And that is exactly why our schools no longer teach real history nor civics. They are owned by the left. And the left cannot succeed in destroying this republic if the newer generation understand the true costs of history...
They use millions of dollars per soldier to make us what we are. We become a part of something larger, a member of a team, a brotherhood. There is order, discipline, a sense of belonging and purpose. Every action taken has reason and purpose. And when it's all over, we return home to try and make sense of the ordinary life which is pretty much nothing like military life. We ought to cherish our veterans, but we also shouldn't forget that the only wars we ever should have been fighting were those to secure our own borders, to gain and to maintain independence from Britain. America has long been slated to become the World's Policemen, the henchmen for the Globalists, the trigger men for the Corporate web of deceit, and especially the executioner for Israel. If we are sending our bravest out to fight, I want it to be for the right reasons, damn it. But that's just my thoughts on the subject, as a humble veteran. Blind patriotism and nationalistic pride can become a very slippery slope, as history proves.
A slippery slope slid down on a regular basis....often accompanied by the words "mission accomplished".
There is so much I COULD SAY on this, but won't! As a Vet ( retired) I'm disgusted by most of what I see in this country, and it's one of the reasons I have become such a prepared person, I have seen too much of the other side, I have seen the corruption, and the good ol boys club, and it sickens me greatly! I better stop now!
We knew who we were and exactly what was expected of us. Once out many of us have not a damn clue who we are anymore or what is expected of us and a damn good number of us don't figure it out. And like Ura-Ki that is all I am going to say about it.
It never changes. Kipling wrote a poem, Tommy, in 1890 and nothing has changed. We now are at "peace" but are involved in wars that are approaching 20 years, 2001 and 2002, in Iraq and Afghanistan, had wars in Korea, Vietnam, central Europe, and the hundreds of little peace missions all over the world, and the country as a whole has never really been behind any of them and the liberals hate the violence against the innocent, the waste of money they would rather spend on the poor, etc. Was in in peace time, different situation, gave up 4 years of my life, but for most part was good. Have a hard time with those who do not honor those that gave the time, effort, and often their health and lives to defend this country and our way of life. Those who complain the most are always those that take everything they can get from their country and give nothing back. Often have wondered if we should require an oath to uphold the Constitution and some public service time, military or other, as a condition of voting. Still a lot of truth in Mauldin's Willie and Joe cartoon from after the war. They are sitting in a class room trying to learn how to re enter civilian life and Joe is bored and half asleep when the instructor asks him "How do you enter a room?" Joe immediately answers, "Kick the door down and throw in a grenade, wait for the explosion and enter before they recover from the blast and shoot the survivors." Good answer, but not quite what the instructor wanted. Got out in 1960, went to college and as a freshman they wanted me to wear a beany, carry a paddle, go to classes on how to live away from home etc, 2 weeks earlier I had been electronics crew chief and responsible for the fire control systems, auto pilot, and such on 6 test aircraft, and checking out the test circuits on dummy nuke weapons. The upper class men were upset as we vets didn't have the proper school spirit.
this is not a one size fits all situation and the fist video is less than useful and until a person realizes they are both the problem and the solution and not associate themselves as a victim or the problem. Humans are flawed but we do not need to repeat mistakes we made before. Bad thoughts are like a live wire either you learn to let go or disconnect or your going to get lit up. self control issues are a dime a dozen none of us are special we all either take accept and make changes or we will harm ourselves by giving in to our base actions and emotions.
I've always been of the opinion that voting should not be a "right": it should be an earned privilege. The only voting ID we should require is a DD-214, or a current, valid, armed services ID. And with that I'll shut up. For now.
Ah, yes. Isometrics. We used them on the boat on extended ops. Results like that? Not even close. Lifting a coffee cup was never a problem, tho'.
Heh. Half the staff served, the other half respected the service. Us vets were not bothered in the least.
1st video lost me at "I'm a reporter" and "Vets miss war" What a sicko IMO. As for #2, trying to teach grand kids by watching a flick is a waste. It takes one v one time.
Didn't watch the videos. Vietnam vet. Do I miss it? No! Only things I might miss is the brotherhood. OTT, not much. Never could really connect with those who didn't serve.
