Weedkiller found in granola and crackers, internal FDA emails show

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Apr 30, 2018.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

  2. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    Better living - Not, through chemistry. I wonder what the cancer rate in this country was before Monsanto started producing Roundup etc, compared to what it is now?
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  3. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    I knew I had tasted that flavor before, cutting spraying sedero's
    This is fact a few well known companies have finagled their way into a position to control the seed and grain market, go on youtube and lookup seeds of deception {NOT THE MOVIE} or GMO.

    Hybrid corn oats wheat and soy were genetically altered to resist the effects of a specific weed killer, problem some is absorbed by the stalk into the fruit or grain, it is a known carcinogen and this has been known for years it's even in baby cereal.

    This company sued a farmer because he complained that his crop was crossed with theirs because they did not take precautions to isolate their GMO test crop there are policies in place that they did not adhere to. Another farmer was sued for gleaning seed as he took the grain and shelled or husked them with his machine this same company sued him for gleaning their seed because it had crossed with another farmers crop and he was not aware so he was essentially put out of business for producing their registered seed without a license. these companies have a army of lawyers banks of money the recent lawsuit against them comes from Europe not here Europeans are afraid if they don/t fight it now there will be no option to GMO seed and they will totaly own the world seed market. Once that happens it is a matter of time before they buy all the heirloom seed companies and limit certain seed to their modified version only.

    many places in Europe and Africa will not use or buy their seed the "company" offered it free and they still refused because it is Genetically Modified Organism GMO, there have been some good from modifying or cross breeding to prevent predation from insects, but they have gone too far the plant may not die but it still absorbs toxins from chemicals they and their partners also produce that are poison to humans.

    Food is or should be sacred anything can be placed in your food like lithium all that needs to happen is exactly what happened with fluoride create a lie pass it as truth and everyone swallows it look up fluoride and what it's basic chemical is crystallized and purified it is an anxiety drug it is a toxin from aluminum smelting, very interesting research it was known and used by the Nazi's

    Ignorance is not bliss it is deadly.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2018
    Cruisin Sloth and Ura-Ki like this.
  4. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    The government is directly responsible, protecting Monsanto from strongly justified lawsuits.
    ochit likes this.
  5. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    at the most recent press conference, the Monsanto spokesman said "You have nothing to worry about. These foods are not contaminated. You will remain healthy. These foods are as safe as the vaccines used on your children..."

    The spokesman's continued hand waving seemed to satisfy the reporters.

    Next, we have advertisements from....



    (real ad)
    people howl about GMO foods - yet it would seem that genetically modified cows are no problem......
    (except they aren't. Modified. Something about evolution over time....) A2 milk - Wikipedia
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  6. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    It is concerns like this, that caused me to start raising our own food. Buying food products like produce, and having no idea what may have been sprayed on them prior to harvesting, is an excellent reason to set up your own hydroponics, aquaponics, or aeroponics system.
  7. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Same here AOG, we grow as much as we can, and our meats are locally sourced as well. I can show medical records, speciffically related to Corn, speciffically GMO corn, talk about BAD, it's one of the worst, and it's in EVERY THING! I had a very bad stomach condition, and after a year, it was found that Corn was the main culprit of my issues. With in a Month of removing common produced Corn and switching over to natural, my issues went away almost completely, we'e still working on the others, but it's safe to say, they are all GMO veggies and grains!
    Growing our own food, suplimented with things we ether cannot produce, or call out source locally, plus the meats we are getting, we are both far more healthy now then we were before the switch!
  8. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    The current "Yuma grown E Coli in lettuce" flap tells me my garden is more than a hobby. However, living in Alaska does limit what I can successfully raise.

    Well, that and the time I'm willing to spend on gardening...
  9. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe


    Corn today - why is it still called food?
    3M-TA3 and Ura-Ki like this.
  10. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    Perhaps, inside a green house? But, I guess the amount of light throughout the day, would also be a major factor as well, for part of the year?

    More on this topic:

    First, even locally, here in Cambodia, we do not like to buy from the markets. That is, unless we personally know the people who are selling their food products. A fair quantity of the food goods sold here, come from Thailand or Vietnam. BOTH countries tend to use a lot of herbicides, insecticides, and pesticides. No idea what specific chemicals they actually put on their crops. I just am aware that they do. Even here in Cambodia, commercial farmers use those "-icides".

    I lost three colonies of bees, all at the same time this year. This was due to poison they picked up and brought back to the hives. After that happened, I knew, without question, that I was in the right direction with our little farm. That direction was, to continue to grow and raise our own fruits and vegetables, beef, pork, chicken, etc., all for our own consumption. We know exactly what is and is not put on our vegetables, and everything that our livestock consume is all natural. And, the fact that Monsanto (or similar companies) is not a part of it.

    Now, some points to ponder.
    Point 1:
    Back in my working days, I hauled both chemical and food grade tanks, at different times and for different companies. During one delivery I was making while hauling a tank, I met up and was running with a Tyson Foods tanker driver. As truckers do, we discussed loads we were hauling in our respective tanks. The other driver was telling me about the chemical he was hauling.

    Basically, the chemical he was hauling, was to be mixed in the water that was fed to chickens at Tyson's farms. He explained to me that chickens will eat as long as they are awake. But, they, like most of God's other creatures, need to sleep at some point. (This was long before I had learned anything about raising chickens.) Well, this chemical turned the chickens into insomniacs, causing them to stay awake their entire lives - and to eat 24 / 7. I don't recall the length of time it was from hatched to being culled, maybe 6 to 8 weeks? Anyway, throughout their entire short lives, the chickens were given this mixture, along with all the feed they could consume.

