AR15's are all the rage AFTER a school shooting that was thwarted by a teacher

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ochit, May 25, 2018.

  1. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    Indiana middle school Nobblesville may 25 2018 Teacher Jason Seaman threw a basketball he was holding and charged the child gunman was shot 3 times and still managed to knock away his pistol and take him down, My compliments to him and a prayer for his speedy and complete recovery.

    'Hero' teacher tackled gunman, student says: 'Most people would never dare'

    When seconds count cops are only minutes away and love to take charge and show off their armory that did nothing to protect or defend any of the people involved LMAO we are the POPO and we got it handled, yea the investigation the prevention part not so much. Not trying to be funny but you cannot prevent most crime but, you can be ready to fight it and try to stop it, if your not armed with anything but a basketball adds a whole new level of difficulty.
    Last edited: May 26, 2018
  2. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    Ura-Ki likes this.
  3. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Guy tackled a shooter with handguns. Good for him. We need more teacher like him. Not sure about the AR15 part.
  4. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    If the police can have it and you can't it's a police state if their thinking on illegalizing them they are considerering a police state or one more tick against your rights. and since the threat was handled there was no reason for this show of force people were visibly shaken and it only added to the apprehension fear and stress of the parents not add to their comfort or sense the incident was over. the police could have just as easily had the AR in the seat of their vehicles. as soon as possible after the situation was cleared but again this may be the presses attempt to raise interest or promote fear in civilians furthering the antigun agenda.
    Last edited: May 25, 2018
    Tully Mars, tacmotusn, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  5. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    It seems that the question that hasn't been raised is "WTF was a middle school student doing with two loaded pistols in his possession, and how did he get access to them?". They might be more interesting questions to ask than why SWAT officers look armed, well, look like SWAT officers.
  6. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    "WTF was a middle school student doing with two loaded pistols in his possession" Shooting folks and causing harm.

    "how did he get access to them?" Illegally.

    Any more questions?
  7. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    No gun law other than confiscation or requiring all guns have trigger locks or be in a safe, would have made a difference. Take all guns away and the video games, movies and TV will start showing people killing other people with knives, arrow, swords or clubs. If governments can disregard the 2nd they can disregard the 1st and stop Hollywood from selling human slaughter media to undeveloped teenage brains.
  8. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    I feel a bad vibe about people going after guns. Every excuse is being used. these idiots in schools are great for anti-freedom anti-gun folks.
  9. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    For a long time the press and even the NRA was for lock up your weapons and trigger locks but if your in peril then your chance to put that weapon into play is almost impossible as it takes a second to kick in a door or catch you while your opening your door or in your garage. Numerous robberies here have been home invasions crash through the door or by trickery get you to open your door. even if your could break and run to your weapon even it being in a tight holster could give the attackers the time to shoot or tackle you.

    I and a friend spoke about the problem and as I see it the 50% divorce rate broken families and all of this disrupts the children's stability leading to fears and confronting everything as if it is a paramount issue there is no balance either drama or silence broken by arguing or threats. Moreover the lack of basic religious tenants like the 10 commandments, they don't have to be taught only seen and it makes a marked difference so we kicked God out of schools and we wonder why children have gotten more defiant and violent.
    Last edited: May 26, 2018
  10. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Worse they are taught that the only God they must obey is how they Feel. Which is damn dangerous when the mental kids act on how they feel and no longer have a moral compass instilled in them to keep those feelings in check.
  11. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    Did you notice the douche bag cop in the third picture from the link that had an AR (probably M16), shotgun and a pistol on him. WTF is up with that???
  12. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    One is none, and two is one....? Am surprised he didn't have a caddy with a gun bag...."I think I'll have the Purdey drilling thank you jeeves...."
    Last edited: May 26, 2018
  13. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    Just trying to point out the police state bullshit in this country. Where is Andy and Barney anymore.
  14. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Andy and Barney are fictional characters, in a fictional town, with fictional villains who were mostly eccentric, harmless folk who didn't habitually tote a semi automatic 'hunting' rifle with a high capacity magazine with the express purpose of shooting up schools, churches, or a local fast food joints. If such events had have been actual daily risks, Andy would have toted an AR10 or AR15....and Barney, if he was lucky, might have been allowed to carry a replica Armalite Nerf Gun.:whistle:
    Last edited: May 26, 2018
  15. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    hey we got a couple of Barney's here no Andy though, problem the got hicap magazines full of bullets.
  16. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    The POPO cried that the bad guys had better weapons so, they got better weapons and still they cannot stop crime. The reason is the police have cut their own throats by abusing the powers given them. there have been more than a few home invasion style warrants where the wrong home was invaded and the people killed. One notably was a man defending his home from I am sure what he thought was a robbery attempt and I could look past that but the shooting of his wife who was naked an unarmed well, no way could I see that was a righteous shoot.

