The US-China trade- a shooting war could be next

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Yard Dart, Jul 6, 2018.

  1. Guerrilla Tactical

    Guerrilla Tactical A Well Dressed Monkey

    I'm crying inside. :cry:

    Is it coming here illegally?!


    You know though, this story reminds me of another I read yesterday, supposedly China has leaked a 'document'.

    "China is explicitly using tariffs as a wedge issue designed to split "apart different domestic groups in the US," according to leaked plans.

    As a trade war looms between the two countries, Beijing issued a propaganda notice to Chinese media explaining the official game plan for handling the issue.

    It was then leaked online and published by the censorship-monitoring site China Digital Times. Alongside instructions to avoid quoting President Donald Trump or other US officials and to focus instead on "economic brightspots," the government gave outlets a description of its trade strategy."

    Leaked documents show China's game plan to drive a wedge into Trump's base using targeted tariffs

    Funny thing is, I remember many many years ago I ran across another leaked doc from China, and saved it. It was called "China Speaks", and it purported to be a document about how Chinese generals were training troops to invade the USA for the purpose of supplanting us, the native peoples of this country. It was a scary document, but I never could prove it's veracity. I archived a pdf of the document for future reference, in any case.

    Interestingly, I recently tried to access the file to refresh my memory and see if recently passed events match some of it's plans, and my file is now corrupt. Coincidence, I'm sure. But regardless, the file seems to be scrubbed from the Internet today and I have no frame of reference now for the content of that pdf.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2018
    3M-TA3, Bandit99 and Yard Dart like this.
  2. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Just head to Commiefornia, there you shall find an endless sea of Chinatown and all the red commie flags your heart could ever desire. [werd]

    Lots of SJW's love communism. It's a growing trend among the braindead smartphone zombies.
  3. Guerrilla Tactical

    Guerrilla Tactical A Well Dressed Monkey

    No kidding. I'm thankful the SJW crowd hasn't descended upon Montana.

    But I tend to think they're a bit over-represented. Their bark is worse than their bite!

    Brokor likes this.
  4. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    While Yard Dart is completely correct in his post on China and trade war, which also includes the EU, Canada, and a lot of our other trade partners, the real problem is the unintended consequences of such a struggle. The murder of an obscure nobleman and his wife was the trigger point for the world wide disaster called WW1. There have been hundreds of books written on the "real" causes of that world changing event, but who cares, its all history now. Likewise the trade war we are now in "could" lead to a war with China, a leftest takeover of the USA, a collapse of the economy in the US as all the big box stores go broke and our consumer electronics disappear, a world wide depression as the whole house of cards called world trade and just in time manufacturing comes tumbling down. As a mouse watching the approaching elephant stampede, all I can do is pray, make sure my preps are as good as I can make them, get as self reliant as I can, and face the reality that the world we used to know is gone. One minor personal note, I am redoing my house roof, the roofing from Canada is 25 % more now than 2 months ago when I should have bought it and I am going to get some more solar panels while they are still available. I watched CSPAN on the 4 th of July and they were running a conference held at a University in California in which a young Asian female law school professor from one of the Ivy league schools said that the Constitution was just a piece of paper written by a bunch of old white men who oppressed the natives, women, the poor, people of color, etc, kept slaves, stole the resources from the natives, Mexico, and everyone else in order to keep their dominant position and amass huge fortunes, etc, and it was time to change and let the people take over and for everyone to share in the resources of this great but misguided nation. The crowd of liberals attending cheered for a long time. These are the people who have captured the Democratic party, most of our educational system, a good part of the media, etc. As Yard Dart said so well, is this the event like gun shot that starts the whole world event. Trade wars and embargoes have in the past lead to things like the great depression and the oil embargo on Japan, to the US and Japan going to war.

    Kind of looks like we are the frogs in the pot and just don't know how hot the water is or how hot it is going to get.
    3M-TA3 and sec_monkey like this.
  5. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    Tempest in a tea pot, this is pure greed on the Chinese part, there is an old saying about why there are no Jews in China -- too much competition.

    It is not that it couln't happen it is doubtful because their economy need the U.S. the largest consumer nation on the planet. we need them to produce cheap goods. There is a line where if they do not buy from us our workers go hungry, then there is the line where we produce enough food that any trouble the world would go hungry and many die off, we are the worlds bread basket.

    shying away from a fight is folly just as much as being a bully will get you cold cocked. China has built Islands in the China straights trying to strike fear into South Korea, Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines and other nations that directly impact their production of small inexpensive goods to heavy equipment, it has been their plan to be ready to invade or encircle to limit shipping eventually to invade these countries. China's single child policy is come home to roost if they do not act soon their numbers will fall off a cliff.

