This is from the Wife: Neurologist! Much of what 3M says is quite true, get away from any and all processed Sugars, quit Salt, and high sodium foods, especially cured meat products, I.E. Bacon ( really helps with Gout) increase your intake of potassum ( bananas) and selenium ( Brazil nuts) and your vitamin B complex. Avoide GMO foods, especially corn and corn products, ( boosts gut performance) and increase your anti oxidents ( pomagranit fruit, and Dragon Fruit) and finally my personal favorite, eat at least 4 oz of Pineapple daily! Pineapple has been proven to reduce pain levels, and works miracles on chronic pain, often making things more tolerable if not out right relieving it! The C.B.D oils with at least 400 mg of THC will also help quite a bit, though the medical commnity community refuses to study or "find" on it, you can find hundreds of thousands of testimonies to its effectiveness for pain mitigation, as well as appetite boosts for those who are having issues eating or keeping food down after eating! You can also try a pro-biotic additive or supplement, usually with Yogert or cereals at breakfast time, and a fiber supplement or high fiber foods during the day! Don' hit all of these at once, give the body time to react to changes and you should see results!
Bacon is the number one cause of many problems due to sodium content! Any "Brined" or otherwise salt cured foods will be the same! Edit: sodium is also a leading cause of colorestrial blockages, it hardens the passageways making the bad colorestrial stick and harden up as Well! It can cause loss of blood flow to the legs due to the hardening of arteries and vessels! It is partially responsible for kidney stones and other organ issues! Trust me, you don't want stones, never in my life has something so small caused so much pain!
I wish @UncleMorgan was still around he made a device that was electromagnetic that works on alot of stuff
One tip on the pineapple if you can find it with the core still in it, better. The pineapple can be blended in a smoothie (with core). The core has a lot more good stuff in it than the rest of the pineapple.
saw a report that the rind... the whitish part minus the skin... of watermelon is supposed to be better for you then the melon itself?
Someone must have said my name three times, really quick. I've been Temporarily Out of Service for the last few weeks. Mostly back, now. This is an important thread. Neuropathy is a doctor's way of saying "It just naturally keeps on hurtin'." even though there is nothing natural about persistent pain. Persistent pain is usually associated with inflammation, although another common cause is nerve compression or nerve stretching from improperly positioned (articulated) bones. Frequently skeletal problems are the root cause of inflammation. So "See a Chiropractor" might be very good advice here. Except be sure to see a Kinesiologist instead, which is a very special sub-group of the Chiropractic clan. Any diet that reduces inflammation is beneficial. Getting free from Aspartame and MSG (especially!), white flour, white sugar, and processed meats is important. Trust no "flavor packet" regardless of what the list of ingredients says. Look into the Hallelujah Diet, which is about ending disease rather than looking like a fashion model. (I no longer run with the bulls because my tu-tu has become a four-four. Sigh.) Eating freshly washed raw vegetables is important. They provide enzymes that are normally destroyed in cooking. Juicing is also important, because it let's you get more nutrition out of your raw veggies. As in 80% rather than 30%. When you consider that modern agriculture has chopped the nutrition level in most vegetables to about 1/8th of normal, you can see why juicing can be worth the effort. No-till gardening, as practiced by Singing Frog Farms produces much more nutritious food. Burdock is a very good natural remedy for inflammation. Google it, and then try to find some. Being a weed, it should be everywhere, but I think it uses the Mak-tar Stealth Haze to avoid being found. (Yay, me! I think I found a plant yesterday. I have to go back and check it out closely. If is is Burdock, it's going into one of my raised beds where it can fulfill it weediest aspirations to the fullest. Before I eat it.) The thing about inflammation is the feedback loop: inflammation creates swelling, which aggravates the inflammation, etc. Treat both the symptom and the cause. I was a squeaky inch from spinal surgery just a few months ago. The problem is, that's usually a cure that doesn't work, and once you do it there's no going back. CBD oil is VERY effective, although fiendishly expensive unless you make your own. Buy it live. Never through a company that offers a free sample ("for only..."). They'll hard-sell you on the phone like rabid jackals. Worse than collection agencies, even. There is one company that has earned itself a Nuclear Cursing with every call. And even when I go seriously profane on them, it only shuts them up for a few days. If I ever find out where they live, I'll gas up my chain saw and see them sawed. Magnetism: There is a machine invented by Dr. Bob Beck that generates large momentary magnetic fields. It has amazing properties. I've been involved with them for over thirty years. I've seen them do things (FIX things) that would boggle the average person's mind. They can be easily made in the cheap/short service-life version. A superb version is available from Stephan's Violet Ray Shop. It's fiendishly expensive, and worth every penny. The one I bought staved off a "mandatory" hip replacement for my wife. Helped me quite a bit, too. Magnetic therapy really works. But it will take some running around on the net to get educated on the subject. This is me, writing a very long time ago: Thumpy