World Naked Gardening Day is May 6th. Are you prepared?

Discussion in 'The Green Patch' started by Yard Dart, Feb 10, 2018.

  1. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    World Naked Gardening Day is May 6th

    World Naked Gardening Day is an opportunity to pull weeds, plant flowers, and harvest vegetables while getting some sun where it doesn’t usually shine.

    While you might get a little dirty, the intention is good, clean, fun in the sun, and a move towards becoming more comfortable in our skin with “non-sexual nudity.”

    Photo used with permission of World Naked Gardening Day website
    Inspired by World Naked Bike Ride events, Mark Storey (consulting editor for Nude & Natural magazine) and permaculturalist Jacob Gabriel founded World Naked Gardening Day as a project of Body Freedom Collaborative (BFC). Some of Storey’s other mischievous pranks are rooted in guerrilla gardening in urban environments.


    Corky Stanton of Clothes Free International assisted Storey with web hosting and promotion of the project. Stanton also provided web hosting and promotion for World Naked Bike Ride from the beginning of the project.

    The event is not intended to be a large gathering at any particular location, but something people can practice on their own time and at their own will, however they please. Storey notes in the New York Daily News that,

    “No particular organization owns World Naked Gardening Day.”

    The website acted as a seed for the concept, which has been left to grow organically on its own through participants providing the necessary nutrients in order for it to continue to grow.

    The first annual World Naked Gardening Day event took place on September 10, 2005. In 2007, the event date was moved to the first Saturday in May where it still takes place to this day. The day before, International Permaculture Day, also takes place on the first Sunday of May.


    Beyond the fact that the event is fitting to coincide with good weather, the objective was not to conflict with with the World Naked Bike Ride. Besides, spring is the ideal time of year to be in the garden anyway.

    The event is intended to be non-political, and more about creating a positive body self-image.

    “It’s not about exposing your body to other people,” said Stanton, in an interview with Today. “It’s about body acceptance and being one with nature on your own. … We actually do these events in secluded areas.”

    Sources: Hulme Community Garden Centre / Twitter @MENnewsdesk
    Special thanks to the hosts of the World Naked Gardening Day website for allowing the use of these photos. For more information on this event, please visit the website or their like their page on Facebook

    World Naked Gardening Day is May 6th
    Dont, oldman11, Bandit99 and 6 others like this.
  2. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    I'd probably scare the plants to death... :(
    oldman11, Bandit99, oldawg and 4 others like this.
  3. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Ditto for sure!!!
    oldman11, Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  4. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Looks to these eyes they need to be cultivating Poison Ivy...
    oldman11 likes this.
  5. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    Trust me when I say this.

    There is NOT enough eye bleach on this PLANET, to burn an image of ME gardening naked, from your eyes.
  6. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    You will NOT be finding me doing any thing Nekid, PERIOD! There was a time not long ago where PlayGirl magazine would have paid me good money, not now!!!!
  7. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Don't they have a naked Chef?
  8. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    I wonder how many naked gardeners become deflowered? :LOL:
  9. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Between the black flies, chiggers, deer ticks with Lymes disease, mosquitoes, deer flies, a healthy crop of wasps and bees, etc, plus being a fat 80 year old, I think a national fully covered day would be more appropriate. Seriously, I now need to wear bloused boots, covered arms, and a lot of Deet to go into the woods, shower when I come in, and at times in the spring a head net in order to survive. One of the worlds greatest pleasures, not, is breathing in and inhaling a black fly. I guess being naked is another of those Yuppie sheeple things that I just don't understand, it may fulfill some need to display oneself or whatever, but it isn't too practical in real life. I need at least a belt to carry tools and a knife in the greenhouse or garden, and in the woods at my age wear chain saw chaps when sawing and have reached the point that I wear them when using an ax as my balance isn't what it used to be. I can't even imagine what would "chafe" with out a good pair of pants. The other morning it was 11 below 0, with a 15 MPH wind, and I can tell you that working outside naked was not an option.
    oldman11 and Ura-Ki like this.
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    If they do, he ain't frying bacon. (Don't ask.) [boozingbuddies]
    oldman11, Bandit99 and Ura-Ki like this.
  11. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    So for the rest of the world it's body shaming day.
  12. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    I'm going to show this to that single lady that lives next door.
  13. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    I’d run around in a loincloth (for sunburn threat) every day the weather allowed me to.

    However, nobody wants to see that anymore so I limit myself to going barefoot
  14. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I'm going to prep for this by buying a drone.
  15. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I work in my garden while naked a good bit in the summer just because I enjoy it, then a quick dip to cool off and a cool drink in the shade. It amuses me that they would try to set a day aside for it, don't see the point in that and could care less about what others are doing, I just enjoy puttering around the place naked.
    Dont, Gator 45/70 and oldman11 like this.
  16. runswithdogs

    runswithdogs Monkey+++

    Id love to be able to garden naked when it was warm enough out. Its like super sunshine therapy... unfortunately creepy-azz neighbor means id be digging an extra big hole before the end of the day...:cautious:
  17. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Invite him over to dig his own hole , then enjoy your day. :D
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  18. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    That reminds me of a hot and drizzly Saturday morning many years ago. My dressing room was on the east side of the house and had large, almost full wall, windows on 3 sides. I decided it was the perfect place for what I called my :"morning garden" It was about 10am and I was out on my hands and knees in the loam I had delivered. the sweat and rain were washing over my face and getting into my eyes so I ran into my workshop and grabbed a set of form fitting safety goggles I wore when I was sculpting. Merrily working in the soil, I failed to hear my daughter open the window next to me. she called "Mom" and I looked up and she snapped a, naked as a jaybird wearing safety goggles and covered in dirt.
    Yard Dart, Seacowboys, Dont and 7 others like this.
  19. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Instagram or Facebook? :LOL:
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  20. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I'm married to a lovely Ukrainian woman, who like most eastern ladies dosnt have any problem with being nekid out and about! At least she keeps to the inside fenced areas of the ranch, so there are no peepers!
    Down closer to town, there are all those semi famous hot springs, and we see all kinds of nekid people walking around, even more on the many trails in and around the spring areas! Kind of funny to see walking around with nothing on in predator country! Lol!
    Yard Dart, chelloveck and Gator 45/70 like this.
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