Is Prepping Selfish?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Motomom34, Feb 11, 2018.

  1. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    It’s sad
  2. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    When you work ER/Paramedic never tell the Head Nurse you wish they would stop fighting and just kill each other.

    You will find yourself pulled from the Bus and finally get a nights sleep!

    Then again not a bad deal.
    Been There.
  3. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Maybe I heard it in the oilfield?
    Pi** Poor Planning Perpetuates Pi** Poor Performance, Your right, That's 7
    oldman11 likes this.
  4. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    I have trouble with accepting other people's labels. 'selfish' to take care of your self 1st... naw... you cant help anyone else if you dont take care of yourself 1st. So when someone goes to 'you are selfish for...' whatever... I go to .... you are selfish for not doing.... whatever.

    People who dont prepare for life's set backs and expect other people to provide for them are more selfish than people who prepare. Living in the moment is great from an emotional perspective but living for 'what if' from a financial and physical perspective is 1) an adult way to live, 2) realistic. only ppl living in a delusion don't plan for the future. So the label 'selfish' is some 'livinthemoment, unrealistic' idiot trying to use guilt to control the people around him/her. I dont do guilt. Decide to do something or dont but nvr live in regret
    I ahve never wanted to stand before God on judgement day and say I wasted my one precious wild life
    T. Riley, Motomom34, oldman11 and 3 others like this.
  5. Oddcaliber

    Oddcaliber Monkey+++

    Got this one from another board,"Preparing is not about winning the game. It's about stacking the deck in your favor." I was prepping when we were still called survivalist! I for one want to survive and if being selfish is what it takes than so be it. I will share to a degree but not to the point where it does more harm than good.
  6. runswithdogs

    runswithdogs Monkey+++

    Mmmm. No.. Selfish would be doing nothing to plan for the future & then exspecting those that have, to take care of you.
    T. Riley, Ganado, Zimmy and 7 others like this.
  7. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    ^^^^^^^ [applaud]
  8. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    To prevent some one else from acquiring needed food is selfish, but the fact of the matter is every one has a choice as to their priorities and where their investments lies.
    Those whom live for the future plan for the future, and have their result.
    Those that live for the now have only that in mind nothing else, and have their result , and no right to demand support from those that use their resources wisely.
    One of the lowest creatures in the planet have the intelligence to put food away for the future. the rat. Smarter than the entitlement group .
    I do have sympathy for those who have made the sacrifices and learned the skills for survival, however through extraordinary circumstances lost their reserves, that still does not obligate me to give up my families reserves to help some one else .
    The flood of needy would consume us all, and we would soon be on the streets as well .
    Besides. an other prepper survivalist would be anxious to barter for work and acquiring sustenance honorably, not looking for hand outs . If you go to a third world country and need direction point a to point b ,it is likely you will pay something for it .
    Knowledge is livelihood .
    chelloveck, Gator 45/70 and Motomom34 like this.
  9. I think I am of the same mind as you here. I feel like I shouldnt have to worry about people that I dont associate with today. So, worrying about those people in bad time is just another unwanted worry. As, far as the theology angle goes..... doesnt apply to me. If neighbors cant see the need for preparing for hard time .... why should I have to change their minds.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  10. AbbyL

    AbbyL Monkey

    Is Preparing in advance selfish? Personally, I say NO it is NOT selfish, It is WISE. Being Prepared and Stable, allows us to survive hardships and affords us with opportunities to help others in time of need. For example: My daughter and her children were having a hard time making ends meet last month, and I was able to help her and a friend also, with food I had bought on sale and saved in my emergency time pantry of food. I always buy things on sale for really cheap, so I can stretch my money, get the most for my money and be prepared for hardship times so I do not have to burden anyone with my financial challenges....I prefer being a contributing asset within the community and life and NOT a much as possible.

    I will ask like this: If you do not prepare in advance, for building your house, how reliable and strong do you think your house and its foundation would be? If it were not reliable and was destroyed by the first strong storm that came along, would it only hurt and burden you and your family ONLY because you did not prepare for planning how your house would be built in advance before building it; OR would your lack of preparation that fostered financial hardship consequences, also affect others who need to help you; OR even more than that, could the use of poorly built substandard materials and house building plans, affect others property with debris from your house that fell apart in the storm? Also another way to look at it: If you do not prepare in advance for getting a job to support yourself, your family and Missions or charities you may give to or help out with, Who do you think will have a better chance at getting the job you want; the one who prepared a good, thorough, to-the-point resume...OR you who did not prepare a good, thorough to-the-point resume?

    In my personal belief, it is important to prepare wisely in advance, for everything, as much as possible, to not only be able to enjoy living life, but also to be able to be an asset to others in need, with healing love...Living a Life of Love.

