Daily carry folders

Discussion in 'Blades' started by E.L., Aug 14, 2005.

  1. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I think I'm going to wait for Valk to get around to building me a 3" lockback drop point with no serrations and a belt clip. Maybe with aluminum scales, nice and light weight. I think I can make a pretty good case for lightening holes along the back of the blade as well.
  2. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Buck/Strider is a pretty good line of knives. I won one and liked it right up until I got my first Strider, then I gave it away as it seems flimsy then. Still, for the price it's good.

    Ghrit, I hope you're a patient man. :D
  3. yonder

    yonder No Despot's Servant

    For my pocket folder, I carry a Buck Bantam, one of the bigger models in the lineup (couldn't tell you off the top of my head the exact model but I think it was the biggest bantam).

    It was inexpensive but well-made, lightweight, keeps a very sharp edge, and I'm quite happy with it.
  4. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I was looking for a Strider on E-bay, but then came across this Buck-Strider and wondered if it was a collaboration or if Buck had bought Strider or what. I am looking for another folder, I still like my Kershaw, but I wanted something a little different. I might have to go with the Al Mar as pricewise the Strider's are really high. My luck I would lose it next day.
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Patient I am, in spades. While waiting, check out the Doug Ritter RSK-MK1 for a model of what I think I want (without the humpy back.):D
  6. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Ghost, you still have this?
  7. wolfmonk

    wolfmonk Monkey+++

    The folders I've carried and liked have been a Vic Rucksack - my longest carried knife so far - I love the saw on it - very sturdy and eats through wood. The locking blade is a plus too.


    I won a Spyderco Native with partial serrations. With the exception of the serrations (I prefer a plain blade) I like it a lot.

    I also carry A Kershaw Baby Boa, which replaced my Kershaw Chive. I love the assisted opening. Baby Boa is on the right.


    Mulit-tool is a Leatherman Juice 6XE.
  8. weapons_762

    weapons_762 Monkey+++

    my carry knife is a cold steel folder , half serrated, with a tanto tip.

    this is my second one due to the fact someone wanted my other one more, and stole it out of my 18 wheeler.

    Weps Out!
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Same here :) I got my Coldsteel Gunsite tanto folder from my best friend back in '96, and haven't much used anything else since. Every once in a while just to remember the two of us jabbing the blade into quarters to test its capability, I do it again. If I am ever attacked by a quarter, you can bet the farm I'll keel it. ;)
  10. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Right now, I go a Microtech OTF and a Gerber folder in my pocket, a Benchmade Nimvarius on my belt and a A.G. Russel Sting in my boot
  11. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    I've swapped my Al Mar SERE 2000 for a Hinderer XM-18. or 2... ;)
  12. Bogie

    Bogie Monkey+++

    Primary cary is a Spyderco ATR in Black in my right front pocket backup can be either HAK around neck or a CRKT M16 on left side IWB. When at work I have whats above (in my pockets) then whats in my gear.
    Turnout Gear Load:
    Colt SAR knife (German paratrooper clone)
    CRKT Hammond A.B.C. E.R.[​IMG]
  13. gadinort

    gadinort Monkey+++

    Spyderco Rescue 93mm

    I love it. Straight edge and serrated; lightweight yet strong.

    Mine was a stockroom item, but they retail for $50-70

    Just be sure to glue the screw holding the belt clip in place or it will eventually come loose.
  14. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Knives have become an "obsession" for me lately....
    Like that new "Winchester" folder I bought....3 blades, nice looking, and seemed so practical. Then, I opened the package and took out the knife....nicely balanced, and looked clean and functional, then I turned it over to find: MADE IN CHINA.
    Oh well! One can only hope for the best.....
    Then, I ordered not 1, but 5 separate knives from 2 different suppliers online.
    Again, a disaster in the making! ( Buyer Beware slipped my mind!)
    All made in China, and CHEAP!
    Luckily for me, I can and do my own machining, and mig welding.
    I took those poorly made knives, and re-designed them, this time with FULL tangs.
    A few quickly installed roll pins, and a few minutes on the old bench grinder produced some relaible and decent hardware after all.
    I went to the local "Outdoors Sportsman" and perused the selection they had on hand. About 200+ I'd say. I asked for a good one, and the poor man behind the counter said "NOT Here"! Almost every knife was made in China, and a few I chose to actually pick up, had "stamped" out sheet metal blades!
    The edges were never even cleaned up/ground, and they were duller than a politicians speech!
    Nearly everything I looked at that day was at poorly made cheap imitations of what "we" used to make in this country!
    Even the "Coghlan's" brand items were no longer made in Canada!
    Not sure where I'd go these days to find a truly decent tool anymore!
  15. pgrass101

    pgrass101 Monkey+++

    I carry a Gerber or Spyderco Everyday
  16. BAT1

    BAT1 Cowboys know no fear

    Just got a Gerber folding Gator for 15.00. Going to go try it out in Florida while fishing. Hope the airline doesn't steal it out of checked baggage. If they touch my prized hand made lures...
  17. subzero

    subzero Monkey+++

    Cold Steel Gunsite
  18. subzero

    subzero Monkey+++

    I know this is not a folder but it is my everyday carry. It stays in my bag. I must admit I love this knife.
  19. armac

    armac Monkey+++

    Gerber Covert folder, for the last 8 years
  20. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Kershaw has an interesting line up for 2011, with many becoming more affordable than ever before, even though they have outsourced to China on a few models.

    YouTube - Nutnfancy SHOT Show 2011: Kershaw Win

    The best changes I can see so far - a new, deep-seated pocket clip and very enticing smooth curved tanto style blade, a new type of liner-lock, and various patterned G-10. The flipper design is also a fun design, and quite a few models offer this. Again, the price tag isn't going to hurt the wallet either. Not every Kershaw is being imported from China. It's worth checking out!
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