What would happen if gun grab did go thru?

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by duane, Apr 3, 2018.

  1. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Read several different comments today on what would happen if gun grab goes thru and they enforce serious penalties for those that continue gun ownership. Hasn't worked out to well in the countries we have "occupied" lately, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc, in states with strict gun laws, Chicago, New York City, California, etc, or countries with very little legal ownership of most firearms , Mexico, France, etc. Seems like the tendency is to go to IED's, don't be there when they come, cheap automatic weapons, easier to build a Sten gun than a bolt action, single shot "zip" type guns as they are effective against someone who has no gun, silencers, flash hiders, short barreled weapons, as it is safest if they can't find you, and sniper rifles, which caries not finding you to the extreme. It would be no more difficult to smuggle an AK47 or a RPG than a good bolt action deer rifle and they will smuggle what ever brings the best return. News today said murder rate in London was actually higher than in New York City, just done with knives and blunt weapons, English now want "life sentence" for the 2 nd knife crimes as the sheep are terrified of the criminals and want to be protected.
    Given that the TV today, 2 April 2018, NPR had a 6 hour TV program on how the poor and the blacks were being repressed and how something had to be done to replace the white privilege, protests against the latest shooting of an unarmed black criminal and the insistence by Black Lives Matter that the black community effectively have oversight and veto power over the police and many actions be decriminalized and the brothers be released from prison was covered in another 2 hour program, and their was a 2 hour program by the liberals insisting on free housing, free education, free health care, free child care, and a living wage for doing nothing were a right and due to the minorities because they were treated so unfairly by the white Christians and absolutely no one said one word about who was going to pay for that "free" sh**. Hillery came close to winning, they are packing the ballot boxes with brainwashed school kids, minorities and millions of soon to be voting illegal immigrants who will be "citizens" and the media is backing the liberals almost 100 %. As a "mental exercise" as I am not suggesting we have reached the point of actual physical resistance, what do you think would be the most effective way to resist, not going to work, not buying from those that cave in or support them, and if you did have to resist, what do you think would be most effective. While standing in front of a tank was good theater in China, the resistance was quickly crushed and the old guard is even more firmly in charge.
    I like the concept of a single AR15 lower and several different uppers in different calibers and barrel lengths as well as the concept of the old artillery Luger with a holster that made a stock to convert it into a short rifle or assault weapon. Perhaps the old soviet adage that the workers pretended to work and the government pretended to pay them and that lead to a collapse, USSR, Rhodesia, Union of South Africa, Venezuela, etc, would be better than the usual failed state, Syria, Somalia, etc and its decent into total war and total choas.
  2. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I am still not sure of your question...but I think I have the answer......

    If a gun grab goes into effect.... their will be a lot of patriots standing in hot piles of brass yelling.... not on my watch.

    But then again.... I am a bit of non-conformist now days.... sorry for being outspoken, don't mind me....back to cleaning weapons and sharpening knives....come at me bro. ;)
  3. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    And who is going to enforce a out right ban? Who is going to be the first to go door to door and try to force compliance? When that day comes, its going to set off a chain of events here in these States United! I have no illusions about what's coming, in fact, the sooner we get this party started the sooner we can start to fix what's broken! It's going to be ugly, and its going to kill an awful lot of folks, but its also going to remove all the crooked politicians and MSM types in a hurry and its going to clean out all the specialty groups, but that's the blood that waters the tree of liberty! I hate war, I hate what it does to people, and I hate what it leaves behind, but I see were well and truly on our way to a war, and I say bring it!
    3M-TA3, TnAndy, Gator 45/70 and 5 others like this.
  4. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I say the children of those that sign the legislation are the door to door collectors.
    The signers can go after the kids.
    I know .. wishful thinking.
    It'll probably be the kid down the block that thinks he's just doing his job.
  5. I've pondered those questions a lot. Resistance was effective in Europe, with allied support (and at the cost of how many lives?). Both the actual active guerrilla and the unlucky hostages swept up in the net. Was there ever an active resistance movement in Cuba after Castro took power? Bay of Pigs was a flop. Luckily I am now alone and not young enough to worry greatly about it, Does Anyone remember "Centennial? I think Michael Ansarra staked himself so he COULDN'T run. And I think Anthony Quinn did the same against the Ities in "Lion in the desert". Would covert resistance be more effective than open resistance? Would the U.S. military fire on American citizens (residents)? What feelings and beliefs do the majority of veterans hold? They took almost the same oath as the president takes. Protect and defend, enemies foreign and domestic. Would the Smurfs get called in? They have been for less provocation. Which U.N. members wouldn't like a throw at the U.S.? As difficult as it would be, claim and hold the moral high ground.
  6. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    The U.S. military is a cross section of it's citizenry..... now days, probably full of a bunch of tide pod eaters....just like the neighbor next door. What will they do when the orders come...doubt they will reference the constitution much........as they don't know it well.
  7. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    While I agree with your viewpoints, I am afraid that our rights will be worn l away piece be piece and that after a few extreme examples like Bundy, the mob as a whole will cave in and we will join Australia, Great Britain, most of Europe, most of Asia, and we will lose our right to bear arms. I know that in those I talk to that are outside the gun culture, the vast majority in the New England states have already accepted the gun grab and look at those of us who believe in the 2 nd amendment as a bunch of old kooks and believe that there is no need to even have a muzzle loading rifle as the police and the government will protect you and if we are all disarmed, there will be no more violence. The same group that believes that if we get rid of our atomic weapons and disarm, there will be no more war and the whole world will live in peace and harmony.
    While standing in your door in a pile of hot brass may be excellent theater, what can we do to legally and effectively end the gun grab and what would be a viable way to resist it. Many in our law enforcement and new military institutions will be glad to effectively destroy you. If we can kill a man in the desert on Afghanistan riding in a car using a drone controlled from the US, what makes you think they will bother to even reply to your shots.
    Idahoser, Gator 45/70, Zimmy and 2 others like this.
  8. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++


    'nuff said
  9. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    There will be many many more NRA life members, but when membership peaks it will be very difficult to find anyone to do the work of trying to take away the remaining guns. (which will still number a couple hundred MILLION.)