    We should have put a foot in their ass when we were in Korea in the 1950's and again during the 1960's they are not our friends we like cheap shit and they like money. A war would be a last ditch effort they hold a lot of our debt but like all the countries that owe us we could just tell them to take a hike. only one country paid off their war debt from WWII if they all paid their back debt with interest we be $1,95 up. The world bank does not loan to the Chinese because they have a bad habit of nationalizing and outright theft so if they decide war all that cost would fall on them they make money by selling weapons North Korea is their bitch test dummy, when your dealing with NOKO your in an underhanded way dealing with China. There is a war brewing but there is no way to avoid it and why should we it is not in our favor to wait until we are struck first like 911 that makes us look weak and vulnerable. neither should we start a fight but when threatened we need to knock out some teeth, this is schoolyard shit with life and death consequences. you find something you do not like about each other and name calling pushing networking your friends to intimidate and onlookers to agg it on looking for your opponent they don't like to get their ass kicked because they are too weak or chicken shit to take them on themselves.

    It's been said that war is diplomacy by other methods so is trade you wrangle a trade deal and the other side gets hooked on it like a drug now you have them in a situation if they pull out then their people that count on jobs and their living will turn against them no matter what age race creed color or ethnic group most people like peace money and not to get killed in this tug of war that is the line we pull each other toward but no one wants to cross,

    If you fear war it will be the go to threat to put you on your heels if you act like push me and I'll go upside your head you won't hear that B.S. so much. It is best to let all the players know if we don't exist they better have a good space program because we will leave zero chance of living on this world, passivity will get you punked out and eventually killed.
  6. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Bah! This is not going to turn into a shooting war. First and foremost, China is not ready for a shooting war. I am not saying they wouldn't be a difficult opponent, they would, but of all nations China always shows the most sense and patience when it comes to Foreign Policy. They cannot win any type of trade war with the U.S. and they know it so most of this crap is pure propaganda.

    The top priority for China is to keep its people employed and fed otherwise civil discord and discontent will tear their country apart and they are never too far from it. This trade war, if it is a trade war yet, has the possibility of doing just that and they know it. So, let them blow their horns, wave their flags and stomp their feet. It will not get them anywhere with this president.

    Personally, I support the president on this. I mean, let's face it, this is what he truly knows, business is his forte not politics, business.
    oldawg, 3M-TA3 and sec_monkey like this.
  7. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    I believe an eventual shooting war with China will result from their continual attempts to retake Taiwan. China really wants to take over the entire Asia/Pacific area.
    sec_monkey likes this.
  8. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I have no confidence in this assessment. I regularly watch videos from somebody who has lived in China for more than a decade, and his accounts are quite different. Most of the Chinese people are the type who toe the line for the Chinese Communists Party, and this is evidenced by their attitude in general. There are crack-downs in China throughout many of the cities whenever dignitaries hold conferences and such, and the tactics they employ can be rather brutal as well as efficient. For example, they've made motor bikes completely illegal in all the first tier cities, most of the second tier cities, and can confiscate any property they wish, and have on numerous occasions. As for property, the people cannot own any (hence, Communism), but they can lease it for up to something like 70 years, with no rights, naturally. The quality of the water is abysmal, and the food can be even worse, as sanitation is poor. The runoff from manufacturing is pretty bad in most areas, and it is only in the remote rural zones that we can witness any freedom and prosperity. Another example I can offer on the level of nationalist pride is how Chinese people can (and have) attack foreigners with impunity. The entire country is under complete censorship, they have their own versions of Google, YouTube, Ebay, Facebook, you name it. The people absolutely cannot see the rest of the world online unless they run a VPN and risk being caught. There's a massive effort by the Chinese Communist Party to push their own agenda, and the Chinese people haven't resisted it by any means. If a person is attacked on the streets, be it a Chinese citizen or a foreigner, they will ignore it completely, every time. This is their attitude today, they simply will do nothing because the mentality is, "It's not my problem, I do not want to get involved."

    I can assure you that the very last thing on the minds of the CCP is the average conscious thought of its citizenry concerning their foreign affairs. There is no diversity of opinion when it comes to politics in China --you either work for the Party or you are in the way.
  9. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Brokor But, the fact that they have 'crack downs' show that not all 'toe the line.' And, it was only when they embraced parts of capitalism, breaking with Mao's total communism doctrine that they got people working, fed and peace across the country for it was coming apart. Also, we know they have a problem producing enough food. Plus, they are minerals and oil poor.

    "...Chinese Communist Party to push their own agenda, and the Chinese people haven't resisted it by any means."
    And, why should they as long as they are working and they and their families are fed? Look at the U.S. Why haven't we rose up and demanded what is rightful ours and stop the nonsense and corruption that is so obvious? I think the answer is there are enough crumbs falling down to keep the masses happy, here and in China. However, one of the causes, and certainly the major one, that led to the Tiananmen Square riots/demonstration/massacre was economics, pure and simple.