    March 3, 2018
  11. The_Prepared

    The_Prepared Derpy Monkey

    Bingo. We've started using this answer when asked this question by non-prepper journalists. It's much more selfish NOT to prep. "Hey first responder, risk your life to come save mine because I was lazy/egotistical and planned on other people doing work on my behalf!"
    Motomom34 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  12. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    @The_Prepared and that should go for Self-Defense issues as well....
    "When Seconds count, Law Enforcement are Minutes away, at BEST..." Where I live, if they dispatched, the second they were notified, it would still take them two hours to get here... We depend on NO ONE, and are our OWN First Responders... the State Troopers just come and scoop up the Bodies... and if the Perp is still alive, Haul him off to the Gray-Bar Hotel...
    Gator 45/70 and oldman11 like this.
  13. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Indeed. Up here, the wait will be far less than 2 hours, but it'll still be long enough to die waiting.
    The_Prepared and Gator 45/70 like this.
  14. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    sorry to offend - but - frankly the only people answering "yes" about the selfish question - the sheeple tooooo freaking ignorant to give the future a second thought - the other group are people that won't face the fact that the world is what it is - the liberals that are toooo left and beyond any reality of the real world ....

    majority of people asked - "no" - "if they want to waste their time & $$$$ that's their bizness" - "not for me" - "I'll take my chances rolling the way I am" ....
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  15. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I think that "selfish " is a term used by the irresponsible , to demand compromise of the conservative that earned what he got.
    I am a conservative ,but that does not mean I don't help people , I help people under my terms , and my definition of help, no one else's .
  16. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    It is just like Federal Welfare.... I choose to fund specific Outfits that "Do Good Deeds" because I care about their Programs... What I am AGAINST is have the Federal .GOV spend MY Tax Money, to support Irresponsible Folks, who CHOOSE ti live on MY DIME, because it is a FREE Giveaway, for Votes... Who I support IS MY CHOICE...
    Gray Wolf likes this.
  17. I grew up on a farm. My late wife grew up in the city. She talked about how hard her life was as a child. Mine really wasn't. We didn't have a lot. We ALWAYS had food. We grew a lot of our own. We froze meat we butchered. We canned fruit and vegetables we raised and harvested. I once asked my parents if everyone who lived in town was rich because they didn't have to raise their own food like we did. When I first heard about Joseph interpreting Pharaoh's dreams and how they put up supplies for the coming hard times, it really hit home. As a preschooler (and waaaay before ever hearing of Mel Tappen ) I think I was a survivalist. My late wife on the other hand became a convert to the roman catholic church as an adult. The bible stories that she fixed on were about the rich man that put up bigger grain bins to store a bumper crop then died in the night. Jo would ask me what good it did him? I said he died knowing he had not left his heirs destitute. Were Joseph and pharaoh selfish? Those actions allowed Joseph to save his family.
    Motomom34 and Oddcaliber like this.
  18. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    The rich man was not rich towards God, but unto himself ,dying with out God's blessing.
    Joseph was obedient to God ,making him the shining example of God's preservation for those that love Him.
    Jesus lived the example for us through the Gift of the Holy Spirit , to obey God regardless of the circumstances. if your trust is in your wealth and not in God ,the wealth is a distraction from trusting God. However if you trust God for what you need ,if it is with in the framework of His design ,what you really need is available to you, including getting jobs, relationships and purpose.
    Noah spent 100 years building a boat on the promise God would preserve those in it, during an unprecedented event .
    Though I have amassed food and materials from what I believe God's instruction ,I do not expect the I will be using them all but for those fallowing behind me .
    I have been given equipment only to turn it around to some one in need, God put in my path .
    From unrelated unsolicited sources I have been given even more stuff ,and I expect that in time their destination will be revealed .
    This I have been doing for years and satisfied with the task at hand .
    I am not bound to give what ever any one demands of me ,but as God inspires me to act in a given situation.
    I've come to understand my job as a warehouseman . All this STUFF is His under my stewardship.
    I pray I never let greed isolate me from trusting God.
    Oddcaliber, HK_User and Sapper John like this.
  19. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    If you read the whole story, the people who did not prepare for the famine sold their property to Pharaoh for food. When that food ran out, they sold themselves to Pharaoh, becoming his slaves. Reminds me of the people on welfare right now, the only difference is they don't have to work for their food.
    OldDude49 and Oddcaliber like this.
  20. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    i cringe when someone says 'your being selfish' this term was something that use to be applied to emotional stinginess and or just emotional ignorance. Now days people use it for any behavior they dont like. So when someone says 'your being selfish to me' i flip it back... isnt it selfish that you think everyone else should take care of you?

    Selfish does not apply to personal responsibility.

    I dont know that human beings can handle anything bigger than the tribal level. the current vernacular trys to get all people to take responsibility for all people. I dont think human being have that capacity. It works better at a tribal level to take care of family then neighbors.
    Motomom34 and Sapper John like this.
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