Worthy rant by fed up German woman

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Jan 21, 2018.

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  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    she put it on youtube... says a lot... question how would you feel if this was happening in your neighborhood?

  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Her appeal is to women, but I hope the men also go. I would, if I could get there. She did not say what the root problem is, but I dare say it has something to do with open borders and leftist invitations to all and sundry "asylum seekers.".
    Seepalaces, Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  3. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    german tourist here tell me of German flight.They wish to get away from all this. Their country is being destroyed. I feel Muslims will become our problem in the future.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Poor woman... And, yes, a worthy rant however did you notice that she did not say exactly, only implied, who was causing all the problems? The German people are the most peaceful in the world and I think rival Americans as being the most giving yet their government sold them out - and I still do not understand why - but they did. Now, they have programs to get these immigrants to leave, last I heard was a plane ticket and ~$3500. However, I truly doubt they will ever get rid of them now, in fact, there will be more and more... Also consider, this type of environment where a government is following its own agenda without regard to its citizens has in the past led to very dangerous and turbulent times. The German people also have to live and operate under horrible scrutiny due to their tainted past which will make it even more difficult to rid themselves of this Islamic infestation. Yes, poor woman... Germany was one place in the world where I never was concerned going out into the streets at night but that is no longer the case.
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Are they not our problem now? I mean, how many decades have we've bled in the Middle East?
    As far as being a problem here, I don't think so. We have managed to control the influx even though our libs would love to throw open the gates. Thank God! Furthermore, the country is awake now, border security is tightening and hopefully a new merit system will replace our ridiculous lottery immigration system. Furthermore, we'll see what the Supreme Court has to say in the near future about controlling our immigration and from my own studies I cannot see how they can rule against the President.

    As far as Germany...they need to start deportation immediately under what ever guise they want. I bet the skinheads there are have a great time and growing in numbers too! That's something I should look up when I have time...
  6. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    As I read it under German law, inspired by the USA occupation and the constitution "we" approved, you can go to prison and be fined large amounts of money for "hate" speech and the Germans have had to learn to talk around the laws. It has reached the point as I understand it, that you can be punished more for publicly saying a d*** dirty mo**** raped me, than he will be punished for raping you if he is ever charged. The situation in much of Europe as well as it well may be in the USA, is that European civilization based on Christianity and the Greek and Roman historical cultures is about dead or soon will be. When they attack you, it is due to their reactions to your cultural imperialism, or racism, or sexism or homophobia and is forgiven, but if you defend yourself you must be punished.

    US government is shut down at this time and major problem seems to be the dreamers or Obummer's follies as I see it. He and he alone stopped the deportations and the enforcement of the immigration laws on the books. Now that he is gone, any attempt to change his probably illegal actions must be resisted at all costs and somehow it has morphed into Trumps fault.
  7. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    You guys think Germany has it bad, you should see places in Sweden and Norway! The Swedes are preparing for serious actions, and Norway isn't far behind, things have gotten so out of control with the Refugees and Immigrants over taking large swaths of towns and cities! THIS is also happening here in the U.S!!! Detroit is suffering greatly, and other cities are showing a rise of this "infection" as well! Switzerland is gearing up for a war, a war within, and the rest of Europe had better watch closely and follow suit, or things will spiral out of control! It's sad to se Germany going this way, I was stationed there MANY years, and was even considering moving there after I retired. The people and culture are so close to America, and I was very happy there. I remember things starting to happen, I remember the hushed rumors and whispers of trouble, and I remember the people were nervous about the near future, dealing with a very foreign group of people with vastly different beliefs and values, and their own set of laws and customs that seemingly could never fit, and yet here they are infesting most of Europe like a cancer and spreading! My dearest friends in Norway call or Skype of Email daily, and they are very afraid of what is on the horizon in their country. There are entire neighborhoods in Oslo that have been taken over by this "virus" and many are rightly concerned. Thankfully the Norsemen are armed and trained and are prepping for the coming fight, but it will come down to the Gov. choosing which way to go! Sweden is in an even worse state, having suffered many attacks on it's people, and the call to arm has gone out, thankfully the King and Gov. are pushing to rid them selves of these foreigners, but the damage has been done! Germany had better re think things most seriously, and had better start dealing with it's problems NOW, or I fear much will be lost! The ancient conflict between the Hessen's and the Mores is alive and kicking, and Germany WILL be made to suffer now that the "Mores" are larger and stronger then ever! Vengeance for an old defeat is coming, and it's going to get bloody! America being the "Great Evil of the West" must also be conquered, and we had better act now to stop this fight, or we will be in trouble sooner then we think!
  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Stop it, hell. Time to take our hands out of our pockets, heads out of the clouds, and join it and force a win, otherwise it'll keep creeping.
    oldman11, Gator 45/70, SB21 and 2 others like this.
  9. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Agreed! Time to take the kidd Gloves off and DO SOMETHING, ANY THING! This is where the power of the States United could and SHOULD be put to use! It's time to take the fight out side and use our might and skill!
    oldman11, Gator 45/70 and SB21 like this.
  10. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    I guess the German woman perhaps has some appreciation of how the Poles felt about Aryan Protestant Krauts invading Poland in 1939. Ah, the irony.
    Ura-Ki and Gator 45/70 like this.
  11. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    And yet at the last election over 50 % of all the ballots cast were for becoming more like Europe and not less and the main stream media etc seems to think that becoming less American is somehow the desired goal. Large swaths of our once great nation now have belief systems that I don't understand and that I disagree with

