Group publishes guide to pro-gun student speech

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Apr 25, 2018.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    Well... what do ya think... seem like a good idea... seem like the folks askin for money to fight for our rights doin a good thing?

    Responding to recent student “walkout” events and demonstrations that advocate for more gun control, like the “March For Our Lives” political operation, civil rights advocacy organizations Firearms Policy Foundation and Firearms Policy Coalition have published a new guide to protect pro-gun students and their rights.

    The 21-page publication, available for free download at, is entitled “K-12 Schools, Free Speech, and the Fundamental, Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms: A Guide to How Students Can Use Their First Amendment Rights to Defend and Promote Second Amendment Rights.”

    In addition to providing information and tools that parents and students can use to make sure they are not forced into participating in speech or demonstrations they disagree with, the guide contains materials that may help them plan counter-speech to gun control advocacy events or organize pro-gun rights demonstrations or expressive conduct.

    It also includes sample letters that parents could edit and use to notify schools of a student’s disagreement with a gun control event’s viewpoint, request information and policies, and help ensure that school officials respect the rights of all students.

    Additionally, there are sections on how one might acquire public records or information to investigate the use of government assets or funds – like school facilities, equipment, supplies, staff time, and contractors – for gun control advocacy and demonstrations, like walkouts, a log that students can use to take notes and document gun control events at schools, and some relevant provisions of the United States Constitution for reference.

    “It is more important than ever to make sure that all viewpoints are equally represented and respected in schools,” said FPF Chairman and FPC President Brandon Combs. “Many students and parents we’ve spoken with are deeply concerned that schools are hostile to pro-gun rights views and speech. We hope our new guide helps students and parents exercise their rights and make informed decisions. And if their rights are violated, we definitely want to hear about it. Our legal team would be delighted to help make sure that public schools, staff, and teachers respect the rights of their pro-Second Amendment students.”

    Craig DeLuz, an FPC spokesperson and 13-year member of a public school district’s board of trustees, explained that schools can’t support one viewpoint and suppress others. “Schools and teachers cannot be allowed to allow or support speech and viewpoints they agree with while suppressing or prohibiting peaceful, non-disruptive speech and viewpoints they disagree with. Our public schools must not be in the business of picking winners and losers in the context of constitutionally-protected free speech.”

    If a student or parent believes they were discriminated against, threatened or disciplined for peacefully expressing their views, punished for refusing to participate in a gun control walkout or demonstration, or threatened with law enforcement action for their pro-gun speech, they can submit a report to the FPF/FPC Legal Action Hotline at or by calling (855) 252-4510.

    “Schools and teachers cannot be allowed to allow or support speech and viewpoints they agree with while suppressing or prohibiting peaceful, non-disruptive speech and viewpoints they disagree with.”

    Group publishes guide to pro-gun student speech
    arleigh and Ura-Ki like this.
  2. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    I absolutely do not disagree in spirit but, the school boards are proving to be circling the wagons to protect their agenda because they do not fire left wing politically active teachers for their views or their actions.

    This AM Fox had a story about a boy that was admonished in class by his teacher for using a story on UFO's that was run on Fox News as background for a school report. It was investigated by the school, the teacher was not fired. Not fired should be the point here, this same action if acted out by a pro life or against a Che' Guevara fan the blow back would have lit their hair on fire and would carry the stigma of being ineligible for hire as a teacher state wide on the QT. The school would not release their actions against the teacher, my thought is that in private they agree with the teacher by saving their job so that state is paying a person that humiliated a child in public, this child was not of color so it must have made it a non issue so where is the equality ? By the way I am Native American as if that means squat personally, we are all native if born on this soil we all have been screwed by the great fathers lied to contracts broken and stolen from to pacify others. The issue is a child was publicly embarrassed for a non political story by a authority figure and that child was singled out by that authority and was cheated out of equality made to feel inferior in an attempt to break his spirit, this is unacceptable I don't care what color you are or what side of the political spectrum a teacher holds. Academics scream for freedom of expression and view points as long as they are not repeat not conservative or pro religious academia has become a cess pool of all things considered deviant by my parents, lets be fair --well we see where that is getting us now that we have treated the left fairly allowed them to hold positions of power voted them in allowed them to teach our children we now have a social disaster on our hands and the left is more than willing to incite our children and young to civil war this civil disobedience is only the beginning in my opinion, Subversives have been using stealth law slipping pages into bills after they have been voted on this has been proven so why would anyone think that our opinion is respected, wanted or used against us at some future point ?

