Trump to give 'full pardon' to Dinesh D'Souza

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bandit99, May 31, 2018.

  1. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I was really pleased to hear this as I truly think the guy got excessive punishment. I have watched all of his documentaries and found them to be excellent: 'America: Imagine The World Without Her', 'Hillary's America: The Secret History Of The Democratic Party' '2016: Obama's America'. I think it safe to say it was the Obama one that got him the excessive punishment. Anyway, I agree with this Presidential pardon and happy to hear of it.

    Trump to give 'full pardon' to Dinesh D'Souza
    Gator 45/70, Dont, Seepalaces and 8 others like this.
  2. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    send Trump a thank you. ask that he pardon General Flynn and restore his pension. tell him to please continue destroying the Obamanation anti-American legacy
  3. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    Dinesh [coo] (y)

    Blago (n) (n) (n) (n)

    Martha :eek: [eek3]
  4. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    Yeah like it's ok to sell a Senate seat
    Blago can rot , Martha who cares, Dinesh WGAFF (Who give a flying ....) a waste of time and paper
    Good to be the king
    Gator 45/70, Seepalaces and Motomom34 like this.
  5. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    I like Dinesh D'Souza, his work is and was a gold standard, my thought is that, he was guilty , admitted to it so why should he get a pardon ? he could have waited and got it expunged.

    Because I agree with his ideals if he commits a crime to forward his agenda then isn't he just like the people he was arguing against. Had he been railroaded was not guilty I can see a pardon this is bad really really a bad idea to pardon guilty people. I cannot express how bad it is. On the right we tell the left your liars you pervert law and justice and then we on the right pardon a guilty man.

    if we pee in the pool on our side and they pee in the pool on their side eventually the pool will be full of piss and no one will be able to use it, it will not be recyclable because once it is cleaned there will not be enough water for it to be a pool and we will have to add water this is an analogy on our laws constitution and concept of our nation or rule of law. If we bring ourselves to a point where will will have no choice to change everything and still no one will follow those rules either but where we will all loose our rights as we know them now. Law breakers are suppose to be brought to justice, pay the penalty and reform not get a pardon but there is a remedy called expungement it is legal. it takes money, D'Souza has money and it takes a relevant amount of time but can be done.

    If anyone needs a pardon it is Snowden, he saw illegal spying by our government on it's citizens without warrants in secret, and that exposure galvanized the right and I think helped Trump win because if illegal activities were not exposed then how would people have gotten so sick of the lefts attempts to place us in a national gulag, how would any candidate outside the MSM politicians approval list could run and win an election? Snowden reported a real abuse and crime against the American people using our tax dollars to undermine law and order and corrupt our government, does anyone think that they were not spying on our leaders and using that to blackmail votes to fund the deep state ?

    In one way I am glad he got out of the trap but, lets face it if we act like democrats then our judgement will follow and the pendulum will swing back to where we are the abusers of law and order, good old boy politics and special access and benefits. I see this on the democratic side and it sickens me. Is Snowden a hero, no but he did what we are suppose to do his duty, he tried in vain to expose the problem within agency by policy rules, and was ignored tried within the system to get attention of the problem and no one cared or listened because that is what the heads of the agency wanted to forward their agenda even thought they were breaking the law and committing treason, Still no one has gone to jail been censured demoted or any other punishment, This is the multi tiered legal system that is unfair unequal and disgusts anyone with even a mild dose of honor , integrity or morals. I could be wrong but still it sticks in my craw that everything is blurred there are no absolutes or as Aleister Crowley said he was the most evil man in the world a satanist once stated, " do as you will" ( paraphrased)either we live by rule of law or anarchy and we are sliding into anarchy if anyone has noticed.

    I like Trump but he screwed the pooch on this one in my opinion, because he showed partiality and the democrats a riddled with partiality why would we want to be seen in that light.
    Last edited: May 31, 2018
    Gator 45/70 and Seepalaces like this.
  6. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    In the latest posts column here is what it looked like, notice that it looked like you got a pardon LMAO...