    Its OK chelloveck, can't justify either the German actions in Poland or the Aussies etc and the natives that were there before them. All history is written by the winners and then later rewritten. Once in a great while we are even told the truth.
  12. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @duane "you can go to prison and be fined large amounts of money for "hate" speech and the Germans have had to learn to talk around the laws."
    Yes, you are correct. Lots of things like that can get one in trouble, like a Nazi swastika.

    @Ura-Ki Wasn't it Denmark that stopped all immigration from Muslim countries?
    One of the Scandinavian countries did...Hell, it might have been Sweden. But, yes, it is completely out of control also in Sweden and Norway and frankly I don't understand how it happen - maybe better stated - why it happened? I did 14 years in Germany, love the place. I feel the Germans have been put between 'a rock and a hard place' because if they rise up against these worthless scum they will be accused of racism and compared to their forefathers (Nazis) and if they do nothing they live in fear and it will get worse and worse. The German politicians are so politically correct that they will not say anything but the fact that they are offering huge bribes to get these unwanted immigrant out of the country certainly says a lot. There are a couple of Dutch politicians in The Netherlands that indeed are speaking out and they are considered neo-Nazis and/or racists even though one is a black, female immigrant.
    Ura-Ki and SB21 like this.
  13. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Ura-Ki "America being the "Great Evil of the West" must also be conquered"
    The thing is America, as you well know, is not Europe. We are a much more violent people and personally I think the OPPOSITE would happen if they were to try that crap here. I fear they would not be walking alone after dark.

    @chelloveck 'I guess the German woman perhaps has some appreciation of how the Poles felt about Aryan Protestant Krauts invading Poland in 1939. Ah, the irony."
    Irony? Yes, I suppose so but they are completely two different people, honestly, night and day, chalk and cheese. And, now they have been put into a position that they cannot win...

    Actually, that is not true. The solution is quite simple in reality but almost impossible politically, deport them - period. It truly is that simple. Deport them, all of them, now. The government needs to reverse itself and kick them out or suffer the consequences.
  14. Oltymer

    Oltymer Monkey++

    History tends to repeat, especially in Northern Europe, and at some point a Resistance will appear whose brutality in reprisal will astonish their Globalist leaders, and probably rid their lands of the new invaders.
    Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  15. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Actually, history shows this clearly but the outcome is always bloody and it will mean a complete reversal of the German people as they are now. Pity really as throughout history they have been a militant people besides the last 70 years... But, the culture of Islam has only shown to respect strength, basically blood, and any weakness shown gives them hope and strengthens their resolve.

