A very angry Russia...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bandit99, Mar 30, 2018.

  1. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I find Putin's words to be most disturbing and when mixed with Russia's conduct these last couple of years, damn right scary.

    First, he is not a man to make outlandish rants and raves. Many Russian politicians do but not him. The man is cold and calculated, a master political chess master.

    Second, the Crimea, the downing of a civilian aircraft and the murder of a ex intelligence Russian operative in the UK via a nuclear isotope and now a second attempt to do the same with a nerve agent shows - well - shows they think themselves secure and are more than confident in their actions. I think we got a real problem. A very big one!

    Here are few things that Putin said which is very much out of character for him and this worries me. Below is regarding the 2nd test firing of new nuclear missile Satan-2 (link below):

    1. "No one has listened to us. You listen to us now,”

    2. "You will have to assess that new reality and become convinced that what I said today isn't a bluff, It's not a bluff, trust me."

    3. "I want to tell all those who have fueled the arms race over the last 15 years, sought to win unilateral advantages over Russia, introduced unlawful restrictions and sanctions aimed to contain our country's development: All what you wanted to impede with your policies has now happened," he said. "You have failed to contain Russia."
    (My God, this sounds like exactly Hitler!)

    4. "animation depicting "a nuclear attack on the United States" that accompanied Putin's speech"
    (One of the most powerful nations of the world depicting an attack, in a video, on the USA for the entire world to see?!?! I'm stunned! It is a cold slap in the face showing only contempt! I also wonder why the news didn't say more about it and fear they were told to downplay it."

    Yeah, I think we got a serious problem, a very serious problem... Putin has some plans for the next 6 years and will use the fear of Nuclear Armageddon, the unthinkable, to achieve them. He realizes he cannot win a conventional war and this makes him level on a military field. However, he is far superior in commitment, purpose, desire and control. His control is complete in Russia and Russian nationalism is a boiling pot. He is completely supported by a huge majority of the people. I predict, we are in for a very, very bad decade. Yes, damn right scary...

    Oh! I also believe the latest assassination attempt on the ex Russia spy in the UK was done with the complete knowledge what the reaction would be by the West and served numerous propaganda purposes at home in mother Russia. What I am saying is they purposely turned up the heat.

    'Satan 2' nuclear missile again test-launched by Russia, as Putin brags of 'invulnerable' arsenal
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2018
    Ura-Ki and sec_monkey like this.
  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Been saying it for years, don't Eff with Putin, leave him alone and let him handle things in his country his way. Don't have to like or agree with it, bhut damn sure stay out of it! But Nope, we gotta stick out noses in, first it was his assention, then the Georgia thing, then the Crimea, and now he is pissed off and powerful enough to push back! He is not the type of person to let things go, or go unanswered, and the latest is disturbing! America had better look to it's own and stop fking with them, it' not going to end well!
    Putin is classic Russian Paranoid, and will react as such, he is also super smart and knows when to play advantages! This is quite telling, he feels he is ready and able to push back, and Europe will be the first on his hit list, and if We don't step back, were next!
  3. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    Problem for Russia is our submarines if they shoot we pop up and close in level a bunch of cites.
    Quid Pro Quo or MAD mutually assured destruction is the sword of Damocles hanging over all of our heads.
    I think Putin is trying to scare the American voters and since only a few percent have ever been in service they do not understand just how scary we are and how much total destruction we can lay down. If you let a bully push you around soon they will own you.

    As far as I am concerned better to die on your feet than live on your knees or why are we in this forum talking about surviving ? for what do we think our only enemy is our leaders, we live in a world full of enemies dictators and evil souls that would turn us over take us over and do it to us over and over. Either fix that in mind or have all your guns by the door so it will be easy to hand them over, there is no middle ground it's fight to the death or die n your knees with a bullet in the back of your head and before to see your children used as sex toys or worked to death as slaves without having given even a whimper when you were led away. These are no idle words every nation that caved in the populations was decimated 60 million in China 40 million in Russia 50 million in WWII Pol Pot murdered half of the citizens in his own country of Cambodia. It's alright to be afraid but not so afraid you won't fight at the drop of a hat. for any reason or no reason, because if people think your a pushover they will be on you like flies and stink on B.S.
    Yard Dart, SB21, Sapper John and 5 others like this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Ura-Ki "he feels he is ready and able to push back"
    Well, he has most certainly shown this via his actions, this is without a doubt.
    SB21 and Ura-Ki like this.
  5. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    Like a dog that has been allowed to run suddenly being fenced into a small yard... Not as dangerous as loud and bothersome. Putin acting like the Fat Kid in NC... Almost laughable, as he knows that Russia would be a smoking hole in the ground if he started anything major.
  6. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @ochit "...MAD mutually assured destruction is the sword of Damocles hanging over all of our heads. I think Putin is trying to scare the American voters..."

    Yes, you are correct. And, he has succeeded.