    Trump to give 'full pardon' to...
    Bandit99 posted Today at 10:38
    I was really pleased to hear this as I…
    Gator 45/70 and Seepalaces like this.
  7. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    When the left can give multiple times the legal amount and nothing happens, but someone from the right gets a felony record and serious jail time, the pardon is in order. Until the feckless Jeff Sessions starts to do his job - pardon away, BUT, if you don't want pardons, then put the left wing nuts in the slammer for a very long time.
  8. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @ochit " thought is that, he was guilty , admitted to it so why should he get a pardon?"

    I agree he was guilty but I still think he should be pardoned. Basically, I think the exact same way @apache235 "When the left can give multiple times the legal amount and nothing happens, but someone from the right gets a felony record and serious jail time, the pardon is in order."

    Something like this happened to a young sailor also that got the book thrown at him for a small security compromise. He was pardoned recently also because the penalty was so damn severe and out of line with the norm.

    I do see what you are saying, in regard that if we act like the Left then we are no better than them; however, my opinion is we are dealing with people's lives here so the hell with appearances. Both of these issues, the Sailor and Dinesh, were harsh injustices, done for political reasons, and needed to be sponged from these people's lives.

    I also think Snowden should receive a pardon. And, in my eyes he was/is a patriot. I think it's probably the fear of the Intelligence agencies turning against him (Trump) which keeps him from doing so but he just got his new CIA chief, IIRC, so we'll see what the future holds...but some presidents have turned up dead when the agencies turned on them which could, of course, be nothing but a coincidence.
  9. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    I agree on the Sailor if nothing was in the photo, but in that case it was where it was taken not what was in the photo. so he did get a raw deal.
    Bandit99, mysterymet and Seepalaces like this.
  10. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    the pardoning of the guilty began with Nixon (just saying)

    I also think Snowden should be pardoned under the whistle blower act
    ochit, Alf60 and Seepalaces like this.
  11. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    I was pro Snowden until he went to russia and started spilling his guts. He lost his whistleblower protections right then.
    Alf60, snake6264 and ghrit like this.
  12. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Please elaborate because the last time I looked into it Snowden had not told anything of security importance but I admit I have not been following it.

    EDIT: I did a fast Google but could find nothing about Snowden giving up any secrets and/or classified documents to Russia. He gave all the classified documents concerning the surveillance to Journalists in Hong Kong.

    For what it is worth (and it's worth very little), "“Snowden is not a traitor,” said Putin. “He did not betray the interests of his country, nor did he transfer any information to any other country that would damage his own people,” said Putin." So says the great Russia Czar... Russia took him in as a stick in the eye to the U.S. Snowden has a Russian visa until 2020.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
    ochit likes this.
  13. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

  14. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Do you REALLY think the Russians are going to ADMIT publicly to ANYTHING that Snowden might or might NOT have given them?
    Come ON, Get Real...
    mysterymet, chelloveck and ghrit like this.
  15. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Trump pardons Dinesh D'Souza

    That sanctimonious rat faced weasel???

    He deserves a kick in the @$$ instead of a pardon. D' Souza got off lightly with 8 months in a correctional leisure resort, 5 years probation and a $30K fine.....a bit of hard time in an orange jump suit might have had more redemptive, rehabilitative value than a Pestilential Pardon.
  16. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Heh. The only thing that gripes you is his conservative stance and writings. My, my, such vitriol for such a minor item!!
    mysterymet likes this.
  17. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    Then Rosie should get life and Hillary stood against a wall but all I hear is crickets from the left.
    Bandit99 and sec_monkey like this.
  18. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    No, of course not, which is why I said "For what it is worth (and it's worth very little)"; however, the fact that he is residing in Russia does not make him a traitor nor does it mean he gave up secrets. I did some googling and I could not find any information stating he gave up anything... In fact, I would bet, given his personality and his patriotism that he didn't give anything. He went to Russia because it is about the only damn place in the world that Amerika cannot touch him - period. In fact, if our country goes into crisis, all my financial assets and my wife will be going there for the same reason but that doesn't make me a traitor, just smart enough to know which way the wind blows.

    @chelloveck "That sanctimonious rat faced weasel???"
    Now, now, Chello, that is a personal attack and on behalf of Dinesh and his truthful, enlightening documentaries, we take offence. You should watch them, quite good...or perhaps that is what has you so riled?
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