    I've heard the argument that the government would use the military, high tech, and their "lists." They don't consider the facts that "the military" are likely the kids of gun owners, deer hunters around here fill six tags a year without high tech gear, and we have "lists" too.
  10. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    It all comes down to the will of the few true patriots to resist and to build a resistance from there! At some point, the Gun Grabbers will have to come, and if they take you, they will also have to take your neighbor, and your older brother, that take time and man power, and exposes that man power to high risks! It also ops s the door to an all out fight, when enough patriots stand up and resist, no amount of Gov. Heavies can stop It! We have been at war almost continually since 1967 ( it their abouts) think of all the Vets who still hold to the beliefs and the oaths they swore, even if only 3% stood up, that' a far larger number then the entire Gov can produce out side of the currently serving Mil! If they do try to roll in the Mil, there is the whole supply and equipment and logistics issues to deal with, and with such a large group of patriots with serious skills, that' not going to go well! U.N. groups would have to be air dropped in, in seriously large numbers onto preselected zones, exposing them selves to a well mobilized group of gorillas who have the upper hand in area knolage and supply chain! The U.N. would quite literally need to land full division's at a small point to have any chance at gaining a toe hold, that' not likely, and the numbers are just not There!
  11. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I dwell on the defeatist attitude...it makes me sad to hear it in fellow survival type folks....sometimes it makes me think they just want to take a nap and never wake up.


    Do your job sheep dog, or crawl under the front porch and hide with the rest......the rest of us will fight when called.

  12. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    California, New Jersey, Massachusetts...lots of areas where blue helmets would be welcomed with open arms...er appendages.
  13. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

  14. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Southern cal, metro NJ, and eastern MA for sure. Be careful of the rest of those states, I know folks in all of them that just ain't gonna speak up and advertise. You can make the same type of differentiation between Albany + Metro NYC and the rest of the state of NY.
    mysterymet, Lancer, Ura-Ki and 7 others like this.
  15. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    The Democrats had what, 2 whole years of super majority and wouldn't even think about looking at gun control.
    They remember what happened after 1994. No Democrat was safe.
    In the 1960 and 1970 people thought the UN was going to come in black helicopters and take away civil rights, but without the US, the UN couldn't even sucessfully invade a girl scout camp.
    Ura-Ki, Gator 45/70, HK_User and 4 others like this.
  16. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    @Yard Dart, I still have a few of those III stickers left. Lots of them got integrated into this symbol along the highway. Those things are tall! A few got stuck on Feds cars at Guilford Courthouse in 2010. :)

    american-recovery-and-reinvestment-act. american-recovery-and-reinvestment-act.
  17. Bishop

    Bishop Monkey+++

    This is what comes to my mind

  18. Bishop

    Bishop Monkey+++

    And the ghost would walk the woods again.

  19. Oddcaliber

    Oddcaliber Monkey+++

    Well .got forgot one major issue, logistics! If truckers went on strike there would be no food,fuel or other essentials for everyday life. Riots would be common and that would tie up resources needed to do a gun grab. If the whole country went on strike at the same time the government would have a very hard time doing anything.
  20. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    I am not a defeatist or I would not be on this forum, I am a vet if you consider the USAF a military organization and I sometimes have my doubts, live in a state with the motto "Live free or die" and find most of my local newspapers, most of my local radio and TV stations, all of my local schools and colleges, all of our national representatives, most of the local churches, etc to be violently opposed to any gun ownership at all. They would happily outlaw not only the guns, but hunting, and the male chauvinist attitude that thinks we have any rights at all if they could and I find very few individuals under the age of 30 who have not been brainwashed into thinking that anything beyond a 3 shot capable bolt action rifle without a detachable magazine is just a male power trip thing and should be outlawed. I don't think they will come to your door and pry your rifle from your dead hands, I think that they will ignore most of us, make it illegal and then not enforce the law, close or tax the gun manufacturers and gun shops out of existence, make it illegal to sell or transfer firearms, continue to indoctrinate our kids and one by one we will either die, run afoul some weird law or medical condition, or move into a state or nursing home where guns are not allowed and they will get the guns. Already happening in much of New York and New England, most large cities, much of the west coast , and most of the rest of the world.
    Local democrapic party is beyond hope, local governmetnt, police department and schools are populated by a group that classifies everyone else as enemies and constantly screams about about the local population not supporting them while their salaries are about twice the local average, they have good retirement plans and medical plans, and yes there is a sense of alienation developing between our highly compensated "civil servants" and those of us who have to pay for their dreams. The NRA has for many years talked a good fight and has waged an excellent defensive war, but it has been winning battles and losing the war. Resistance has degenerated in my area to the point that I have reached the conclusion that I can best resist by supporting home schooling, the rare politician that agrees with me, training as many young people as possible to become hunters and to shoot for fun , to write letters to the papers that are edited to meaningless protests, and not move to some remote area and be allowed to proforma protest until I die or make a mistake.
    What are your suggestions for actions that have a chance to be more than symbolic reactions to the rapidly developing replacements for the brown shirts that Hitler used to obtain power? I often wonder what Hitler would of done if he had Facebook and Twitter, he did quite well with the tools of his time, radio and movie theaters.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2018
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