Checking out...Going John Galt...No Longer Participating

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by DarkLight, Apr 13, 2018.

  1. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    I do not want to get into a pissing contest but, who cares what an individual who writes for a living thinks. people like Ayn Rand and their ilk got the party started. If I kicked in a door of the illuminutty I would expect to see a naked orgy of L. Ron Hubbard Ayn Rand Aleister Crowley Margret Sanger and Jack Parsons and the nobility of the north east and that is where much of the problem ebbs from. the Idea that the evil man or (person) does lives long after them, is not a new concept although it is true.

    Living in the present and reality and not worrying or even caring about people long dead and supporting their heirs that live off the residuals. It's simple, fictional characters ( no relation or resemblance to those living or dead and all the other legal gobbledygook ) is mental gymnastics that cannot be validated in our present situation, some areas will go under others will get by and some will be burned out husks. Archaeologists find that all the great cities are built on other great cities and all their inhabitants are dead as we all will be.

    It is not that we can do nothing but are we the cause there are bots that swarm the Internet gleaning all the negative words calculating how many seconds to midnight we stand and it moves me --- not.
    I prep for weather and my personal economic decline because when it comes down to it if I have and others don't it is their lack of understanding not mine. or the Ant and the grasshopper fable.

    Personally if I had the money to buy all these books instead I would invest in preps to keep the wolf away from my door or buy body armor. It is all counterintuitive people die every day wearing body armor maybe that is not the answer maybe the only book I need to have study and emulate is not from Ayn Rand ?
    chelloveck likes this.
  2. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    You don't have to file if you don't owe any money.
    Motomom34 and DarkLight like this.
  3. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    The tax payer Roy Scheider slopping chum is you
    the boat he is speaking of is the backstop for the economy., the shark is the economy, Robert Shaw is your state & local government thinking they got this, and Richard Dreyfuss is representing investors & bankers just wanting out before they get their ass handed to them. it is just over a minute but, that is longer than the incident that will sink the stock market.

    Last edited: Apr 14, 2018
  4. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    Roy Scheider comment on slow ahead is quantitative easing or lets not rock the boat :whistle:

    here is what everyone wants is the Roy Scheider the taxpayer to take charge and control the economy, the shark and wrestle power from the government and get it back in the hands of the taxpayer problem the captain is in control of the boat (backstop ) taxes spending giveaways and foreign policy, and as you see they wrecked the boat and we are on our own still dealing with the shark (economy or whats left)

    Last edited: Apr 14, 2018
    Bandit99 likes this.
  5. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    Roy Schieder having killed the economy now warns his children like our parents warned us about the depression In jaws the revenge the children forgot or did not care and the economy is back to 24% credit cards unfunded liabilities and the illuminutty still running things in the background like a puppeteer because we never learn.
    --- in Jaws 3 --- I can't help myself it is such an analogy rich environment between the jaws series and our situation it's unnatural or maybe it's fiction emulating reality or -- wait -- wait it's none of these.
    Seepalaces and Bandit99 like this.
  6. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @duane "...if the rest of the world hadn't bought into the delusion that fiat money means something. We exist by creating debt that somehow the rest of the world accepts for cheap shoddy goods and survive on them while we have destroyed our manufacturing and production systems. "

    Personally, I believe that the rest of the world HAS figured it out - well - at least, our opponents in the 'great game' have. And, not only have they figured it out, they see the inherit weakness, the flaw in the system where it can be used as a weapon - against us.
    @Ganado states "...happening right now, quietly in financial markets..." and I must agree with her, something is indeed going on in the financial world, something big, yet, I am too small minded or lack the experience to understand what it could be; however, with Russia and China moving to a Gold standard, with the bullion to back it up, then I would say their intent is obvious but I truly don't know...

    We talk much of EMPs, nuclear holocaust, terrorist attacks and catastrophic acts of nature but an economic collapse is a much more realistic occurrence, more devastating and long-lasting. And, think about it...isn't it much more cost effective in blood and treasure to wage economic war? I mean, we've led the pack in doing so for years and now we'll fail due to greed by creating a fiat based economy. Economic warfare makes so much more sense...and we have taught our enemies well.
    DarkLight, HK_User and ochit like this.
  7. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    Sorry, I didn't see this yesterday. I think we can endorse incremental changes that can catch on that would get attention, but is attention what we want? If we could get twenty percent of the population to stop allowing their employers to hold their taxes, that would be enough to roil the waters. I'm not suggesting not paying taxes, I'm suggesting telling your employer that you'll pay your taxes quarterly without their help. Then you pay just a little less than what you owe and have a balloon bill in April. In that manner, you're borrowing from Uncle Sam, interest free. The math isn't too hard to do and it would have an immediate impact. Why are you lending your money to the feds anyway? It's stupid.
    As far as whether or not it can happen here, when I was in elementary school women in Iran and Afghanistan wore miniskirts. Yes, it can happen here.
    Motomom34, Lancer, DarkLight and 3 others like this.
  8. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    I don't think you can stop an employer from withholding...they are legally required to do so. You have two options......if you can get them to make you a 1099 subcontractor (and that has a whole nuther list of requirements that have to be met....they don't want employees slipping away like you propose), then they don't have to withhold. On the other hand, YOU become liable for the other half of the SS payments they were making, plus there are insurance cost you'd have to bear (workman's comp) unless they are willing to up your pay to cover that, you lose.