    As long as people are working and can get fed they will lemming along. Here and in China. I think a trade war could affect this considerably in China. I don't think the affect would be dangerous immediately but long-term it will hurt them. It will hurt Americans also but not in the same way, not even close.

    "...last thing on the minds of the CCP is the average conscious thought of its citizenry concerning their foreign affairs. There is no diversity of opinion when it comes to politics in China..."
    I completely agree which led to Tiananmen Square. So, we'll see...
  10. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    The Democratic-like reformation wasn't due to the people as a whole, it's an effective method which has already been implemented in the United States for many decades. It's still Communism, just another flavor.

    If you honestly believe that not being fed enough food is all that is needed for the Chinese to revolt, then I cannot argue this any other way than I've already stated. Whether or not they revolt is not the real issue; the fact is any revolt will be pointless. Their minds are conditioned to enjoy serving and even suffering for their Party, and revolting will not produce a victory for the People. Tiananmen Square was not a victory for the Chinese People, as Li Peng declared martial law, massacred as many people as was necessary, and it was back to business as usual. What do you believe the lesson was the Chinese People learned from that situation, I suppose?
  11. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Well, If I were China, I'd start dumping my US Treasury holdings even if it were at a loss.
    Undermine the confidence in the almighty dollar and then announce that they will only trade in the RMB, Euros or gold or oil.

    I'm sure there are other countries that would jump at that.

    I'm thinking that would be as close to a nuke on the US without the radiation but boy would there be fallout.
    Bandit99 and Brokor like this.
  12. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    If only that were true, it would work.

    Phoney Opposition: The Truth About the BRICS : The Corbett Report
    The thing about phony opposition is that it's more about creating the illusion of a struggle between governments, while the corporations, who really run things, profit from the turmoil. You can bet your last dollar these high ranking officials know full well what's going on, or at least anybody with the knowledge of the actual economic process and investments. As long as these nations are still conducting business with the IBS, it's not truly opposition.
    Bandit99, Ganado and VisuTrac like this.
  13. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    You are right. It's not governments that run this place. But if they did!
    Corps aren't going to kill the golden goose.

    But If I were China (and not a corp) That's what I'd do. ;)
    Brokor likes this.
  14. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    smoke and mirrors to keep the masses looking at china us instead of what is really going on.


    Good article @Brokor it hit the nail on the head for BRICS. Most people perceive BRICS as competition when it is really designed to level the international finance playing field. We will see if it actually does that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2018
    Brokor likes this.
  15. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Same here, bro.
  16. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    It seems like we always fight the last war over in our minds and the next war on the battlefield. The mass attacks by soldiers against machine guns and trenches didn't work in WW1, the air campaigns and blitzkrieg in WW2 made the French and German massive fortifications of little use, computer war, economic war, EMP and infrastructure destruction, possible biological war or setting off massive atomic weapons in the sea and letting the prevailing winds carry it in land. So many new possibilities available to any country or group desperate enough to say the h*** with it and just attack. Have no idea what the next war will look like, could be a continuation of the present proxy wars, regime change, computer, and economic warfare, but there is always a chance it will escalate. I don't see Trump rolling over, but I can't see the democrats doing anything but trying to limit his actions and insuring the failure of his policies. Doesn't look good.
    Bandit99 likes this.
  17. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Ah! Now, I see what you are trying to say... Basically, when boiled down, you are saying "...the fact is any revolt will be pointless...and revolting will not produce a victory for the People"
    And, I must agree. My point simply is/was a Trade War could lead to unrest/disorder/riots/revolts in China. I doubt it would get them anything, as was proven in Tiananmen Square, but, nevertheless, it will happen.

    "Their minds are conditioned to enjoy serving and even suffering for their Party...." Some would say the same is true for most Americans also...
    Brokor likes this.
  18. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Quite true, my friend.
  19. Oddcaliber

    Oddcaliber Monkey+++

    Well,one can conduct a little trade war on their own. Stop buying Chinese goods. I know it's not as easy as it sounds. I remember when made in USA meant something years ago. Example, all of my Sears Craftsman tools were made in America. There made in China now. That leaves me with a decision, support China or spend more for made here and support someone here? I realise that some products are junk and others are better. Back when this nation manufactured the best products for a reasonable price. What happened is we have lost our ability to produce goods! A lot has to do with government regulations. EPA anyone? We need to get back in the game of making quality affordable products then we can tell China to pound sand!
    oldawg and Altoidfishfins like this.
  20. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Perhaps the fact that we're obtaining such critical parts from a place such as China, not exactly known for strict quality standards, is just as frightening as the possible consequences of a trade war.

    Think about it the next time you're in a plane that's about to land, or when your doctor orders an X-Ray.
    oldawg and Guerrilla Tactical like this.
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