    The truth is being held hostage as far as I can discern nothing I was taught or, even that my parents were led to believe is true. Our children and young people are used to press an agenda. I find it impossible that letters used to express the child's opinion will not be a scarlet letter used against them. it is time for them to walk out of school not to expose themselves on paper many people have been eight-balled from being hired by government agencies for signing documents. In the 1940s and 50s it was communism if you had been a member or were on a roll of a group deemed UN-American. now the reverse is coming to fever pitch if you or your family is deemed politically incorrect your future and your child's will be in some jeopardy as very few of the major colleges are center or right of center. I see where transcripts from childhood would be weaponized in this new culture of subversion
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
    Ura-Ki and Bandit99 like this.
  3. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Did you hear about the latest darwin award for one of these little anti gun school walk out protester chits?
    I guess they walked out and went to go obstruct traffic one of them got ran over and killed.
    No calls to end traffic obstruction or to God forbid stay in school till the end of the school day.
  4. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    According to the left's actions, if one is white, Christian, male, conservative, heterosexual, ...then you cannot be in the right. you are evil, racist, homophobic, divisionary and just downright hateful.
    They might get that downright hateful, too. ;)
  5. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Schools should be held accountable, in court if needed to fully support the 1st of its students and staff. To allow or encourage one side of any issue and deni any other is against the law, and should be held accountable! The board need to be informed that the responsability they hold allows freedom of speach any way the staff and students want to go with it, and suppression is against the law, and violating that will have consequences, same thing with the teaching staff, and letters should be sent to the students parents and returned signed that the parents read and under stand fully what' going on! I agree with the O.P. things have slid so far down this road, we need to insure our kids have the tools to speak out, as is their right!
    The one area I get super pissed off about is using/allowing the little ones to be a part of this shitshow! As far as I am concerned, no student under age 12 should be a part of these protests on any side, PERIOD! What parents do with their kiddos after school and on weekends isn't any ones business, but during school, they must remain in class, and don' give me that equality krap, those too young have no business skipping school to take part in ant protests, including assembly time in the cafeteria or if gym, leave the little beasties alown! Teachers are also to reframe from promoting any one point of view, as long as it dosnt fall out side the norm, they must remain natural despite their own personal convictions!

    I know it's all a Pipe dream, the school' will never do any of these things, and the damage will be far reaching and carry harsh realities for decades to come!
    ochit likes this.
  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    That's pretty liberal of you, methinks. My opinion would be 18 when there's a small chance that their opinions and "feelings" might, just maybe, be founded in reality. At 12, they can do naught but parrot if they are allowed to speak, and make lousy decorations for the loudmouths.
    Ura-Ki and ochit like this.
  7. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Under the tenants of the Holy Bible, a child is completely innocent until the age of 12! Even above that age, a child is prone to follow what they see and hear with out question, same as the younger ones, and that's the danger. We are suposed to teach right from wrong, but we have allowed a type of thinking that removes parts of that and replaced it with things we shouldn't be allowing! Liberal has nothing to do with any thing I said, the freedoms we fight to hold are, and should be available to all, regardless of age, but in a controlled environment such as a school, there is no opportunity to counter any thing, of even offer desenting opinon to what is put before these children! THAT my friends is the issue we should be fighting tooth and nail for, as much as all the rest of our rights in fact, because our 2nd is under attack, the 1st is right behind it, we loose those, we'er done for, and the only road left open to us is and should be so disgusting to every one that we would never go there, yet here we are sitting at the stop sign, waiting for the honking to move ahead! We may have lost the fight in the school's, but we haven't lost the war yet! God help us all when we finally pull ahead of that stop sign! Dark days ahead!
    BTPost likes this.
  8. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    I would love to think that I could be wrong and documents would not be used against against people but to many times in recent history people have been exposed by articles they wrote or wrote about them then there are posts texts pics sent on social media. As far as I can tell it is in the eye of the beholder as to how the information is spun or used.
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