Good article IMHO and worth the read... getting tired of trying to be nice n shit to these people... they do NOT return it... total lack of consideration for our rights... they just keep on doing this kinda shit to us... vote with your wallet n then send letters and emails to advertiser like they do... thinkin there are more of us... but they often use phony names n slam a site with massive numbers of phony emails n shit... anyways... There's a great scene in the movie Witness where a bunch of bullies start picking on some Amish farmers, and then they pick on Harrison Ford, who is sporting Extreme Mennonite drag. They knock off his straw hat, laugh at him, and then he beats the crap out of them. The bullies are shocked, stunned, and bewildered. Why, he’s not supposed to fight back! Why, the Amish, they’re better than that! But Harrison’s not. As his buddy says, he’s from Ohio. I am not better than that either. How about you? Because today, being “better than that” means being willing to allow other people to control you by defining you, and the definition is always “a pushover.” You’re supposed to be “conservative,” our conservasuperiors tell us, and we must therefore rigidly adhere to their precious “conservative principles.” But these bear no resemblance to real principles, much less conservative ones. Allow me to sum up these fake principles: Don’t ever fight. Don’t presume to exercise your own right of free expression. Lose like a gentleman. Yeah, no. Hard pass, Fredocons. Last week, the NFL, broken by our informal boycott, took action against those kneeling jerks, and the elite – including its True Conservative™ collaborators – wet their collective panties all over the Internet about it. How horrible – we flexed our muscles, stopped watching these pampered jerks’ antics, and the NFL caved. We’re not supposed to do that. We’re supposed to behold these goofs’ glorious free speech, which consists of waving middle fingers in our mugs, and just nod politely. We aren’t the ones who should be exercising our freedom of expression. We are the ones who are supposed to cave. We are always the ones who are supposed to cave. CARTOONS | Michael Ramirez View Cartoon I guess we missed the memo. Oh, and how Task Force Pearl Clutcher lectured us for not adequately defending the First Amendment that a bunch of us were physically defending when the vast majority of them were back home getting their masters in 17th century philosophy and sipping Zimas. Worse, they shamefully took to the enemy microphone that is the New York Times op-ed page to scold us and spew out exactly what the liberals wanted to hear – that we conservatives should never, ever take our own side in a fight. Apparently, the going rate for professional conservatives is thirty pieces of silver and a byline in American Pravda. more on site... Real Conservatives Refuse To Kneel Before Their Liberal Overlords
I kneel before no one, I answer to a higher power then any mortal man, I have fought and blead for the rights and freedoms, and so do not suffer fools who think they can tell me what to do, how to do it, and when! I kneel before God!
I am on Facebook. Recently, I began removing liberal "friends" from my list. I will not convince them to change their views. They certainly are not going to convince me to change mine. So, why should I continue to ride a merry-go-round that isn't going anywhere? It is a complete waste of my time, time which could be much better spent working on farm projects, socializing with like minded people, or quite a number of other things that may come to mind.
A merrygo round, by definition doesn't go anywhere except in a circular direction around its axis...i can enjoy the thrill of a merry-go-round without agreeing with the political ideology of the other riders...and the other ridèrs needn't conform to my views. One is losing the point of the ride if one is expecting or trying to convert others to ones own way of thinking, instead of enjoying the ride. If I removed all of my conservative friends from the SM merry-go-round...what a joyless merry-go-round ride it would be.
I see many things at play here. Peer pressure - Where, the group of friends you do everything with; group think and are all self re-enforcing in their beliefs based upon what they read on Facebook or Twitter. Fear - There are few who can admit they are wrong, even when confronted with absolute evidence that they are. Ignorance - This goes along with getting all of your information from Facebook, Instant messaging, MeMe's sent by your friends to your email or by text to your phone, and hearsay and not investigating valid resources and interpreting the facts for yourself. Societal Issues - Which present themselves by way of your socioeconomic standing, your level of education, where you reside, and the work you do (or don't do). Frustration - You may be frustrated that because you have made poor life choices (someone else's fault, not yours of course). And that leads you to blame the rich, society, some other ethnicity, anything but the root cause of your failure, that being yourself. All of these (and there are more) affect the way you think, what you believe and, when you have nothing valid to back up your position statement; there is nowhere to else go. Some will just clam up, others will argue, and unfortunately others will resort to violence. Sorry for the rant, it is just how I see things in the world at this time...and therefore understand the merry-go-round metaphor. You can talk with them, but you can't make them think.
