Countering The Myths of Gun Violence

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by john316, Feb 24, 2018.

  1. john316

    john316 Monkey+++


    Countering The Myths of Gun Violence |

    Countering The Myths of Gun Violence
    JUNE 25,2015

    …..It’s sad, but people in our country keep refusing to learn lessons when bad events happen to other people and insist on waiting until bad events happen to them to accept the fact that they might need to prepare.

    Ironically, the reason why MOST people don’t think that there’s a need to prepare for incidents like Sandy Hook and Charleston is because of how incredibly rare they are…………

    ………...In my opinion, the model of passing first responder responsibility to the individual is a healthy model to follow.

    We use this model with medical and trauma emergencies. That’s why people learn the Heimlich maneuver, CPR, and basic first aid. We take responsibility for helping ourselves and those around us until professionals arrive in an attempt to save lives. Sometimes mistakes are made, like breaking ribs with the Heimlich or with chest compressions, but overall, trained lay first responders save lives.

    We use this model with fire emergencies. That’s why we have smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, ladders to escape the 2nd story of houses, fire drills, sprinklers, and fire escapes in public buildings. Again, we take responsibility for helping ourselves and those around us until professionals arrive. Sometimes people throw water on a grease fire or break their leg jumping out a window, but overall, trained lay first responders save lives…………….

    ………..Did you know that, outside of a war zone where we’re fighting, the US has some of the best, if not THE best gunshot trauma care in the world?

    Nationwide, you’ve got a 90% chance of surviving a single gunshot wound IF you receive prompt advanced medical care and you’ve got a 95% chance of surviving if you have a heartbeat when you reach the hospital……………

    ………...First off, it’s important to realize that there is no such thing as “gun violence.” Guns are inanimate objects. There is only violence and violence is a product of the mind and the mind will use whatever tools it has available at the time. The term “gun violence” makes about as much sense as “fork overeating.”…………

    ………..Did you know that while there is 1 child (under 10) death per year per 1 MILLION guns, there is 1 drowning death per year per 11,000 residential pools? That means that an individual backyard swimming pool is roughly 100 times more likely to kill a child than a given gun………

    ………...When cities, states, and countries institute more restrictive gun laws they experience an increase in almost all forms of violent crime. If anyone brings up Canada, England, or Australia as examples to the contrary, they are simply ignoring the reality that these countries experienced double digit increases in violent crime immediately following their most recent crackdowns………..

    ………...Accurate stats on mass shootings are INCREDIBLY hard to find and most lists conveniently leave out the following:

    1. The murder of 385, including 186 children at a grade school in Beslan in 2004

    2. The murder of 59 boys at the Federal Government College in Nigeria last February

    3. Boko Haram’s kidnapping of 329 girls in Nigeria last year with an unknown number murdered (at least 2) or the 330 residents of Gamboru Nigeria who were killed by Boko Haram when Nigerian security forces left the town to look for the kidnapped girls.

    4. They also conveniently forget Anders Breivik murdering 69 participants at a kids summer camp in Norway in 2011.
    These 4 incidents would be the first, second, third, and fourth most deadly school mass shootings of all time, but most of them are ignored in reports on mass murders…presumably because the people making the list are trying to paint a picture that it’s a problem unique to the US, when it’s not…………

    ………..Now, since the victims in Charleston were law abiding citizens, they didn’t carry guns into the gun free zone. Of course, evil people intent on murdering innocents don’t really care……...

    for much more, see

    Countering The Myths of Gun Violence |
    Ura-Ki and Meat like this.
  2. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    Ban the bump stock nationwide is what I say. (Give them a stupid bone) I learned this nonsense during contract negotiations. Lol. :D
    Motomom34, SB21 and Ura-Ki like this.
  3. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    The trouble with that approach is that is simply whets their appetite for more. Stonewall 'em, sez me, or better yet, offer to bite them back with loosening regulations (as opposed to laws that need to be repealed.)
    Alf60, Dont, oldawg and 3 others like this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    "The term “gun violence” makes about as much sense as “fork overeating.”…"
    I love this and will remember to use it in the future as well as the 'dangerous swimming pools' retort...but these people don't care about facts as they are making their decisions based on illogical emotions.

