Well, as of today the shift assignments are out and you'll never guess who's on mine Yep, miss sensitive! Lucky me. On monday we start training in the prisoner dorms, so we'll see how that goes. She gets 2 more chances to qualify with the AR before she gets forcibly relocated.
i second what WTA put out. we had a girl on are team who couldn't lift a M60, and a second who couldn't rack the 50cal. her finger nails were to long, and for what ever reason the Chief wouldn't in force the Regulations. now i have worked with some mighty capable women too, had one beat a iraqi policeman half to death when he grabbed her in a place he shouldn't. it took two of us to pull her of him, he had it coming... but it sounds like this poor girl is asking to get hurt or worse if she makes it past training. the people inside the prison will tear into her if they since one bit of weakness, she a liability... she will get someone/her self hurt or KILLED... if she passes what else could be wrong with training or managment? if the standards are low or if the higher ups are willing to turn a blind eye to this to be PC or to keep from getting sued what else are they willing to ignore? thats my 2 cents hope what ever happens you stay safe Blackjack
It looks like you'll have to make due with what you have; at least you know what you might expect, so you probably won't be blindsided... but watch everything closely! Try to give her some encouragement on the range when she comes close to a target. She's in a position of "cogitive dissonance" right now, and maybe she can be won over from the dark side (ok, ok -- it just means http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance).
PC written all over her. If they do wash her out she may file an EEO because of an alledged joke or interpretation, "Blackjack approached me at the shooting range. He stared at my breasts. It made me feel uncomfortable, that's why I did so poorly that day." The PC need fall guys for their own poor performance. Like everyone has said...be careful. Depending on how many female/minority guards you already have will determine if she stays. Recently I took some management classes. I was stunned by the belief by most that diversity is a bitter pill to swallow in "cost" by accepting the less qualified but in the long run the "cost" will be greater if we do not embrace it. Only one instructor felt the best qualified always should get the job.
Be very careful she's got pc lib written all over which means explaining reality to her will get you sued for discrimination... You don't want to work with her because shes a "gurl"...(??) I believe you but; This is just unbelievable....I had no idea any adult could be so naieve.
run like mad I spent ten years as a volunteer prison minister one thing was learned fast these people can smell a wimp a mile away . she is going to get some one hurt or killed imho she will leave you hanging .
I know man...... she literally left me stunned, I didn't know what to say. It's going to be interesting to see how she deals with convicted murderers and child molesters next week. I'll be sure and report back. It's either going to be really funny or really scary.
When we were doing convoy live fire, I had a female get out and take a station at the drivers tire with her M-16 while I was driving. When she saw her targets, she turned her head and fired the gun! She shot everything but the targets, and when I asked her what she was doing, she said, "I'm a medic and I don't have to know how to shoot a machine gun". As for the topic at hand, I would turn this waste of time in every chance I got. You need to get rid of her as quickly as possible, she is going to get someone killed. Since we are on stories of woment with machine guns, we had a female that wanted to carry the SAW because she thought it was cool, so they gave it to her. One day, one of my NCOs saw her walking down the side of a dirt road by herself, dragging the SAW by the barrel, "because it was hot out and it was to heavy to carry!" I swear to God! You can't make this stuff up!
first 4 years in the airforce I was a nuclear weapons specialist( 46370) on the boeing Short range attack missile (sram) at a b52 wing (320th bmw).We were always pushing loaded munitions and launcher trailers around. we used 3/4 " drive ratchets and sockets with a 48" long extension to reach between the missiles and unbolt them from the rotary launcher. Joan was a nice enough "girl"( all 115lbs of her) with a "bad" back whose back hurt everytime she picked up the ratchet or 3/4drive torque wrench ( also about 4' long), which was fine Except she took the place of a MORE ABLE BODIED INDIVIDUAL(man or bigger woman) we were expected to carry on and suck it up. My future wife also worked outhere but shewas a "missile systems analyst" and wasn't tasked with so many physical demands. Females are welcome to serve but we need to get past the pc "everybodies equal" crap. Some folks just can't do the job ( I don't think I'm mentally tough enough to be a corrections officer...)and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Blackjack man what a rotten situation to be in . I think you should request a shift change or whatever you can to put as much distance between you and this LOAD , just don't say it is because of her in any way because then they will look at you like you are the one with a problem . Like everyone has said she is a body bag waiting to be filled just don't let her make you take her place in the bag ! If it were me and she got in over her head I would turn my back and walk away , at some point you have to accept the fact that you can't save fools and idiots from themselves all you can do is let them drag you down or avoid it at all costs and in this case we are talking about your life !
What Big said. Do NOT stir the pot; remember, those in charge should by now recognize all the symptoms (we hope). All you can do speaking up is facilitate a reason to suspect you of whining. Beak in your own soup, bud, it's the only way to stay out of troubles. (Think really hard of a good reason to change shifts, and make sure she doesn't feature.) Best 'o' luck with it, my beak is now out --
Being female would she be assigned to a "women only" unit?? (Of course they'reprobably as bad or worse than the male "low-lifes".)?
I think you guys pretty much have the right idea. I'm just gonna watch my back and lay low until it sorts itself out. When I'm new on a job I never draw any attention to myself. Tango... we don't have any female offenders at my facility so she would have to be transferred to another (not out of the question). For any women reading this thread...... I'd like to clarify something on behalf of all males posting here (I think we pretty much all share the same sentiment). We are NOT saying that women can't do the tough jobs, we're just saying that proportionately it's more difficult to find one that is able, and the pc movement makes us pretend like they all can, even at times when they are completely incompetent. We're not allowed to say that someone can't do the job if it's a female, but it's ok if it's a male. I've had jobs like this that required a great deal of physical force to be used and have worked alongside some women that I felt completely comfortable with. They were more capable than some of the men, but the reality is that it is the exception and not the rule. I've already met a couple female corrections officers that I would welcome watching my back in a scrape without hesitation. /End PC disclaimer
PC... societal decline I'll say it (I'm a girl) Most women cannot do the job a man can. They are physically unable. If they think they can, sure, they should try. If they are unsuccessful; that should be it; find another job. If they are successful; Bravo! The job is theirs (as it should be). Standards should not be lowered to satisfy those girls who think that they are entitled to take a man's job. Shame on whomever decided that it was, somehow, okay to lower the standards because little Janey couldn't cut the mustard. To clarify: I also feel that pretty little weenie boys who can't cut the mustard shouldn't take jobs away from capable workers, either. It's not fair for those capable souls (of either gender) to have to pick up the slack for those who are unable to perform their required job tasks. You either can do the job or you can't. If you can't: Admit it, suck it up and find the job that's right for you and your abilities. I know; not a very PC post. Here's my take on that (while I'm ranting): In today's society, retaining traditional notions is being labelled racist, sexist, etc. Where you risk losing your job, your reputation, and perhaps become subject to judicial penalty and threats from others. It is this extremity of reaction that has won media attention and the name Political Correctness. You think it's bad now? Wait until the next generation. And now back to your regularly-scheduled Tracy