    He is doing the same thing Hitler did. Hitler used the memories of WW1 to deter any opposition to achieve his goals. He was very successful but made the mistake of going a bit too fast which drew him into direct conflict with those he never intend to war against. However, Putin is using the thought of a nuclear nightmare which would be a nightmare more horrid than WW1 and WW2 put together.

    Should we end up in a real conflict with Russia then I would say there is a very good chance missiles will indeed fly. Putin is willing to risk this to accomplish his political goals, he has shown as much. Whereas, we cannot even pass legislation to remove people from our country that are illegally here. Furthermore, most Americans dislike or hate our own government while the majority, a large majority of the Russians fully support his actions. Putin would never be so stupid to directly attack the USA directly. No, never. However, I could easily write a Point Paper showing how he will attempt to reclaim the ring of countries that surround Russia and has served to be Russia's protection/buffer zone of the old Soviet Union era, move his tentacles and agenda outward internationally. Hell, he already has purchased a naval port in India!

    For example, will the USA be willing to go to war with a determined Russia over the Ukraine even though their economy is hopelessly gone (even EU said it cannot be saved) and we have no national or treaty ties with this country? It would be just another place for our soldiers to die. And, all the time, risk some sort of nightmarish escalation that could lead us to nuclear war?

    Putin has 6 years then he has to make a decision, somehow remain in power and possibly lose some of the support of his people, or step down into history as this is the last time he can be elected. I think we will be hearing a lot from him these next 6 years.
    ochit likes this.
  7. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I disagree. Are you saying that if he invaded the Ukraine that we would be the first to launch nuclear weapons? I say, we would not. Putin will never go that far to be in direct conflict with the USA but the point is that he doesn't want to be in conflict with the USA. He is saying that if you try to stop him via your saber rattling of nuclear weapons that he has them too. Plus he has the commitment and the determination of the Russian people behind him. He is well loved. So, to stop him, we must risk all - meaning - a real war where mistakes are made and could easily turn nuclear. And, for what? A Ukraine? A country that is more Russian than Western?

    This is no fat kid in North Korea. He knows exactly what he is doing. And, he means it. He needs to be taken seriously. We should have torn Russia apart during the collapse in 2008 when we had the chance. He has truly united them and we got a combination of Hitler and Stalin on our hand but more intelligent than both put together. He is one of the greatest leaders in the world today and his country is behind him. What have we got in comparison?
    Yard Dart, SB21 and Sapper John like this.
  8. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    The original SATAN 1 is anold design and nearly all removed from service

    At full deployment, before the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, 308 R-36M launch silos were operational. After the breakup of the USSR, 204 of these were located on the territory of the Russian Federation and 104 on the territory of newly independent Kazakhstan. In the next few years Russia reduced the number of R-36M launch silos to 154 to conform with the START I treaty.

    Part of the missiles in Kazakhstan (54 of them) were under the 57th Rocket Division at Zhangiz-Tobe (Solnechnyy), Semipalatinsk Oblast.[4] The other R-36 establishment in Kazakhstan was the 38th Rocket Division at Derzhavinsk, Turgay Oblast.

    The dismantling of 104 launchers located in Kazakhstan was completed in September 1996. The START II treaty was to eliminate all SS-18 missiles but it did not enter into force and the missiles remained on duty. Russia has steadily decreased the number of operational SS-18s and as of March 2013, only 55 (all of the 10 MIRV Mod 5 version) remain. About 40 missiles will have their service lives extended so that they remain in service until about 2020..

    The commander of the Strategic Missile Troops Lt. Gen. Andrei Shvaichenko announced on December 16, 2009, that Russia planned to "develop a new liquid-propellant ICBM (RS-28 Sarmat) to replace the Voyevoda (SS-18 Satan), capable of carrying 10 warheads, by 2016.

    The US gave up on liquid fueled rockets decades ago. I would worry more about the SS-25 (TOPOL-M) - mibile, it would be hard to take out. A new missile loosely based on Topol-M and equipped with multiple re-entry vehicles (MIRV) is called RS-24 Yars. In January 2009 Russian sources hinted that the production of the mobile Topol-M missile would be shutting down in 2009 and that the new MIRVed RS-24 version would replace it. I've not heard anything new on the Yars modle, no public testing etc.

    Road mobile ICBMs are the scary part of the Russian play list....

    We gave up the Peackeeper for, IMO, nothing positive.

