs when it comes to sounding the alarm. Those things can wake the dead. Plus the benefit of meat and eggs.
+1 for the geese. Add in a donkey or two, or Alpacas, and you will be awakened in time by the geese to watch the four footed creatures stomp the intruder to death.
Been told guinnees make good guard dogs. Not sure what else they are good for. Looks like a chicken, not sure about the taste.
Geese and guineas will also tell you when the squirrels move and a rabbit jumps and when any big bird flies over. Beware of alarm desensitization. You may be better with a bunch of squirrelly headed goats with bells. They are sure to run to or away from any intruder depending on signs even the Farmers Almanac couldn't decifer. Plus geese are evil entities. I'm just sure of it.