Exotic dishes with cassava

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by melvin west, Jun 15, 2018.

  1. melvin west

    melvin west Monkey

    Cassava is never a good food and usually used for animals. But in order to survive in the forest where there's basically nothing around, it's perfect for you!
    Cassava is a nutty-flavored, starchy root vegetable or tuber. Native to South America, it's a major source of calories and carbs for people in developing countries. It is grown in tropical regions of the world because of its ability to withstand difficult growing conditions — in fact, it's one of the most drought-tolerant crops. In the United States, cassava is often called yuca and may also be referred to as manioc or Brazilian arrowroot. The most commonly consumed part of cassava is the root, which is very versatile. It can be eaten whole, grated or ground into flour to make bread and crackers. Additionally, cassava root is well known as the raw material that's used to produce tapioca and garri, a product similar to tapioca.

    Cassava will grow in any warm climate, including indoors as a potted plant. Planting is fairly simple. Start with cuttings that are bigger than 1 cm thick and woody colored (no green). Around 1 foot long is a good length. They don’t need to have sprouts coming out, but they do need to have the nodules/nubs on them.

    Bandit99, Dont, Sapper John and 2 others like this.
  2. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    There are other species but, all contain 50 for sweet to bitter = 400 MGs per KG of cyanide improper preparation the age and health of the consumer of course the species sweet or bitter and you have a high probability of someone getting very sick or dying. I know it is used by the ton for food made into flour and other food additives. but like polk sallet better know what your doing or your not going to like the outcome.

    Some animals actually look healthier after consuming certain poisons but they accumulate and eventually lead to death same for people one serving may not harm you but consecutive portions build up and your toes up. some animals can eat certain and we can't of each species one can have it and the other will get sick or die. I have a pretty bush and if you take one of it's limbs and use it to cook with it will kill you or make you so sick you wish you did.

    Anyone that intends to raise animals need to print a list of toxic plants and their pictures cats dogs horses and cattle sheep and goats are not equal or able to eat a plant because another can. most plants used for beautification / landscaping are deadly some you can eat the leaves but not the root or vice versa some plants mimic to save themselves from predation from insects or birds insects do the same sometimes or give off pheromones to confuse a predator.

    Nature is not nice simple or loving it's a entropic world everything is dying everything feeds off something else we are all parasites or fed on by parasites the method may be claws talons or fangs. Amoeba or virus venom or poison curiosity or stupidity but ignorance that is the king of all death and dying kills more people than any other cause.
  3. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    But but you are killing my dream of running around unwashed and naked eating plants and berries while sniffing unicorn farts and chasing pixies! MEANY!!!
    OldDude49, oldawg and ochit like this.
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