    Edit to add - we have 405 MIteman II in silos right now. All can be converted from single warhead to 4 MIRV warheads very quickly - and we have these warheads in stock. So 55 x 10 = 550. 405 x 3 = 1215. I think we're good on the numbers part.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2018
    Sapper John and sec_monkey like this.
  9. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    My family in Ukraine are very VERY worried about the way things are going! There is a massve ship building program taking place, oil tankers and ice breakers! There is also a push for a serious pipeline out of the Middle East, and overt moves in that direction to secure land. There also is a huge increase in the production of mining equipment, and serious off road machine's, presumably for use in opening up the Siberian districts! Looks like Mother Russia has serious strategic plans, and securing oil seems to be a big one! The Ukraine processes over 80% of the oil, and currently 70% of ship building, and 85% of the heavy equipment! Yet the Ukraine dosnt get the profits which really pisses them off. There have been some serious rumblings about what is coming, Russia making a huge move south and taking over management! While the west has known much of this, it's starting to look more likely a internal war is on the horizon!
    We are in the prosess of bringing my in laws here, but the way things are going with Russia, that may come to a screeching halt before any thing can happen!
    sec_monkey likes this.
  10. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    I said if he started anything major. A launch against the US. We've handled his aggressions before in the Ukraine, and will in the future. Putin thinks he can scare us into not interfering in Russian expansion, and I believe he is mistaken. Even if we counter his aggression, I sincerely doubt he or the US would resort to Nuclear conflict and risk the aftermath. I don't know when or have not heard of a US nuclear threat against Russia, unless it was some of Trumps Twitter babble.
    sec_monkey and Ura-Ki like this.
  11. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    That would be a great big catch, the U.S. moving to help the Ukraine, and should put the fear of God in Putin. There would be no exchanges of nukes then, the whole point is for Putin to secure the Ukraine in its entirety! Not much use to him if it's a wastland, and the significant loss of highly skilled labor that exists there! It would be a huge nightmare for sure! And I can tell you, the Ukraine would Love America if we did help them, they are more like us then many other peoples!
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2018
    sec_monkey and Dunerunner like this.
  12. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    I do not think of Russian expansion as a bad thing, because he's taking over countries that will hate his guts any land owner will tell you land is costly. As a nation state you have to pay for troops to keep the locals from going bat shit they cannot control the Chechen's if they think they can control the Islamic crowd he will learn the lesson of his predecessors after 14 years in Afghanistan. One reason why were broke holding military in 150 nations embassy and staff in more nations holding up the U.N. and paying out to over 100 countries some sort of aid.
    If Putin thinks he can improve on relations by force let him Russia's economy can't bare that burden long.

    This is interesting starts slow but if you hang in there you find some connections to what this thread is addressing.

    Ura-Ki likes this.
  13. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    One question here for you. When you mentioned “ The fat kid in NC “ ,,,, Are you talking about me ??? Or did you mean, NK ??
  14. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I ain't touching that one! [pop]

  15. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    :( :) [LMAO] I'm [own2]!!
    sec_monkey, Ura-Ki and SB21 like this.
  16. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    Yeah... Help overthrow the elected gov. of Ukraine. Then move in missile systems. Just poke that big bear!
  17. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Ura-Ki "We are in the process of bringing my in laws here, but the way things are going with Russia, that may come to a screeching halt before any thing can happen!"
    You better hurry because they have already said that when the changes for immigration goes into effect the old rule of bringing parents or family over is being done away with. They will have to obtain a visa just like everyone else...whatever method they come up with. The real reason for the change is, of course, financial. Old people come here, haven't contributed a dime into social security or anything else and almost immediately get government assistance. Anyway, you probably got about a year, but change is coming so, hopefully, you already have submitted the paperwork because, as you know, it takes quite a while.

    There is no way we will provide direct military assistance to Ukraine. Weapons, communications, training, medical supplies, etc., yes. But, no boots on the ground...

    @Dunerunner "We've handled his aggressions before in the Ukraine, and will in the future."
    We did? When? Quite frankly, we have done zip. Only recently we started sending some weapons, not all kinds, some. Germany did more than anyone and all they did was verbally condemn it, quite loudly though. Correct me if I am wrong but I think all we have done is sanctions which hasn't had any direct impact on the situation. Pissed them off though...
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2018
    sec_monkey and Ura-Ki like this.
  18. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Actually, There may have been a C-130 or three-erty accidentally flown through contested airspace out of "eastern Europe", and they "May" have been loaded with arms and munitions of a common nature to that region! Can neither confirm nor denied any knolage of such business though! There "May" also have been a container ship that sailed to Odessa pier 31 that offloaded special cargo of a suspicious nature! Again, can neither confirm nor denied such business! I have an idea of who sent these things, but it's all hear say!
  19. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Putin's Russia is not Brezhnev's Russia. People need to get over the stereotypical thinking and realize that Russia has become almost a western country and it's citizens are, in a lot of ways, enjoying more freedoms and prosperity the we here in the US. Putin is a powerful and charismatic leader who wants what is best for his country and is willing to step up to get it. There are a lot of Russian workers in my area that come here to work in the summer, and all I have talked with are eager to get back home. The Russia of old seems to have been replaced by a progressive new land under Putin.
    I think we should get over it and make Russia an ally.
    Ura-Ki, oldawg, Bandit99 and 3 others like this.
  20. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    There is much truth in what you say. It seems to me that Russia and the USA are like two dogs trying to determine who is the Alpha. What I cannot understand is if our government truly sees Russia as a threat then why didn't we eliminate them by breaking them up during the collapse. They were on their knees falling into anarchy - yet - here we are. Again. Sometimes I think we want an enemy of Russia just for the Defense Industry for we can't justify the expense without a true adversary.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
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