    I agree with @Meat that the Bump Stock really isn't worth the effort to keep except, and unfortunately, @ghrit is right for it seems that no matter what we give up it is not enough. Nothing will be enough until they completely ban firearms. The Left has proved this time and time again. Once firearms are ban, and sooner or later it will happen, we will face well-armed criminals with teeth and claw for if we use that firearm then we also will be considered a criminal and prosecuted to the full extent of the law that is funded by our own tax dollars. Anyway, that's my two cents...
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2018
    oldman11, 3M-TA3 and Ura-Ki like this.
  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Bump Stock equals Young Man ammo waster.....
    Alf60, Ura-Ki, SB21 and 5 others like this.
  6. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Said it till I was blue in the face, Guns have never killed any one, ever!!!
    Evil hearts kill every time!
    Stop claiming a tool, start addressing the real problems
    An armed society is a polite society! Make it normal, put guns in the schools, get people used to guns around, and every one wearing them! He'll, I love wearing mine in a nice custom leather belt/holster rig, gets peoples attention and looks really Nice! Make this country the most heavily armed nation on earth, people will respect us a hell of a lot more! Prove the stats correct, America is safer with its citizens armed!
  7. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Ura-Ki You know you make a good point. Think what would happen if everyone was openly armed - I mean - strapped on their hip openly as an deterrent. How much less violence would then occur? Certainly, the gun free zones (where 98.7% of the mass shootings have occurred) would be safer and so would the kids.

    Wouldn't it make an EXTREMELY interesting study if a town of say 50,000 adult citizenry was required to always be openly armed? I think you would see a huge decrease in crime, especially violent crime.
    oldman11 and Ura-Ki like this.
  8. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Yup, been saying it for a while, every one open carrying would put a serious doubt to any one, especially those dumb enough to think some one might be an easy mark!
    Besides, gives me the excuse to open carry my pair of Ruger Old Army Pistolas, if that sight didn't scare some one off, nothing would! Lol
    Bandit99 likes this.
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Small Georgia town passes law requiring residents to own guns
    Only 1300 residents, but I've seen no lib reports of a crime explosion. It is actually the same rates as before the statute. See the "Did You Know" here -
    Nelson, GA Crime Rates & Statistics
  10. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    Just my thoughts of course. I’m a self-proclaimed expert in human nature. I’ve predicted the future in fact. *ends boasting session* :D
    Ura-Ki, SB21 and Bandit99 like this.
  11. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @ghrit " Councilman Duane Cronic, who sponsored the measure, said he knows the ordinance won't be enforced but he still believes it will make the town safer....I really felt like this ordinance was a security sign for our city. Basically it was a deterrent ordinance to tell potential criminals they might want to go on down the road a little bit."
    I think the Councilman expressed my thoughts exactly. It will be interesting to see what our area in Northern Idaho will do to protect our schools and children. I don't have a dog in this fight (no children) but certainly locked doors are not enough. Personally, I think armed teachers would pass here.

    @Ura-Ki "Besides, gives me the excuse to open carry my pair of Ruger Old Army Pistolas..."
    Talk, talk, talk! But, where are the pics to go with all this old Gunfighter talk? Please include photos of the leathers you were talking about also, damn leatherwood is expensive as it is pretty. btw what caliber are they?
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  12. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Ha, Ruger special built them in .44 magnum. Will post up a thread on them soon!
    You did see the picture of me I posted a few weeks back, in the fashion thread? Yup, that's really me!
    Bandit99 likes this.
  13. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Alabama has open carry but I never bother, maybe I should strap on my .45 LC Colts and a Bowie. everybody around here thinks I'm a cowboy anyway, guess they've never seen a real pirate.
  14. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    No! I must of missed it. I will snoop around now and see if I can find it.

    EDIT: Nah...can't find it. Only thing I see is the photo of 'Original MK-IV Frontier Carbine 1855 Colt Revolving Rifle dated 1866'... I do remember hearing you say you called Ruger and then bought these. I am assuming these are wheel guns, 6-shooters? I shot the Ruger Super Blackhawk in .44 mag, couldn't hit much but was really fun. I was logging in Alaska as a kid and we were bored to tears so took it down to the beach and tried to hit flying seagulls, never got one but if you even got close to one, the turbulence would knock them head over tail and they'd have to do some fancy flying to get turned around. LOL!
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2018
    Ura-Ki and SB21 like this.
  15. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Ban bump stocks and allow registration of new machine guns.
    It's called a trade.
    Get rid of what you don't want or need for something useful.
    oldman11 and Ura-Ki like this.
  16. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Once you give up on keeping a part of a right, it is lost forever! And the guvment will come back for more pieces in the name of safty, security, and for the children. The only way to get any of it back will be tbrough the force of arms. Unless you don't have any arms.. Cant happen? Wont happen? Look at the kids. Look at what they are being taught. Cache those weapons? Someones great grand kids will stumbe on them and hand them over to the law..

    oldman11, Ura-Ki, Meat and 1 other person like this.
  17. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    ^That’s a good plan too. :D
    oldman11 and Ura-Ki like this.
  18. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Actually, History does NOT bear this out at this time... Look at the Federal Assault Weapons Ban... However this only points out that the Otherside will NEVER Give UP on their Agenda...
    oldman11 and Ura-Ki like this.
  19. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Where are the death certificates for Sandyhook ?
    oldman11 and Ura-Ki like this.
  20. Lone Gunman

    Lone Gunman Draw Varmint!

