Joining the NRA and bitching to our friends on firearms friendly forums will not get the job done and we are about to have our rights usurped by a loud minority. They have the MSM as a force multiplier and the funds from all over trying to disarm our nation. They are highly organized and they are breeching the walls. We, as firearms owners have made no real effort at stemming this usurptation. Sure, we post angry comments on social media, write a few letters to representatives, vote accordingly but it is time to get serious and organize. We need funding, full-time operatives gathering real-time intelligence, hackers, and alternate media campaigns. We need organizers to plan and implement protests and demonstrations. We need sabateurs to piss in the cool-aid at the opposition's gatherings. WE should form such an organization declare it's intent, solicit funding from gun owners, firearms manufacturers, anyone that makes a living from the firearms industry, but organize a real opposition. Let the NRA do their lobbying, let the GOA do their bitching, but lets do some real work and stage a line of defense. The OSS led the game with psy-ops in WW ll with no use of the controlled media. We have people in the forum with the background and experience to plan such an organization. We only need to be ready to stand up for our rights rather than hiding behind imaginary boating accidents.
Great minds think alike! I re-joined this morning and also re-upped GOA. I thought it was time to support the ones that have all the yelling directed at them.
Agree with the idea of forming a tribe with a single cause to push cooperation. (But they ain't knocking on MY door, so I have no horse in the race.) That is a problem for independent survivors, that idea of doing it someone else's way, even if the end result is shared. Back in the site's early days, we discussed tribal leadership, and, well, here we are.
The main problem from our side is no leader ship, no billionare, and no cohesion. Every one wants to help and do, but no one has stepped up to take the lead, and Lead!!! I lost faith in the NRA, and will not support them any further with my time or my money, sorry, but they failed miserably to join the fight when it could have mattered, and now we suffer even more attacks because of that failing! There has yet to be a full accounting of the 2nd at SCOTUS, and a forced ruling in the affirmation of it in its entirety, THAT needs to change! Those sitting SCOTUS also need to be reminded that politics are to have zero bearing on any decisions BY the Damn LAW! Any sitting justice on that bench needs to be removed right quick and in a hurry like for following a political agenda! It's time to stand up and demand absolute compliance from those assholes, and right fricking NOW! There is some momentum building with folks writing the D.O.J. demanding a vigorous defence of the 2nd as vociferously as all the other rights, and sooner or later, the D.O.J. will be forced to respond! I have sent a letter, I highly recommnd every one else do the same! We need a strong leader to stand up and be heard, with out one, were screwed!
I donated to those organizations then surfed to see if anything local was happening. I found an issue that will be coming up in Boulder but do not see where any of the local organizations like RMGO are addressing this or planning to attend the event. Boulder is considering: assault weapons are not being sold in gun shops or privately in Boulder, and confiscating any assault rifles, high capacity magazines, and bump stocks from citizens in town. Gun Control: How Cities are Leading the Charge to Ban Assault Weapons | Inverse I will be alerting local groups to this meeting and hopefully 2A supporters can get together and attend. But then it is Boulder.
I can assure everyone that when the gun owners of this country get fed up enough, things will happen. Right now the left is posturing and making light probes to see what will work. The folks who would oppose gun ownership in this country are being manipulated by, I strongly feel, handlers from outside of the United States. What they are doing takes money and organization. With each mass shooting, I become even more convinced that these things are being staged to further the agenda. I also firmly believe that these recent protests all over the country were probably planned in advance of the Florida school shooting. Getting something like that together is like herding cats even on a small scale. Eventually, they will push too far.
We don't need a leader, we need an organization with the intent to be proactive, once the organization is created, we can elect spokespersons if needed but the purpose isn't to speak, it is to gather real time intelligence about the opposition and throw real nails in the street. Let the NRA do the talking, we need an organization that ACTS and has a real agenda. A military honor guard marching through that crowd of children with a horse drawn coffin draped in a flag right thru the middle of them, stopping and firing a 21 gun salute in front of their podium. Rally abortion protestors and Baptists to disrupt them. Get the KKK to show up in support of their agenda.
Interesting point Sea, we don't see protests from "The other side" those fringe groups, BLM, KKK, Nazis, ect. Standing up for rights. Wonder why they are being quiet about the 2nd?
Well now, Since most young people have no skin in the game of life and most of what they have has been ''Free'' stuff. As they get older they will become more conservative like us. The best way to swing the anti-gun attitude is by another person in the age group that has real time knowledge to talk to them because the youngsters won't listen to a bunch of old f@rt's like us. In addition, Bring a young man or woman shooting with a .22, Explain that we are the good guys with guns and usually after a 100 rounds you will have a grin on their face, Most have no real world knowledge unless we train them.
I'm not so sure about quiet, but I AM sure about confrontational counter protests. Guaranteed pitched battle. (That will bring out some other viewpoints.) I'd say bugling mouths on the courthouse steps get less attention than a real paper letter. In fact, that noise is annoying, even to sympathetic "legislators" or said leggies would be out there cheerleading.
I learned a lot time ago that the longer you avoid confrontation the more difficult the fight. They are threatening the Bill of Rights. It is time to draw a line in the sand there. They are planning to deprive us of property and restrictions on our right to defense with based on something that is statistically a lower risk to them than deer on the highway and we need real time information available about this and what the opposition is doing. I read today that motel reservations for this last DC protest were made months ago and would love to find the permit applied date and signature. This is news that could viral if true and released properly. That's why we need to organize and get backing from the Firearms Industry. I realize they rely heavily on government contracts so a very clear charter of gathering information for appropriate distribution would have to be assured. I'm not talking some type of radical shit here, just strategic planning for an appropriate response and possible counter-measure, as non-confrontational as can be without standing down. I realize how many flags are lighting up everywhere so I am stating categorically that I am not advocating any violent or destructive action in any manner. I just want reliable news about what is going on, free from opinion and conjecture to be properly analyzed by professionals as intelligence and the Ooda Loop applied. The MSM sure isn't going to give a correct evaluation. Neither is anyone remotely connected with social media. It is the Bill of Rights that I fear for.
It's all about the period. I've read the Federalist Papers and studied history for decades. My friend Mike Vanderboegh (RIP) had it right when in answer to the old "if we give an inch, they take a mile." he said "Not one more inch!" The Founders knew what they were doing when they wrote The Second Amendment. They understood unalienable rights. They made it clear. It's all about the period. "...shall not be infringed." PERIOD!
That is why we are called the silent majority. Quietly live our lives but we always seem to start shouting when it is to late.
Start right now. Inundate social media with a simple smile NO, You WIll Not Ban Any Firearms or even better No, You WiIl Not Change the Bill of Rights
The 2A Defense Association.....or some ilk like that. Creating web sites is simple enough relevant content would be key. This forum software would work great for formatting. ..just thinking. Great seeds planted Sea!!