From the NY Times, it appears that Dick's is working hard at going out of business. Dick’s, Major Gun Retailer, Will Stop Selling Assault-Style Rifles
Good luck having the police "get to you" in time as you're defenseless calling for help. Good luck trying to do anything by voting yourself free from tyranny because you sure as hell won't be able to defeat a tyrant with strong words and a prayer.
I haven't been inside a Dick's since the last time they stopped selling AR's. When ammo was scarce a few years ago their employees bought up all the hard to get stuff (like .22LR) and then resold on gun forums. They only thing they ever did right was to name the store after their employee's - all Dicks, each and every one of them.
In their news release, DICK said they sold the Parkland shooter a shotgun in Nov/2017, but it wasn't used in the I guess they take that as OK to keep selling them. As I'm sure everyone here knows, most pump/auto loading shotguns can hold 3 rds, more if you remove the magazine say 5 rds, and loaded with 00 Buck, you'd have something like 45-60 30cal pellets at your disposal, making it the ideal weapon for close quarter/crowd type shootings. Banned, in fact, for military use by treaty. Never shopped the DICK, but I'd guess they also sell cans of powder for muzzle loading. Combine that with a Walmart pressure cooker, or couple 1 lb bottles of propane, in a back pack in the school cafeteria, and see the results. The worst mass killing in a school used a bomb, not a firearm. (1927 Michigan) OR does the DICK sell machetes ? One in each hand of a nut, and whole lot of kids could die in a hurry w/o much noise. Nuts are always gonna find a way.
Machetes were the weapon of choice in the Rwandan genocide. Up to 1,000,000 just chopped up. Im seeing a lot of people who obviously failed history claiming that you can't mass murder people with old timey weapons. Well here is what it might have looked like if the 1605 gunpowder plot was successful. Note this is only about 2,250 pounds of gunpowder, not the 3,500+ lb in place ready to blow. That would have only been a drop in the bucket as far as blood shed in the civil war that would have followed. Yes 1605, as in 184 years before the US bill of rights. The 1605 gunpowder plot was widely know, I would compare to to being as popular as any nursery rime in England so there is no way our founding fathers didn't know of it.
HAHAHA After further review, it appears DICK's is no longer selling guns it stopped selling years ago
honestly - is Dick's your "go to place" for firearms and ammo??? ... if it is - I pity you - I cross the threshold once a year at the most - they put the slugs on sale at a decent $$$$ and you can combine that with a OEM rebate .... you can do better with an auto-loader than taking out the plug - there's a few makes & models that you can change out for a magazine extension - have a total of 10 shells from a "on the shelf" shotgun ....
I stepped into the local Dicks once. Didn't buy anything, have not been back. Someone should tell Dicks they have NEVER SOLD ASSAULT WEAPONS. They don't have the licensing.
@oil pan 4 Make SURE, that you go into the Dicks Store, ask for the Manager, and tell him EXACTLY Why he will never get any of YOUR Cash, Period... If enough folks do that, the Policy will change, very fast... I am waiting to see how long it takes Delta Airlines to Bribe the State of Georgia, into getting their Fuel Tax Exemption back, after the State told them as long as their Policy with the NRA stands that Exemption is DEAD as a Fritter.... Good for the State of Georgia Ya Baby....
I resemble that coment 3M, when in retired in 2008, I went to work at Joe's (formerly G.I.Joes) and had a blast,working with an awesome manager and staff who actually knew sometbi g and gave a shit! Then they went under so I got hired at Dicks! What a night and day experience. Now keep in mind here, I'm fresh out of the service and not much people skills (my counseler thought it a good idea to work retail a little) let me tell you all about Dicks! Firstly, they are a parasite company, flood an area and take over sales of destroy existing small shops. Sell krap at a markup and bow to big benders like NorthFace and Nike! They were extremely predatory with there business models, and treated employees like garbage! When the ammo shortage hit, the ammo simply stopped showing up, I know, I was there when the trucks showed up with nothing but shot shells for ammo! We didn' even get the chance to scoop up ammo, it simply wasn't there! Now I will admit, when i retired I didn' have much ammo to begin with, nor did I have the collection of arms I do now, but here I was WAY down the food chain on ammo and nothing I could do about it! There was 1 case of .22 ammo that snuck it's way to my store, and I bought it at the stores full price (we didn' get discounts on ammo) and that was the only time my self or my co workers ever got ammo! I quit the day they started with the ARs, we would be required to pull them off the locked racks every night and do a separate inventory on them! I said eff that, especially the way the store manager was so scared of them being in the store! A friend who also worked for Dicks at a different location stuck around a little longer after I left, and he said he would get near constant shot about the ARs on display! I hated working there, it was a very sad thing to see, and the customers were extremely rude to us and made all kinds of outrageous claims about store employees hording ammo, salmon/steelhead lures, all the best bait, and accessories! I was even accused of buying up all the high end reels and reselling them on line for a profit because of my employee discount, I can tell you, my discount wasn' worth a shot, and I was allowed ONE purchase of a high end reels Once a season and had to fill out paperork and special order it in from the venders! I orderd an AVAT 2 speed, waited 4 weeks, and had to sign a paper stating that if I got caught selling it with in one year, I was subject to termination with out cause! My discount was 15% and that's it! No discounts on bait, lures, ammo, hunting krap, or any thing really worth having, only decent discounts was on camping gear! Yea, Dicks is a looser retailer that gives first and o my thought to maximum profits and top billing to other predatory venders, and they sreet employees worse then second class citizens! I could tell you stories of players that were set up, just to keep from paying benefits, or hours were cut to keep from having any one "FullTime" I witnessed one guy have his hours cut to something like 4 hours per week, because he made every one else in the store look bad because his sales were higher! They also gave big bonus checks to the managers if the sales were up and labor costs were down! Nothing like working for a company such as that was ever worth getting out of bed for, but it was a job when there were scared jobs to be had! Eff Dicks!!!
Yeah....I was just talking about something the DICK sold over the counter with zero modifications other than taking out the plug. Want real 12ga firepower ? Get what I'm holding..... AA12 full auto with 20rd drum
The explosive mine set off in the civil war that lead to the battle of the crater at the siege of Peterboro used 8,000 pounds of black powder and left a lot bigger hole than the blast shown in the clip above and over 3 times as much powder.
Black Powder is actually a much better “Earth Mover” as an Energetic, than most High Explosives, simply because it has a much slower Burning Rate, in comparison... Get the charge buried deep enough under the area of the crater, but not so deep as to not be able to clear the Mass.... and you end up with a HUGH Crater, where if you do the same with an Energetic that as a detonation velocity faster than 3000 Meters per second what you get is a small crater, and a TON of lose Dirt, where the crater would have been... The compromise Energetic is ANFO which is slow enough to have significant HEAVE, but fast enough to propigate like a Real High Explosive... Think TEXAS City, Texas, Oklahoma City Federal Building, and that Fertilizer Plant in Texas, where the Storage Mounds caught Fire, and the local FD tried to put it out with Watet.... BAD IDEA, One NEVER Should use Water to extinguish an Ammonia Nitrate Fire, NEVER EVER...
Damn near every sentence you wrote in and of itself is a reason not to shop there. Apologies to you and the Dick's EMPLOYEES I spread wrong information about. I didn't have first hand knowledge, only "rumor" so I should have kept my pie hold shut. I sure miss G.I. Joes. I never knew how great it and the Outdoor Store were until they closed. Get me an effing time machine.