    These horrific serial shooter events are never going to end; are they! (At least, until no American citizen is allowed to own a gun, anymore; and, then what will happen? …… Lots and lots of people are going to end up getting knifed and/or beaten to death with clubs.)

    The (brutal) reality is that, with America’s historical ‘God’ now officially dead; and formerly vital American, Judeo-Christian, social principles, now, formally defunct, we are all presently living inside of an alien landscape of myriad bizarre personal behaviors of which violence with guns has become a common everyday occurrence.

    They get bitter; they cling to guns, or religion, or antipathy to people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

    — Barack Obama :p

    Hey, don’t blame the messenger! I don’t like it anymore than you do; but this IS the current sad reality that mankind-in-general has allowed itself to fall into. Which is NOT to say that I, alternatively, agree with the idea of solving all of mankind’s social ills through (stupidly) attempting to solve the problem by taking everybody’s guns away.

    Nevertheless, I don’t believe in mere coincidence. Instead, a long life has taught me that there are, indeed, dark and mysterious managerial forces alive and at work in the world today. Forces which — I am increasingly convinced — are the causative factor(s) behind these: seemingly invented, cynically managed, and continually reoccurring 'mad shooter' events.

    While I do not know exactly what bothers me about these ‘mad shooter’ events, I do know that far too many of them are genuinely odd; and the usual (or, perhaps, I should say ‘unusual’) people who investigate and report on these murderous incidents have repeatedly demonstrated a most curious way of ignoring specific evidence and, thereafter, omitting any and all outstanding facts which do not corroborate their officially endorsed scenario. (It’s been happening over and over again!)

    Want examples? OK, how about Sandy Hook Elementary School. First, a videoed methodical search of Adam Lanza’s car showed that there was no rifle of any kind, present, in the trunk of Lanza’s car; and, then, about an hour later, voilà, all of a sudden there was!

    (That mysterious AR-15 had to be some sort of magical rifle!) :D

    Next, a mysterious man, apparently with some sort of government credentials, was found hiding in the woods behind the school where he was promptly arrested by the Connecticut State Police. However, within an hour, or two, of being captured this person was suddenly released; and, both, his identity and the exact circumstances of his capture have never been revealed.

    (This mysterious man had to be a bit magical, himself, huh!) :unsure:

    How about the recent Las Vegas, Hotel Mandalay shooting? Numerous concert goers have, now, come forward to say that there were multiple shooters inside of the crowd; and, one source is presently asserting that, at least, some of the gunshots had to have come from an airborne mobile platform like a helicopter!

    Look, I’ve been an outstanding long range rifleman almost all of my entire long life. I know the right techniques to use; I know when and how to use them properly; and I fully understand the various processes and sighting techniques of long range ‘hitting’.

    I can, also, say with a certain amount of confidence that there was a very great deal of genuinely self-contradictory ‘evidence’ scattered all over Stephen Paddock’s 32nd floor room — Evidence so strange in fact that, at least to my mind, Paddock’s room appears to have been staged for some sort of bizarre psychological impact, and maximum illusionary effect.

    There’s no easy way to say this; but, to a trained eye, Stephen Paddock’s room appears to be absolutely surrealistic! No ‘pro hitter’ — no experienced shooter — would have either selected or used the different types of firearms and shooting equipment that was, supposedly, left behind inside of that room; and (more importantly) no experienced shooter would have set up his firing position in such a shoddy, ill-advised, and haphazard manner. The windows wouldn’t have been randomly shattered in the way that they were; and, of all things, a ridiculous ‘bump stock’ would NOT have been attached to any sort of sniper’s rifle — Neither would an utterly superfluous and difficult-to-wield 100 round magazine!

    Did anyone see a tripod? Please, give me a frigg ‘in break! No experienced long range shooter, and especially one who is supposed to have been operating as a ‘lone wolf’, is THAT stupid!

    Neither does the official narrative, even so much as, attempt to explain ‘How’ numerous concert goers, who were — unmistakably — NOT inside of Stephen Paddock’s available field-of-fire, managed to get themselves shot? (Bullets can’t turn 90º in order to strike a target!)

    The fact is that the Las Vegas, Hotel Mandalay ‘mad shooter’ incident projects one highly unlikely, or flat-out impossible, tactical scenario after another! :eek:

    In what appears to be a, by now, typical fashion there are numerous investigative oddities about most, if not all, of these curiously contrived ‘mad shooter’ events!

    However, I’ll only point out one more: The most recent of these bizarre serial shootings at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida: At least one (very attractive and apparently levelheaded) young female student has now stated that accused ‘lone wolf shooter’ Nikolas Cruz was fleeing the building along with a group of other students, AND talking back ’n forth with her while there were still gunshots ringing out, behind their backs, inside of the school; but, in typical fashion, these reports have NOT made the mainstream news media.

