Dancing FBI Agent Responsible for Shooting Bar Patron is Charged by S.H. Blannelberry on June 13, 2018 Special Agent Chase Bishop, 29, was visiting Denver from D.C. for a training exercise. (Photo: Denver Police) The off-duty FBI agent who lost control of his gun earlier this month while breakdancing and backflipping at a bar in Colorado is being charged, authorities announced Tuesday. Agent Chase Bishop, 29, is is facing one count of assault in the second degree, a class 4 felony that carries with it a fine of up to $500,000 and a potential sentence of six years behind bars. Video of the incident shows Bishop’s gun hitting the dance floor at the Mile High Spirits Distillery and Tasting bar in Denver, Colorado on Saturday, June 2, 2018. While retrieving the firearm, the agent discharges it sending the projectile into the leg of 24-year-old Tom Reddington. WATCH: Dancing FBI Agent Drops Gun, Shoots Bar Patron Denver District Attorney Beth McCann said in a press release that more charges may follow pending the results of a blood alcohol content (BAC) analysis. “We are filing this charge now rather than waiting until the BAC report is received, which we understand could take another week, because sufficient evidence has been presented to file it,” said McCann. “If an additional charge needs to be filed after further evidence is received, we can file those charges then,” she added. Bishop turned himself over to Denver Police on Tuesday, June 12th. He was charged the same day.
In his haste to pick up his gun, the FBI agent put his finger on the trigger and fired. We need to clarify that the gun did not go off on is own. A trained FBI agent failed safety 101 and shot someone in the leg. Please note: said FBI agent was allowed 10 days to turn himself in. Most people do not get 10 days to turn themselves in. **just another reason why I do not think highly of the FBI. They used to be admired or thought to be something special but story after story shows they need a reset from the top down.
Apparently today's FBI is no longer the classy agency of yesteryear as characterized by Efram Zymbalist JR. Now it, along with the IRS and who knows what other federal agencies, are a weapon of the left employed to make the lives of those who disagree with their communist ideology as miserable as possible. It's corruption modeled after third world countries. Been going on since the days of Billy Boy but 0bama really brought it to fruition. Not sure how we right that ship. The corruption had eight full years to ferment and appears as though it's deeply embedded.
First, fire all the leadership cadre, Director down to office supervisors. Stand the agency down until new leadership people can be trained and hired. Then keep a close eye on them.
It goes back a lot farther than WJC, I remember back in the '70's the FBI lab got caught doctoring evidence to get a conviction on some poor schmuck's trial, seems it was not a first, just the first time they got caught. They sure had the press behind them but I'll bet that J. Edgar wasn't as squeeky clean and he is portrayed. Then there is the JFK incident... .
Exactly. One of the local talk show hosts was doing a show on this story. He pointed out that none of the media stories pointed out that the agent fired the gun. The news stories are vague and the uneducated think the gun went off by itself. This leads the public to believe that the gun went off because it was dropped.
Liberal media are so stupid they don't know one gun part from another ,it's almost not worth correcting it but to expose their ignorance them selves . The problem of course is that is misinforms the public and that does serious damage . Or may be they do it deliberately.
Just doing a backflip should not extract a pistol from its holster, no more than diving into a ditch or rolling into cover. Those little leather strips with the snap-thingies on them are supposed to prevent that. So the doofus was dancing with an unsecured firearm. I think, if he was packing heat he should have stayed off the dance floor, period. That way he wouldn't have to worry about a new dance partner hugging up on his handgun and having a Leftist freak-fit. For example. And no ice hockey, either. As for picking it up by the trigger and making it go bang, that took a very special kind of stupid. He had to actively squeeze the little hooky-thing--so the handgun either had a dangerously weak trigger pull, or he King Konged it when he grabbed it. You notice the gun was still essentially flat on the floor when it fired. I suspect the guy getting shot in the leg was actually a case of getting shot in the foot or ankle. Lower leg, at most. The FBI has never been a Sterling service. The media of the early days just portrayed them as heroes. When they bagged pretty Boy Floyd in 1934, they interrogated him in the cornfield where he fell, then shot him dead where he lay. (Or so I have read--I wasn't there.) Maybe it was NPF: No Prisoners Friday. But it's pretty indisputable fact that J. Edgar Hoover was the biggest and most successful blackmailer in American history. He knew every politician's dirty secrets, and none of them dared touch him. More recently, when it was discovered that thousands of FBI test reports had been faked to "convict the guilty" 500 FBI technicians lost their jobs. Then, instead of vacating the sentences of the wrongfully convicted, the courts gave the prosecuters the option of demanding a new trial. Yah--Like that would ever happen. The wrongfully convicted were never notified of the falsified evidence used against them. History lies, and the media picks the lies that last.
Packed loose in a hip pocket just doesn't quite meet the definition of secured. Make that "negligent doofus."
Folks talk of needing a gubment reset, do away with the fbi.. There would be a fine start.. Include any department or agency formed after 1880.. That should take care of most ALL of the problems..
Maybe the FBI needs to teach them how to do a quicker back flip, what if this had been an assailant and he was kick boxing... OK, I'll shut up. Rancher
actually they never were classy because of jurisdictional issues state to state the agency made their own rules and laws and broke them once J Edgar figured out he could be a puppet master he did he hated all people of color without warrants he would spy and produce dossiers / files on anyone he could that had influence and power he and a few reporters were not above blackmail lying and subverting justice. Remember that Senator McCarthy was not the only one that fed the fire I consider this to have been our nations French style revolution where people only need be accused to be ruined we need to remember.
The FBI, ATF, DEA and all the rest of the .govs need to be abolished and those duties handled on a state level.
I think we have enough corruption opportunities at the state level if nothing else greed hate and power of competing agencies exposes their crimes eventually the feds do need their wings clipped a bit.
They said they're waiting on the BAC results. If this comes back showing he was drunk , while carrying concealed , is that not another felony added to his list ??