Hey Tracy! My wife is going to be a homeschool teacher starting this summer... we might have to pick your brain now and then. :^) We're looking forward to it. I'm just a commuting fool doing System Administration for a state gov't agency.
Test Tech for hydruilic power systems prior industrial mechanic/electronic repairs missile tech on a couple boomers for 6 yr's
I work in the IT department of my county's public library, and I also spend some time on the reference desk there (I think that makes me a nerd squared). I have been gravedigger, a portrait artist and a textbook salesman. I have written two novels of science fiction, both agented, but currently unpublished. In addition, next fall I will also be a grad student. I live on the 60 acre farm where my dad grew up and spend a lot of time trying to become a farmer. So far that is the one I like best.
I'm a database programmer by day, and I work PT at Range USA in Memphis at night . The PT job is great for some extra spending money and I get to shoot for free, even better
Primary occupation: Wife/Mom Secondary occupation: Spinster (that be one who spins ) (Soon to be) Head Spinster (actively teaching the art of handspinning) Or would that be called Mistress Spinster? In some cultures, I'd be called a "lady of leisure" but since I have precious little leisure time ........ ~Falcon
Hey Hey Hey Mags - Be careful about what you say about Little Old Ladies. Nonetheless, we're proud to have you proclaim yourself as one of us
ok question for everyone... what is ya'lls opinion of Blackwater i know in the wrong hands and at the wrong time they could be "zombies" but at the moment they look like a good option for me if/when i get out of the USN. please don't hold back...
Hart would be a better choice ,or even Thag ,I know to many that don't like the way they work with their people !!! And these are guys with plenty of time in grade !! There are a few more but I don't know what ya did in the USN or your tag ,the more ya know the better your chances of getting a gig !! JMHO
thanks i'll check them out...i have done naval police work for the past 3 years but in my new duty station it's less policing and more military security we are slowly becoming the navies infantry force, big navy still doesn't really know what to do with us. btw what is a tag
I am a guitar player, singer, song writer. I support my career by working as a Salvage Master for a marine salvage company, raising sunken ships and such.
I can never remember what you guys call an MOS ,I know My son is Navy Intel but as far as his tag # I wouldn't know what it is .He's only got 438days until he retires from the navy and then he and I may think about trying out some other work together with Hart or one of the other good ones !! If my health holds up long enough for me to pass the medical . I hope find what your looking for !!
Cephus good luck to the both of you, and congrads to your son. i tried looking up Hart and Thag on the internet and i couldn't find it. is there a phone number i can try?
Pick up a copy of "Soldier of Fortune" magazine if it's still published. Haven't seen it in a long time, but haven't been looking for it either.