Boot lace and PVC pipe nunchucks. Well I got to thinking a bout Motos Boot lace thread and then what I had posted so here is wrap #1 nunchucks
Whoop! cool, I got a shout-out in a Bishop video. Excellent @Bishop. You do great with those for not having used them in a while. Also, SB21had some great questions. I would also like to know the distance between pipes.
Yay, Bishop! Super video. (As always.) I had a friend one time that was attacked by two rednecks in a road-rage incident. He stopped, they stopped. He got of his car with his "numb-chucks". They started to get out of their truck with Evil Intentions. He whacked the exiting driver on the right hand while he had it wrapped the top of the truck's door. Two fingers fell off . The rednecks were quick to pick up the severed fingers and leave, with the previous Driver demoted to Passenger. Personally, I find that a bootlace tied to a nut from an old trailer ball (1" is good.) just suits the soul. You can hide it in one hand, deliver instant knockouts (including the lethal kind) , trip, trap, & strangle, and if you feel like taking a prisoner you can tie them up with it. It's also great for gentle warnings, as when smacked forcefully against the side of a knee or the point of a shoulder. Hitting a "funny bone" dead-on is, alas, still on my Bucket List. I'll try to get a video if I ever do...
It probably depends on the user but this one is about 4 inches and I think 5 to 5.5 would be better for me
I always like a couple of big rig lugnuts ties at the ends of a boot lace, you can throw them, or swing and contact will be very painful! These can be lethal, so be careful how you use them! Smaller nuts tied on a short piece of lace can be loaded in a .12gau and make for a nasty bit of kit, better with cable, but still useful in a pinch! Off topic Pro tip, get some brass shotgun shells and keep them loaded with powder, but with an empty wad over the powder charge, then you can add what ever you need and go to work!