Ok I thought that maybe you sold worms by the sound of your reply. But thanks for the link anyway. There was I guy that I use to sell rabbits to that had moved down here from VT I think and he said he did it up there but he wasn't to forth coming with details. OGM
could chickens replace the rabbits? or would there waste not work? i don't know much about rabbits but my uncle raised chickens and sold the eggs and the birds too?...
I may be wrong but I don't think chicken manure would be too good since it has such a high ammonia content. It takes a lot of composting before it's any good for the garden.
You've got to maintain a temp of 150-155 deg for 3 or 4 days to kill bacteria then let the compost mature for a couple months. I don't use chicken manure but I know people who do. Especially now with bird flu, I would be concerned about the virus in the manure. Used coffee grounds and tea leaves.
ok here's another one, the ground i have to work with is a kind of gray looking clay stuff. i have turned this "stuff" over and found some worms i hope this is a good sign. i have got the ground wet and it drys really quick, turns into hard light gray clumps! is this bad do i need to change anything. i guess the compost pile is going well everything inside is still wet and mushy when do i mix it in to the bed. sorry i know i could pick up more books but i like hearing from you guys and gals.
You want to soil to be more crumbly than compact. The addition of the compost will help. I turn my compost weekly when the weather is warm. The temperature build up in the middle of the pile is what helps speed decomposition. You can leave compost out all winter and see some breakdown but not much. Winter is a good time to pile a load or two cow and/or horse manure and cover it with black plastic. A little heat in the spring will complete the job. Also, you want the pile moist but not sopping wet. Also, if you add twigs and branches, make sure you cut them into small pieces for quick decay. Large brances will eventually break down but it takes a long time. Add green lawn clippings (without pesticides,) leaves, kitchen scraps (no grease, butter/margerine, bones, or meat). Once you've had your first successful batch, you'll find out how easy it is to improve your soil at no cost and I find a high level of satisfaction. It doesn't take much to get a country gal excited!
Your county extension agent may even come out and help you get started. We planted a garden for the first time since we stopped farming (30 years ago) and there are a lot of things we have forgotten or never knew since we're now using hand tools and trying to garden on poor soil in drought conditions. Look for friendly neighors and small grocery stores, too. They often buy thier produce from local growers who are usually happy to help with advice. COMPOST,COMPOST,COMPOST above all. Neighbor saved our garden from that April frost by advising us to rinse the frost off before the sun came up. Easter morning, 5:30 A.M. before sunrise services, we were hosing it down. Another neighbr didn't get the word and lost everything. We ate new potaotoes today.
thanks oldteacher, selling the extra sounds like a good idea... i really have had a good time outside getting things started but if i can get anything to grow i'll be happy as all get out.
Wish I'd known about that watering trick a few weeks ago Lost some tomatoes, beans, and a few other plants due to 2 nights of HARD frost. Sad part is I even had everything covered by a tarp, and it still got killed off I've had a couple of strawberries out of my garden, does that count? I have a question now. Without using insecticide, is there a way to get rid of ants? These are the little ants, I call them piss ants. They are running around my garden and I want them gone!!! Thanks in advance
Ants are difficult to kill. Generally, attempts to eradicate an ant colony results in a move to a different location - possibly less appealing than the existing one. If ants pose a threat to a part of your garden, it is better to simply deter them. Ants hate mint. Plant peppermint, spearmint, tansy or wormwood within the affected area. These will deter the ants in the areas where they are planted. Although I haven't tried this myself, it is worth a try and cost next to nothing to do - sprinkle dry clothes detergent or dishwashing detergent where they can get to it. There's something about the detergent that attracts them and they carry it back to their hill. What they don't understand - it poisons them.
Something sounds strange here. The only way that I know you get grey clay is to have something impervious to water beneth it, then the water doesn't drain so it pushes out the air and kills all of the microbes, thus turning the clay gray. So here is the thing, worms would not be in this type of clay because they would drown. Clay never drains/drys really quick, this type of clay wouldn't drain/dry. As I said something sounds strange. OGM
if it was gray sand would that make a diffrence? i asked one of the nice ladys at lowes she thinks all we have out here is "clayish stuff" or "sandish stuff" those were perrty close to her words.
Yes that would make a big diffrence. Sand drains and dries pretty fast. I didn't what to raise the flag on you, but the thought had crossed my mind. For sandy soil you'll need to add lots of organic matter to get it to hold any moistur. OGM
well thanks ... went out to a local small town garden place down the way and got some good soil and manure. i think tomorrow i'll mix the two with some of the "sandish stuff" and plant the flowers we got. since the flower part is her idea she pick out the ones she wanted and they look really good but she suprised me when she got a small tree its a weeping cherry tree should look nice. i'm going to have to find a new place for the veggie bed, not enough sun light in the first spot. got a long day planed thanks for all the help and as soon as i know it all won't die on me i'll put up some pic's </IMG>
Just ordered "gardening when it counts" available from amazon and the oil crash sites....I'll review it after i digest myself...