    Then there’s the question of exactly what happened to all of that heavy battle gear Cruz was supposed to be wearing, as well as exactly ‘How’ and ‘Where’ he managed to change out of those clothes so very quickly while the shooting was still going on? (So far, I haven’t even heard what happened to all of that battle gear; have you?)

    With each new ‘mad shooter’ event everything just keeps on getting weirder, and weirder, and weirder!

    (Coincidence? I don’t think so.) :unsure:

    I once worked, part-time, in a very busy gun store; and, if anybody is wondering: Yes! I, also, sold a whole lot of guns to a whole lot of people. (So, please, none of the usual facetious jokes about gun shop salesman — OK!)

    Today, and even though I could use the extra cash, I wouldn’t want my old job back. ‘Why’? Because I’m no longer psychologically comfortable with the idea of selling a fully functional weapon to a complete stranger — THAT is ‘Why’!

    Yes! I do believe that America NEEDS gun shows. Yes! I do believe that America, also, NEEDS gun stores and shooting ranges, as well.

    All sane, law-abiding, and honest people, everywhere, need to know how to defend themselves. Even though ‘God’ and historical Judeo-Christian morality is now officially dead, people still need to remember that self-defense — self-defense with modern weapons that are, at least, the equivalent of whatever the enemy is using — is an inherent fundamental fundamental birthright of every living creature. Every living creature!

    Anyone who voluntarily surrenders this God-given, (Yes, I said ‘God-given’.) and formerly presumed to be inalienable right of self-defense must, must, correspondingly, also give up his inherent right to continue to exist — It’s just that simple!

    Furthermore, anyone who would either restrict, abridge, or straightforwardly deny you the ‘unalienable’ (Thomas Jefferson used this word, first, OK!) right to go armed, to effectively defend yourself, is in a very real sense actually denying you and your family, both, the right AND the effective means to continue to exist — Are you beginning to understand?

    We, all, NEED GUNS; and everybody needs to know how to skillfully DEFEND themselves, as well. ‘Why’? Because life in today’s, duplicitous and ultra violent, modern world demands the adoption of such (universally necessary) personal precautions — THAT is ‘Why’.

    What the vast majority of mentally healthy, generally law-abiding, and socially normal, Americans DO NOT NEED is any more of these tragic, surrealistic, quasi-legitimate, and (thereafter) meticulously orchestrated, news media events. Not just America’s — but, in fact, the world’s — logarithmically expanding ‘shadow government’ clearly wants to take away everybody’s (once upon a time ‘God-given’) ‘unalienable’ and inherent rights of self-defense.

    (A mortal existential birthright which The Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, clearly endorsed and recommended to ALL of his followers.)

    Then said He unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

    — The Gospel According To Saint Luke 22:36 (y)

    The Lord Jesus Christ knew what was coming; and, for a fact, we are now living it! My own best advice would be to do everything in your power to prevent all such evil mass-disarmament plans from succeeding. The immediate future is sure to bring on more and more of these heinous firearm-related incidents. Events which I have begun to strongly suspect are as fictitious as they are sick, twisted, and vile.

    What America’s honest, moral, and responsible gun owners and everyone else who supports the United States Constitution, in general, and the Second Amendment, in particular, need to do, right now, is NOT to continue to be so gullible, and not to make everything so ridiculously easy for the ‘dark forces’ which move among us to succeed.

    Remember the ominous admonitions that are written on the darkly mysterious ‘Georgia Guidestones’. Do not allow yourself or your loved ones to become the incited, but plainly ingenuous, victims of an — albeit well intended, but, nevertheless insidious — scheme for ‘world population control’.

    Get this straight: ‘God’ does NOT want you or your loved ones to die in order for everyone else who’s left to be happy! In more than 3,000 years of sacred Judeo-Christian scripture that has never been God’s intention — Never! This sort of twisted modern logic is, instead, indicative of the egregious ungodly thinking of the most perverse and corrupt of evil men.

    These heinous, firearm-related, and exceedingly tragic gun massacres are going to continue — They are! — and the popularly espoused 'insane logic' that disarming the world is going to, somehow, improve the situation is no better than an intentionally contrived political illusion.

    The glaring — the obvious — universal truth which everyone, for whatever reasons, seems to be ignoring is that:

    Carnivores eat herbivores; and omnivores eat anything they can stuff into their mouths!

    This unpleasant-to-consider reality is, at least to my own mind, the unquestionable way of a world that has most tragically ‘fallen from God’s grace’; and only God, Himself, can (and, I believe, ultimately will) change this sorry situation, along with these tragic events, for the better.

    The only question is ‘When’ and at what personal cost to you, yourself, and/or your family? :eek:
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2018
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