    Now the legal eagles who make the laws and badger the police to effect some arrest or actions that they would never attempt against a banker or local politician or the wealthier people of the town. I have seen plenty of police roughing up of the working class. while the upper class get a free walk. this 2 tiered application of force and illegal search and seizure like stop and frisk I have never seen that on Wall Street or wand waving at an event well those people with access to sky boxes seem to not have to run the same gauntlet.

    Mandatory sentencing, the crooks know whats up --- the rest of their lives in prison so why not shoot it out, they have nothing to loose if they live a better yard rep if they die no more being abused by the system (as they see it) Some people are in so much pain mentally and they just cannot bring themselves to commit suicide so they try to force the cops to do it.or they take out their rage on the police and the system can exert enough pressure to make people a little out of sorts --- I have to renew my drivers license now that's something to look forward to :p
    Last edited: May 26, 2018
    Mountainman likes this.
  17. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    And did you notice those BCG's or "birth control" glasses a walking example of Napoleon syndrome, rifle was almost as tall as they were
  18. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    The criminal mind will always support gun control ,disarming their intended victims.
    3M-TA3 likes this.
  19. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    when I was 12 I had access to my own guns a 410 a 9 shot 22 and a black powder continental pistol that I would fill with BB's and hunt rabbits with. I had access to a dozen others but did not touch them because my parents would bust my butt and all other inventive punishments there were no time outs.
    I had hunted and taken game and had to field dress and skin or pick feathers of what I took it's a humbling thing to see a once vital and beautiful creature that you did not make ( a Biblical understanding) and took it's life and it was explained in great detail that you did not kill for nothing if you killed it you ate it another Biblical software update I was given was Waste Not Want Not ! As far as taking guns to school leading up to hunting season and all during most boys in high school had guns in their vehicles most everyone hunted and we all fished so killing is not a stranger to me and life even mine is not my own another Biblical quaint thought so I knew killing of persons was the last and dire thing anyone would or could do and there were going to be consequences. and back in the day a back shooter or killing an unarmed person was filthy below didnity of any right minded person of the day, and we knew we would pay with our lives by capitol punishment not live forever in a prison with visitation and commissary with legal rights and we had chain gangs still.

    Children have no concept of consequences or moral responsibility or obligations to themselves or humanity another quaint concept, Do unto others """"" there is the problem if Children have no guidance or instillation of rules and understanding that there is a God and He will judge and you will pay ! then children will act like animals. children take Santa Clause more seriously than God no reverence for life their parents/s or respect for their elders and Authority and not having those traits are less than animals.

    Nietzsche, "God is dead" he was an atheist for his adult life and now Nietzsche is dead and permanently so God is not in my personal opinion and, the God he did not believe in will Judge him by his own beliefs and actions not anyone else There is no good without God man cannot correct a hurt or harm to another, it is done even if the other forgives it still does not remove the event or remembrance on both sides. That is why I would never have taken a gun to school to harm anyone it's called personal responsibility and family honor do so something despicable reflect on the family that too was instilled or uploaded software at a very early age. and it was reciprocal as explained by my parents if they acted like heathens would I be proud of them so the reverse was true If I acted like a moron what would others think of my family and their raising of me ?
    3M-TA3 likes this.
  20. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    I had a long talk about our guns and consequences of a person's actions, with my kids. I guess that's rare in today's society. I also talked about treating people as you would want others to treat you. Among the other talks I have had with my kids. I still haven't seen anyone talk about personal responsibility on TV or on the web.
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