Trump Changes to Strategic National Stockpile

Discussion in 'Survival Medicine' started by Illini Warrior, Apr 29, 2018.

  1. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    The $7 billion Strategic National Stockpile, a government repository of drugs and supplies, is ready for deployment in a terrorist or nuclear attack.

    it has it's political side - but it's halfway balanced ....
    Bandit99 and tacmotusn like this.
  2. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    wish we would go back on the strategic reserve in case what this is a plan for happens.
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

  4. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    I wonder how many invested in pharma stocks before the announcement was made?
    Zimmy likes this.
  5. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    You all better leave my president along,I guess you think hillary could have done better.
    Thunder5Ranch likes this.
  6. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    A moot point, as she wasn't the one who was inaugurated...though perhaps you may get to find out in 2021[reddevil]

    As to El Presidente El Trumpeto...he, and folks presumably such as yourself who placed him in the WH coconut shy
    shouldn't be too surprised that some folk might wish to try and exercise their 1st Amendment rights, before 25th Amendment provisions are exercised, and certainly well before they feel compelled to exercise their 2nd Amendment ones. ;)
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2018
    Ganado likes this.
  7. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    who was the last great president? The problem is everybody is pulling in different directions,what about getting behind the president whoever and trying to make a change for the good. The USA will not survive with everybody pulling every which way,everybody cannot be right. Chelloveck our country is going to be as sorry as your country is one day and I do not like it.
    Homer Simpson likes this.
  8. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Misery loves company.
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    You're at least half right. The other half has to wait for a complete analysis.
    Zimmy and Mountainman like this.
  10. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Because in todays world it is all about division and tearing everything down, there very simply is no common ground between the various factions anymore.
    mysterymet and Ganado like this.
  11. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Teddy Roosevelt at least he had balls and put American interest first.
    mysterymet, Bandit99 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  12. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    And this is different , or , worse than Odumbo , or Hitlery , or , ( insert your favorite politicians name here )
    Oddcaliber and Ganado like this.
  13. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    Unfortunately this thread has some political overtones I will not try to defend any political party but this is a good idea if for only one reason Cipro the antibiotic. There's no way to pull this out of our collective backsides no magic factory that can produce this fast enough either you have it or you don't. it takes time it has to be cultured pressed checked and packaged and if you think there are not foreign agents that would not try to sabotage that supply line in the event of an emergency or war. Please don't allow your political leanings to interfere with sound judgment. if your worried about people making money let us ponder this fact money is of no value to the dead this is a preparation like the knife or gun you carry or your spare tire jack and lug wrench.

    The V.A. is still in business it sends out tons of medications every day we have a need there are a lot of nuke power plants on or near fault lines La Palma island is just waiting for a seismic event a cat 5 has yet to hit directly a major city America has not only the 50 states but protectorates with 10's of thousands of Americans civilian and military that could be the potential target of a sneak attack, December 7th 1941 or how about a more recent 911 it does not matter that it has not happened lately or even yet with the advent of CRISPER DNA splicing is as easy as having one and the knowledge to use it.

    If it were not for big pharma all of us would be dead, is it perfect no but, if you ever had to take an antibiotic or one of thousands of drugs to stay alive or have surgery and recovery then cuss them all you like but I know the alternative infant death up a couple hundred percent life expectancy halved instead of 72 try 40 to 45 years old there are a bunch of other reason why we need this and no reason why not except the fear someone will make a buck thats cutting your nose off to spite your face isn't it ? when your sick you can hardly wait to get your medication and get to feeling better but, you don't want big pharma to make money well just throw that script away and John Wayne it through bite a stick or use that Egyptian remedy of fly crap and honey or burn sage and chase away the evil spirit show them a-holes in big pharma you don't need them -- that will teach them.
    Zimmy, Ganado and Bandit99 like this.
  14. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    Oh just a reminder all of the OTC drugs are spin offs, part of or lower strength of prescription drugs. spin off companies that make OTC drugs are manned operated and run by people that used to work for big pharma. Colleges are funded by them and recruit from them. world wide. it only takes hundreds of millions to start a drug company and since any high school grad could whip up a new antibiotic off some moldy bread ?

    My mind boggles at the specialists doctorates and engineers who's education took a minimum of 14 to 20 years, and the supply lines planes, rail, ships, trucks down to that pimple face kid sweeping your local drug store all of that from one industry, I do get mad at some of their practices on orphan or specialized drugs but, every step forward is a springboard to another possibility.. Drug coated stints reduce patient rejection.

    I know 2 people in the last week that would be dead if not for big pharma, I also know some that died but, all of us will die it's just we forget just how many times we cheated death before with big pharma's help. I do not or ever have worked for big pharmaceuticals last product i got was fire ant killer ---yep made by Bayer and it killed them ants good.
    Thunder5Ranch, Ganado and Bandit99 like this.
  15. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Personally, I think the Strategic National Stockpile is a very good thing, glad to see some of our money is being used well.

    As far as the political implications, this type of thing has happened and will happen in every type of government throughout mankind's history; I don't care what King or President or Dictator is in office. It would happen under Trump, Clinton or Obama and not just for the SNS but every large contract. Years ago, I remember that a Prince in the Netherlands was implicated because he got a kickback from one of the U.S. Defense companies concerning fighter aircraft purchases but that is just one example of which there are hundreds, probably more like thousands.

    In my opinion, I believe President Trump is the best president this country has produce in many a year, since Ronald Regan. Is he perfect? Far from it. However, he is at the very least trying to do something about the major problems of this country unlike any of his many processors and even though he has been blocked at every turn, by both Democrats and Republicans, he is gaining ground and continues to push forward. And, he has the support of a major portion of the population which for some reason always seems to be forgotten.

    However, I do understand why some Americans and people of other countries do not care for our President for he is determine to upset the applecart and put America First. All I can say to those people is this President represents the people of this country better than any past President in many, many years and if you don't care for him then obviously you don't care for us. That's okay. We understand and can live with your dislike and disdain and frankly it causing us very little concern. Why? Because you do not put bread in our mouths, pay our bills, educate our children, protect us... The world is changing, America is changing and Americans are more concern about our own country and less about abroad. You would do well to understand this and plan your future accordingly because this is not about Trump; it's about us, the people of this country. He is simply one of us and the instrument of our desires.

    I doubt President Trump will totally succeed but it is a start. I believe in starts.
    oldman11, arleigh and ochit like this.
  16. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    Great post. We actually agree on something[winkthumb][hug}
    ochit likes this.
  17. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    Teddy would have had 10X the problems today trying to do what he accomplished - it was a totally different USA back then - along with the world ...

    damn hard to take a past prez out of his context and begin to compare them - just think if Reagan was up against a Putin back in the 1980s and he fought the Soviet Union break up like the previous premiers - dozens of massacre uprisings all over the Bloc countries ...
    chelloveck likes this.
  18. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Didn't say he would be viable today... the question posed was who was the last great American president. TR IMO was that President.
  19. Why is it easier to ID. the worst POTUS's than the best ones? Got to admire FDR, with his disability he fought to the end of the war. T.R. ranks high. Ike? He at least kept us out of world wide conflict, although there was a small recession in the late '50's. I guess as I have aged I've become more jaded and see more clearly the faults of those in the W.H. I didn't like trump, but considering the alternative...... History will judge those whom we elect.
  20. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    Thank you
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