    Option 2 (and this was tried in the past with limited success where people put down 15 exemptions when they really only had 2-3) is simple adjust your W-4 exemptions. Most people claim less so enough (most claim zero) will be taken out so they don't have to pay.....and actually get a stupid 'refund' where they lent the govt interest free money like it's some kind of Christmas savings account. Heck, people LOVE hear them talk all the time about "what I'm gonna do with my refund". I don't know HOW you break that kind of economic stupidity.

    But IF you raise your exemptions to cover the number actually IN your family (say you, spouse, kids), you will have to pay some at the end of the year (budget accordingly). Nothing the IRS can do about claiming the actual number you put on your 1040.
    3cyl, Motomom34, DarkLight and 3 others like this.
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    More like two thirds, IIRC, just about double what is withheld. Getting fuzzy abut that, it was part of the discussions when I was working overseas for a local outfit. Years ago, it was.
    Seepalaces likes this.
  10. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    Exactly what I've said for a long time. In fact, it's a near 100% certainly given the math built into a debt based money. It is simply a matter of when, not if. Unfortunately, the way to delay the process is often war....the main reason for WW2 was to pull the US out of the Great Depression. So we must be prepared to have that as an issue.

    Even IF a collapse doesn't happen, inflation is also guaranteed to keep on trucking, since to run a debt based money system, the money supply must constantly expand, making the money more worthless....the definition of inflation. My advice has always been put your long term money in real you can use and hold (low taxes), silver, whatever real goods you can use over the long haul.....because Venezuela is coming to a neighborhood near you some day.
    Bandit99 and Seepalaces like this.
  11. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    Employer pays 7.65% and you do too. Self employed, you pay the whole thing 15.3% do currently get to deduct a small part of it on pg1 of the 1040.
    Seepalaces likes this.
  12. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Gator 45/70 and Seepalaces like this.
  13. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    The problem is, most if not all cannot tell you what actual percentage they pay in Tax.

    What you must do is know that number, adjust your exemptions to come out even with what your Tax bill will be. I have been doing that for years by having enough extra (a very small percent) to relax about deadlines. Along with that I have the maximum amount of my money to spend or save as I please.

    It is a lot like having an extra 10% or more in each pay check and then use that money to add to a retirement fund, or pay down a mortgage.

    The school systems do not teach real world personal economics and taxes.
    3cyl, Gator 45/70, DarkLight and 2 others like this.
  14. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    We do this. Full disclosure, my sister is a CPA. We pay a couple grand around this time every year. Thanks to all the people giving us the free loan. We enjoyed the cash. Knowledge is power.
  15. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Knowledge is power and adds to your bottom line.

    It is a lot like having an extra 10% or more in each pay check and then use that money to add to a retirement fund, or pay down a mortgage.

    And this will avalanche to you having the ability to actually use what you worked for.
    Gator 45/70, Ganado and Seepalaces like this.
  16. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    I like this. What, exactly, would happen if everyone who owed filed 3 extensions? Curious.

    @ochit - Starting a post with "not to get into a pissing match" and then pissing on the person is like saying "F*CK YOU...but you can't say F*CK YOU back because I'm not trying to get into it with you"'s a dick move and is actually the start of a pissing match. I get that you don't care what some dead author thinks, which is fair, but by the way you stated it, I look at it as you just gave up the right to criticize the snowflakes for "not caring what some long dead author" thinks. Yes, the founders didn't "write for a living", but it's basically the same thing.

    I get all kinds of philosophy ideas from people who write for a living...all the time. I'm sure you agree with some people who "write for a living" and wouldn't classify them in the same way as you do the people you disagree with. That is limiting your knowledge base and preventing you from "knowing your enemy" potentially. Yes, it's fiction, and any moron who has read the book and thinks that there is such a thing as a perpetual energy engine actually in existence and in use today needs their head examined. I know it's what. I read the fiction here on the site all the time, and even though one of our most prolific writers really comes across as fairly conservative, he still sprinkles "liberal" tidbits in throughout the books because that's the real world. Doesn't mean I criticize him or stop reading and there are times, in his fiction, that he brings up good points (even though he writes for a living...gasp).

    And have you ever read Atlas Shrugged? You don't sound like you have but you make statements about the author that don't have much if any basis in reality (if you know her past and anything at all about her life). You also don't speak as though you really even know what the book is about, on any of the many levels. You already stated that you wouldn't spend any money on it, so unless you borrowed it from a library (I haven't been in a library system yet that didn't have a copy...for free lending), you're talking out of your 5th point of contact. If you actually read the book I think you'd realize that you agreed with far more of it than you know...potentially putting her in the category of "people who write for a living that I don't think are human garbage and worthless wastes of carbon". An overview is available at Project Gutenberg...which is free and doesn't give any money at all to the horrible leaches that still own that evil copyright:
    Atlas Shrugged | Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing - eBooks | Read eBooks online

    I'm all for reasoned, reasonable debate, but you didn't start out that way which puts my hackles up and all but forces me to push back. If you want to bash something, have at least a rudimentary understanding of it!
    Seepalaces, Motomom34, Lancer and 5 others like this.
  17. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    @ochit, @DarkLight
    EZ does it, gents, different reasons, but the same idea obtains.
    Seepalaces and ochit like this.
  18. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    Figured that was coming. Noted.
    Seepalaces, ochit and ghrit like this.
  19. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    Nothing. When you file an extension, all it does is extend the time you have to send in the paperwork. The money you owe must be closely estimated and send in by April 15th, or you get a penalty + interest.
    Seepalaces and Motomom34 like this.
  20. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    Good to know. Never had to file an extension
    Seepalaces likes this.
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