    Lord only knows how much that chemical has evolved over the past two decades. Something else to think about.

    Point 2: When I was in middle (late 1970's) and high school (early 1980's), the girls didn't have nearly as developed breasts back then, as I noticed in later years. In fact, I remember many, if not most of the girls I went to school with back then, being almost flat chested. Now, I may be wrong here. But, this change could very well be from the garbage they have put into the very food many of us consumed over those years.

    So, are the chemicals Monsanto and other companies create, affecting such changes in our children? Your respective opinions on this would be appreciated.

    A bit off topic. But, some information I would like to share about flocks of chickens, here in Cambodia.

    Early on (~ early 2014), I was apprehensive about treating our chickens for Newcastle Disease. I still am, in fact. It was my understanding that, if given the vaccine, by a single drop in each eye of a chick, this would ultimately make all future off spring naturally immune to the disease. This is supposed to occur by the third or fourth generation of the flock, from what I was told.

    I do not know if this is true or not, truth be told. But, I really did not want to test that theory, because the strain common to Cambodia can and will, completely wipe out an entire flock of chickens, and in short order. I really wish I had another way to keep the birds healthy, without giving them the vaccine. But, until now, I have been unable to come up with an alternate solution.

    During the last outbreak of Newcastle we had, almost every flock belonging to our neighbors were lost, due to them not vaccinating their birds. All of our birds survived the outbreak. This is also why, in part anyway, that I do not want our birds free ranging.

    I have thought of giving the vaccine to all but one or two test subjects, to see if the next outbreak of the disease affects them. If the flock were to ultimately become immune to the disease, it certainly should be by now.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2018
    3M-TA3 and Ura-Ki like this.
  11. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    You are not alone in this observation

    Hidden hormones can bring about early puberty in kids

    FEDGOV - sez no, food isn't a factor
    Do Growth Hormones in Food Affect Children?

    NIH - too much fat in diet
    How Girls Are Developing Earlier In An Age Of 'New Puberty'

    3 stories, 3 different opinions....
  12. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    Those psych issues are not related to corn :LOL: I know I cut out corn and nothing changed :ROFLMAO:
    Asia-Off-Grid and Ura-Ki like this.
  13. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I asked my wife ( both a Doc, and ample upstairs) and she says it's common in the Ukraine and else where for girls to develop earlier, and for the beasts to develop more, it was always believed, before science could prove any thing, that the way to tell if a population was healthy was to observe the women, tall, gangly, skinny women usually meant the population were suffering malnutrition, while other groups that had an abundance of thick, well endowed, and generally healthier looking women were getting a better diet! Historically, this is a very obvious observation between Russia, and Ukraine, with the Russians generally under nurished! It's also well kown that the foods are altered in the northern region's more then in the southern, and combined with genetics, northern Being prussian/Scandinavian, and the southern being Slavic/Erasian/ middle eastern, the differences then become more obvious! The types of foods common to a regon historically played into the general health, but with modern transportation, the differences get mixed, the northern areas are getting fruits and vegetables more then in the past, while the southerners are getting more red meat and sea food then before.
    How much of these observations can be linked to chemicals added to foods, or used to treat crops and animals for what ever? Difficult to tell, but in the Ukraine, most of the foods are treated with pesticides at the very least, but there is a shit load of industrial pollution, which has been linked to low birth rates, increased enfant mortality, and increased sterility, which has effected us personally, then there is the marked increase in cancers, and other health concerns, in a way, the Ukraine represents a very focused look at what's really bad in food production and living conditions! So much so, that large cities such as Odessa and Kiyyv are actually safer then more rural, simply due to the insulation by distance from the more harmful pollutants, and even the water supply is noticebley better in those cities!
    3M-TA3 likes this.
  14. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    That is BECAUSE they "Freshen" the cow , or keep it thinking that it's calf was just dropped /delivered ..
    The cow is on it MAX output of krap milk =(usa) , Even organic is still junk compared to mine in BC here .

    Beast or Boobs ? @Ura-Ki
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  15. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Uggg, darn auto correct! BOOBIES Dammit! :D:p
  16. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    My meat is from the Farm next door , Black Angus & monday I'll be sorting , taging , checking teets for squeeze & holes , clean & de-hair
    Of the cows , steers I'll be doing castration .

    So I know the Beef , I do Chickens & ducks , Pork & Lamb the other neighbour farm .
    Greens & corn is all heirloom style , even Fodder type .
    We make sure the food WE grow & eat is not the crap they sell .

    Even the chicken meat they sell are "white birds " or "Meat birds" , 6 -7 weeks these altered birds can't walk or move , huge breast meat , birds grow in there crap & are cover in shit , no light so they just eat & crap , meat is white and has no real flavour,PLUS they must BLEACH it to be sold , Kill the rest of the bad crap. Many farms around here do this .

    Our birds are Baske type from Spain ,they lay every other day & grow big, meat is tan & they fill you up with real chew and food .
    I'm not allowed to sell my bird meat , CUZ they are not approved , So the farmers swap ;)
    .GOV will Fvck ya every time , they want control & taxes /BS cost etc.
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