    So, use the programs that are in place except put the ultimatum on them that those programs of a ticket and money are to be used within a year and afterwards they are deported by force and the hell with world opinion.
    Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  16. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Respectfully Bandit99 I gotta disagree here. The areas already infected here in the states have been taken over from the inside out, and I have seen it first hand. There are parts in almost every big city where these "people" live and have taken over, much like you find in big cities like N.Y. where you have pockets of Irish, Portuguese, Italian, Ect. OR Seattle where you have areas that are Norwegian, Swedish, and such, same thing, only worse, because unlike those, in the Muzzy areas, you are most unwelcome no matter what time of day or night! Unless we the people rise up and ether demand removal, or we force it with violence, nothing will change, and we will continue to see larger areas "converted!" I have lived among these Muzzies for years, and while insulated by my uniform and the guarantee of retaliation should they get frisky, I can honestly say that they put on a smile and a front only to tolerate us, and they will stab you in the back at the first chance they can. They are a vulgar people, with a life style so out side any thing else in this world, that one wonders how they have survived this long with out ether being crushed by more powerful enemies, or simply run over by time. In Europe, the good folks are going to have to rise up in violence to stop the spread, the gooberments are not going to stop this, even in Jolly Ol' Engaland, where there has been an especially harsh movement from the "Other Team" and so it remains up to the people to stop it's spread!
    I think Sweden has the right idea, and it only needs to Knuckle Up and start the show, Norway will likely follow! ( notice how Finland doesn't really have a problem here) it's countries like Germany where the gooberment is so corrupted that the muzzies have any real chance, but once they get a strong foot hold, they will spread out, France will once again fall, and the rest of Europe will be fighting within it's borders yet again! Germany really needs to over throw it's gooberment, and install a powerful group of leaders who will act, and act NOW! There is a pretty good video series on Utube showing various cities and such in Europe, especially in Oslo and in Kronoberg ( as well as several other cities) in both countries. I have many friends in Malmo out on the coast, a very hearty bunch, and they tell me they are well armed, and well prepaired and ready should the balloon go up, and if things look the way I think they will, I'm on a Private Jet ricky tick! Same thing in Germany, Lots of friends up in Baden Baden, and Bad Elm, things kick off, I'm there as fast as I can gear up, flaps up!!!
    Mountainman and Gator 45/70 like this.
  17. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I started a response to this post , and looked at it , and felt I should reconsider posting what I wrote . It could have been misconstrued , which most times I don't really care how people take what I say , as long as you understand what I say . Bottom line here is , If it gets that bad here , and our politicians and police refuse to do anything about it , and someone forms a protest as she is doing , I'll be there with them. And if the protest is never formed , then some good old fashioned street justice is needed , and I'll be more than willing to commit some time to that endeavor as well .
    oldawg, Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  18. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Uka-Ki Meaning no disrespect, but I hope you are wrong. I spent many a day in Baden-Baden with those old gals threaten to scrub and to put a shine to me and me with a bad head saying "Not going to happen!" My God, I grew up in North Seattle, Ballard to be exact, where they are all descendants of Swedes or Norwegians. A hardy bunch to be sure, damn hardy so...hard to believe those boys would roll over...

    "they put on a smile and a front only to tolerate us, and they will stab you in the back at the first chance they can."
    Oh, I know this. I spent my time in the Muslim countries. Hell, isn't that where the money was? The last place is a story worth telling but some other time... Having said this, I will say there are some good ones but the bad far out number the good and that is the honest truth and should be taken to heart...

    BTW Finland is not a problem because, as far as I know, they didn't let them in.
    oldman11, Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  19. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I hope I'm wrong, Wouldn't be the first time I read the tea leaves wrong, but I don't think so, and that scares me more!
    I spent a lot of my free time up in Ballard hangin out with a bunch of buddies, we would always go down to Captains Nautical Supply and fondle the latest in Binos and other cool nautical stuff, lots of good folk in that area. Some of the best brews and pub food right across the bridge north of downtown Seattle, Heck of a lot of fun. West of Portland is where things have gone sideways, with the large influx of foreign workers of Mid eastern origins taking over, and especially all the really good jobs that are being subbed out so that companies don't have to pay the good wages and benefits! It's gone to hell, so bad that the Mexicans are having to move out lest they get squashed, and let me tell ya, Mexicans hate the muzzies even more then we do, so that is telling! East Portland is crawling with them, they like to start up hookah clubs and small convenience stores and then run every one else out, the Koreans have been pushed out, and they REALLY don't like the muzzies ether! This is the heart of the problems here and abroad, the settling in of the muzzies into our communities ( after our gooberment, and city leaders let them come here in the first place) is they move in, start throwing out the money to buy up stuff and push every one else out, and then they take over, and it happens slowly enough that no one sees it until suddenly your not welcome in your own hood! Happened to me when I still lived there, made some good money too, but I got fed up with the influx of them, and watching my neighbors and folks I knew getting run out of their neighborhoods! This is how the Muzzies do it, and we wonder how it all happened.
    I got the eff out when my oldest son snuck his cell phone to class one day and snapped a few sly pictures of Muzzie kids sportin "ceremonial daggers" on there hips, and other nasties in there packs, the school refused to put a stop to it, so I sent my sons to school with Razor Sharp K-Bars and the skills to use them, and also gave then a small note to carry in their wallets telling any one who stopped them that they would be dealing with me and several VERY PISSED parents, many of us Military, and to not bother my sons if they allowed muzzies to carry blades as part of their culture, they would have to allow my sons the same. Many of my older neighbors started carrying and more and more are now days! My brother sends his children to private school to avoid the hassles of being forced to integrate with these outsiders! It's bad when the kindergarten classes have prayer rugs and they talk about Islam and shit, but do not talk about Christianity or Jesus, and these same classes are being taught by "other then" whites or black, or Asian, or Hispanic, and in Public schools no less! Whisky Tango Foxtrot!!!

    Sorry for the fragmented post, I'm a little upset by it all when I sit down and start remembering things like this!
    oldman11, Gator 45/70 and Bandit99 like this.
  20. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    "...the kindergarten classes have prayer rugs and they talk about Islam and shit, but do not talk about Christianity or Jesus..."

    Whoa! And, here I thought I ran away from it and it's right next door... I might have to go have a look see...
    oldman11, Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
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