In the service, peace time or war time, you make a commitment to do something and do your best to do it. If you fail, you are usually either discharged or dead. While the results may be PTSD, and a lot of other problems, at least we tried our best to at least protect our brothers and sisters and live up to our oaths. In this modern world we live in most people never really commit to doing anything and it all about them. Marriage, respect, job, drugs, savings, etc, all are now only passing things. I have not been able to figure out in my own mind how our country has changed so much in the last 40 years. Safe zones, only obey those laws you agree with, hate speech, the government owes you a living, an education, medical care, and it should always provide those benefits to you as you sleep thru life doing nothing but enjoying yourself. I can not understand how we now have a new generation that suffers from the drug problems, deaths and attitudes that we now have. Most of the people I know did everything they could for their children, gave up a lot of life's worldly pleasures to help them as much as we could, and somehow the system installed in them a new set of "values" that has lead to a total disaster. Any attempt to get back to some morality and order is resisted and every trick that can be used to expand the failing system is being used. The cities and states can not afford to pay for this dream world that they wish to live in, so now the "government" is supposed to do it. Don't they read the news, the government is broke. Well we can't let facts spoil their view of reality and their desire to make all the old values, honor, marriage, serving ones country, work, respect for God and Country, the Ten Commandments, etc, somehow being obsolete and to be dispised. I am 80 and my time is limited, the grace of God has given me this much, but it doesn't look good for this land dominated by the liberals, filled with immigrants that do not wish to assimilate, have as a goal cradle to grave security while the world provides them everything as they "enjoy" their artistic, cultural, sexual, freedoms. I have always had a problem with a media that goes on and on about some red necks killing a homosexual 30 years ago and that never mentions Gacy and his killing of at least 33 men and boys to fufill his "dreams." I hope I have not hi jacked the thread, but the few attempts to "honor" the memory of those who have served this country are in my mind futile, we should do it every day and without even thinking about it.
Point 1: There's a very good reason why only the Navy was given clearance to remain operational and all standing armies must be re-approved for funding and fiscal operation. It was never meant to be permanent because We, the People were the military to be called upon in time of need. Point 2: Emergency War Powers are still in effect, have been since 1933. Search the forum for more on that happy nugget. Point 3: The United Nations and IMF own this chunk of land we call home, so I don't even know what flag to fly any more, but as a default I just stick with the rattlesnake Gadsen. Not to mention a US Civil flag prior to WWII has seemingly escaped people's minds and it was the only flag flown by civilians, circa who cares. I'm pretty sure those enlisted in Hitler's Reich thought they were doing the right thing, too. Just saying. The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Sebastian Junger's book, 'War,' really is worth reading as is the documentary 'Restrepo.' I think Junger probably gets the closest to describing it. I was never in combat, never pulled a trigger, but spent at least 20 years in war zones and/or hazardous locations, going from one to the next, pay going up with each, never realized it was so long until I finally got back and stopped and looked around. I've been shot at, spat at and shat at and I loved every minute of it...but not at the time. LOL!!!!!!! I was paid very well for what I did which allows me to live as I do now but it really wasn't all about pay, it was something else. Strange and exciting locations that were frontpage news, at least for a's hard to explain. Wow...memories, not sure why but Albania popped into my head, when we were staging to invade Serbia - now that's a funny story! ...taking fire while sitting in an aircraft in Kandahar, nothing is more frightening, except making tactical landings and you, your gear and stomach all hit the ceiling if not strapped down and you hope like hell the pilot isn't hung over like you and knows what he/she's doing...watching the fireworks at night around the perimeter while the enemy probes...American embassy Tashkent suicide bomber...memories. What is not to miss? Gives life meaning. "'s very hard for these guys to go back to a seemingly meaningless and ill-defined civilian life." "...Of course, once you have experienced a bond like that, everything else looks pathetic and uninteresting. That may be one reason combat vets have such a hard time returning to society."- Sebastian Junger
@Brokor "I'm pretty sure those enlisted in Hitler's Reich thought they were doing the right thing, too. Just saying..." You are correct. Frankly, besides myself, I have never heard anyone state this and it's so obvious...and scary. I spent 14 years in Germany, loved the place, and use to have long talks with my old landlord (Hans) just about this exact thing: how nationalism can be taken too far. Most of the Germans actually saw reason for the Rhineland, Sudetenland, the Austrian Anschluss and even Danzig since all they asked for was a corridor/road to connect the German city to Germany (another idiotic idea from the Treaty of Versailles) but...their government sort of got away from them, took complete control (sound familiar?); however, it was all done completely legal, of course (also familiar?)…and before you could spit they were invading a country (Soviet Union) for no known reason besides the government saying to do so...