Good riddance 2017, Hello 2018. I look forward to the New Year. I know it is just hanging up a new calendar, the start of a new month but society places much significance on a new year beginning. Many look towards a new year with optimism, setting goals and such. Do I have goals and resolutions this year? Not really. I will be researching my next move while slowing down & focusing on the good stuff. The Wolf Spirit: The Wolf is showing up in our lives. On January 1, 2018 we will be treated with a Super Full moon, the Wolf Moon. An interesting way to start 2018. How will you be ringing in the New Year and what are your thoughts on 2018?
My oldest is getting married in 2018. To a powerlineman of all things. She says that I have to dance with her but I don’t dance because it’s sooooo stupid. Goofing around more on my property is another priority in 2018. I’d like to pick up another dog to go with Peter the Labrador. That’s about it.
You have to do the father daughter dance. It is one of those sappy traditions. I only had 3 adults at my wedding so no dance took place. New dog is a good idea. The kids really want another dog but I refuse
Baby Doll and I will be sound asleep while the blackeyes quietly soak. As for my thoughts on 2018, mostly hope to be around to see the next batch of great grands come into this world and one new grandson already here to finally leave the hospital nic and get home. To see another grandson get through his deployment safe. Looking forward to more of my friend Chell trolling the more thin skinned among the monkeys. Certainly to read many new President Trump tweets just to see lib/rino/hollywood heads energetically disassemble. Happy New Year Y'all............. MAGA Chell, MAGA!!!
We are having a New Years Eve Party at a neighbors.... Will watch the NYC Ball drop (8 Pm local) and then comes the Fireworks, for about 10 minutes.... may stay up and watch the West Coast Ball Drop, if the East Coast Drop was fun.... or if some Yahoo decides to make a scene on the East Coast... If not watch the Evening News and head for bed....
We have a very full schedule for 2018, here's first 10 that come to mind: 1. Build new garage with lean-tos for vehicle and wood storage (land was cleared in November and will start early Spring) 2. More land clearing and lots more wood cutting, stacking, burning, etc. 3. Build Green House early Spring 4. FCC Extra license + Antenna and Radio purchase and installation 5. I think I want to start running again, I miss it. Stopped in A'stan 2002. Stress in this country is unreal and need method to burn it. 6. Take a CPR and First Aid course with wife...just in case I keel over running LOL! 7. Purchase of Bobcat and/or Quad side-by-side as I got to get some help with wood and brush cutting and hauling 8. Wire generator inlet for house & buy generator to ensure water pump remains operational during power failure 9. Submit wife's paperwork for American citizenship 10. Write. We have a tradition of sitting outside with a bonfire, drinking raspberry and/or blackberry vodka seeing in the New Year and hopefully being able to Skype with wife's relations in Russia and Central Asia from the fireside and yes, there is 3 feet of snow here and probably more in Russia but we started doing this almost 15 years ago so...besides, if too cold one just increases vodka dosage to compensate. We then shoot off fireworks at stroke of midnight. EDIT: Wife just reminded me we are going to Spokane to see in the New Year with friends so everything will be the same as bringing along Blackberry vodka and fireworks but a lot less snow
Visiting with neighbors tonight. No painting the town red for us! Our multi family meat processing co-op fell apart a several years ago with the passing of the generations. Unfortunately, it wasn’t on my property. This year I will build a smokehouse big enough to do something with (and that I have experience operating). I figure 8’x8’ with both an attached and a detached fire box for hot and cold smoking. Adding a ducted external recirculating fan for even smoke distribution and a salt box for curing. I have a post-apocalyptic novel I’ve been putting together in my head and on napkins. DKR likes the premise so I’m going to get it done. I’m continuing to research ethanol properties. Professionally I hope to get my Siemens Master Programmer and BMS Operator Certs. And lose 40 more pounds.....
Resolution: Find a new job that pays close to what I used to make, as soon as the Glenlivet from tonight wears off....
2017 was a good year for me. My complaints are few. As for new year resolutions, I don't make then because I think they are dumb. If you feel motivated to make a positive change in your life, then just go out and do it whether it's July or April or January. You don't need to wait for a special day. New year resolutions are a way to pre-justify failure to achieve goals: There's no real expectation that a new year resolution will be achieved, so no one thinks less of you when you fail. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
While I don't do New Year's Resolutions anymore, for all the reasons already outlined, I do use the time to make goals for the year which I am far more likely to at least attempt. It's an arbitrary beginning point, but a beginning point none-the-less. 2017 had its ups and downs, but was better than the previous couple of years, primarily due to change in job. 2018 goals will center around debt, getting out with the family on actual vacations more and committing to writing more often. No promises on a book but I'll be writing more at least.
I'll eat ribs and caviar, sip some fine aged whiskey, shoot a few fireworks, play my guitar, and sit around the house in my Sasquatch house slippers and flannel pajamas, writing.
We don't 'do' New Years owing to being too many damn drunks driving around town. We do watch some TV, wait until WWIII is over (fireworks are illegal here) and then hit the rack. We will get up and watch the Rose parade and maybe the game. No, I'm not old, its just that much of what passes for 'entertainment' on New Years just doesn't appeal to me. (Edit to add) My resolutions are pretty standard - continue to lose weight and hope I live to see all the grand-kids again. In the maybe column Try to boost my CW speed Spend more time out in the camper seeing how many folks I can work on HF Try even harder to spoil my DW, always fun to try....
Love reading novels written by our members. If you need someone to read the rough draft, pick me! But seriously, good luck and DRK is a really good author so you have a wonderful mentor.
Resolutions are nothing more than promises we could normally keep at any time. We ought to be good to each other and value our time. We ought to show the evil minded exactly how love and goodness overpowers them every time. We ought to remind people of their true potential, lift them up, hold them to a higher standard instead of being defeated and angry. But perhaps next year...something will happen.
When I was 17, my best friend and I decided to hang out at my house and stay off the many drunks on New Years. At some point that evening, mom ask us to run to the market about 10 minutes away for something. We were going down the main street towards the market, when a car shot out from a side street.... without stopping, and T-boned us on the drivers side. They hit us hard enough to push us over the curb and wrap a telephone pole. I smacked the passenger window with my head, breaking the glass. Cops arrested the driver for DUI, and his three fellow partiers walked away as they were to drunk to drive also. We totaled a great old Buick Riviera and of course, the guy was uninsured. We ended up walking home from the accident...... I don't have any interest in New Years parties to this day..... oh well. I hope that next year is better than this year...... no resolutions needed.