Well, chello, ol' boy, that is a decision for each of us to make for ourselves. Personally, I have chosen to simplify my life. That means, partially anyway, that I have chosen to no longer debate with liberals (on line). So far, it is working out pretty well for me. Of course, I am not one for thinking much of Fb, in any capacity, honestly. So, I am pretty certain my days there are numbered. A self-ban will be coming fairly soon. If I feel I need to remove / block liberal-minded people on other applications, social media, forums, etc., I will do that as well. Personally, my life is full of joy already, without all of that mess interfering with it.
Is that a man hitting a woman in the face? What a disturbing gif on many levels. He would rather slug someone in the face then walk away. What a loser. As for the football thing, lost all respect for them and will not be watching or buying their stuff. Not matter what they do to try and redeem themselves.
IIRC the guy that hit the gal lost his job along with many other things... did not turn out well for him.. which IMHO is a good thing...
I thought he was hitting a Rastafarian glad you noticed that, still that should be a lesson to people that think they can get in someones face and not get a penalty, women, 90 pound male dweebs and anyone that knows they cant take the person they are in their face with, needs to factor that getting the snot knocked out of you is a real possibility. Violence is always a possibility when people are upset or arguing give them space and defuse the situation not inflame it. People that use their gender as a shield as a bully or to make people remove their freedom of speech or over talk someone is only protected by delusion. I know women that can do some real damage in a fight, Weaker sex my eye, the female gender has killed quite a few and scarred even more, coming up on a person in their periphery while making a public address presses people into making a decision to lash out or back up and if you figured wrong your the one getting x-rays
Thought it was a Rastafarian not a women, but still, its called the public ARENA like in boxing if you decide you want in you take your chances, Last I heard equal rights. women are just as able, strong and want to be heard, apparently he heard her and did not like what she had to say. It gets a bit worn when sex is used as a shield for acting out it's either we are all equal or not if he was not touched fine let the law take it's course if any sex puts their hand on you hey that equality thing might not be enough to stop someone from pain.
IMO A liberal chooses compromise with immorality, and no compromise with those of a higher moral fabric. A conservative does not compromise His moral values, even where there is no one else to see or know bout it. Religious people tend to hold more tightly to their beliefs being cognizant that God is aware of all their thoughts and deeds ,maintaining a standard they believe God will approve of. This of course is not a shared behavior of all religious 24/7 and there are many liberals that believe them self to be believers ,their faith is invented and based on hearsay or fantasy . If a man claims faith in God but lives like God is unaware of him ,his faith is false ,superficial . So far as taking action. I have learned that obedience to God on a real time personal level ,is far greater then making suppositions about what I think He wants . I have been guided through some really tough situations .I am no tactical genius and have no training in manipulating my future . But when times are tough, God gives me direction that doesn't necessarily fallow human measures, and the end product I am blessed and those with in my sphere of influence are blessed as well. When I was very young I was beat up regularly because in spite of my size I would not fight . I proved my self in school being a champion among my team mates in foot ball and undefeated in wrestling. I am not a fighter nor do I wish to hurt any one ,those events were merely a test of skill. I've spent a lifetime helping people and even putting my life on the line in fire and rescue . I'm not afraid of much. Not careless either. don't go out of my way to associate with drunks and druggies , or people with and ax to grind . I don't mind being a sounding board to those in pain, but sometimes my advise is not comfortable to them. It would be wrong for me to deliver something other than what I believe to be the truth. but if its met with contention it's on them. I don't expect every one to believe like I believe . Every one choses their journey, and it took me a while to be where I'm at I certainly don't expect others to jump right into what I understand right away. very one operated on their own motivation level . I believe my self to be a conservative.
I also will never watch another NFL game or purchase anything that even smells of NFL. As far as the punch, perhaps she should of realized that equality means exactly that and because she is female gives her no right to insult or hit someone and not expect retaliation. When she acts like a lady she gets treated like a lady but when she acts like a threat she is treated as one and that includes when someone is screaming in your face. The playing field is level now and women can even lead Combat Infantry units (Army), street LEOs, CIA operatives, etc. A woman can kill you as quick as a man, actually quicker, for many fail to see them as a threat before it is too late due to many males still holding old preconceived notions.
I did not have to remove one from my FB friends list, I just started posting more right leaning stuff and they left on their own. Usually with a PM along the lines of "I did not know your were Nationalist, Fascist, Racist Bigot!" Lost almost all of them after posting these..............
Wow! What a world we live in that I can find my self contemplating the cost of having to do some thing like that, knowing it goes against every thing I was raised to believe of a Gentleman! I would never raise my hands to a woman in an unloving manor, but there are more and more females who need to re evaluate their lives else they find them selves in the doctors office right next to me, waiting to get their front teeth reinstalled after they get them removed from my knuckles!